Andrew Ramirez – The Worst Case Scenario – October 2022 Interview

SDM: How old were you when you started playing?

Andrew: I was maybe around 12 when I officially started playing. Before then, I had a drum kit in my room that I would mess around with, but I didn’t start taking lessons until middle school. I didn’t start playing extreme drums until maybe about four years ago (current year 2022 lol).

SDM: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Andrew: I completely failed my drum corps tryouts, haha, so sadly, no to that. I was, however, in band all of middle school and high school, taking lessons throughout. I honestly wasn’t really any good until I got into drumline in high school, where I started practicing way harder and more often. The teacher we had really pushed me to improve and knew I could continue with it if I wanted to.

SDM: Who are your top 5 metal influences?

Andrew: It’s hard to choose the “top” 5, but if I had to be happy with a list:

  • Inferno
  • Alex “Grind” Pelletier
  • Lille Gruber
  • Trey Williams
  • Flo Mounier

SDM: Who are some of your other favorites?

Andrew: Jon Rice, Alex Rudinger, Spencer Prewett, Matt Garstka, John Longstreth, Mike Caputo, Dave Lombardo, Trevor Scott, Marco Pitruzzella, Lee Stanton, Austin Archey, and too many more to name! 

SDM: Let us know five bands in your current personal rotation.

Andrew: This changes every week, lol; I’ve updated this three times now. But as of right now, it’s Disentomb, Crown Magnetar, Lorna Shore, Archspire, and Prophecy (TX)   

SDM: What do you do to warm up before a show?

Andrew: I try to do a lot of single strokes to a metronome at different tempos before our set. Kinda get myself prepped for certain tempos. I have been wanting to dial in a better warm-up routine for myself to do before shows, but in the past here recently, having my pedals off stage and a pad to practice on really helps. 

I’ll usually warm up doing that or regular snare exercises, then I’ll run through any of the tricky parts in the set, like certain songs or fills, until I feel comfortable enough with my preparation. 

I usually try to have a moment alone afterward. I try to get myself in the mindset of thinking about nothing but drums, especially if something has been weighing on my mind or if my day has been rough! I know if my mind is anywhere else, but on the kit when I’m up there, I’ll mess up waaaaay too much! 


SDM: Do you read music? Regardless of answering yes or no, please tell us how it might have affected your playing.

Andrew: Yes, I do read music. That alone hasn’t propelled my playing a crazy amount, but I feel like it helped me be able to visualize rhythm and note value a lot easier and helped me get down some tougher techniques such as polyrhythms. 

SDM: Can you tell us about the gear you use?

Andrew: I’m currently using six pieces of this eight-piece sound percussion kit I’ve had for the past nine years. I’m definitely planning on purchasing a brand new kit this year, but so far, it’s what I’ve been using at every gig I’ve played. 

I’ve been using Meinl cymbals for the past three years, usually the customs, both darks and classics. I’ve also been a fan of the Sabian AAXs as well! Most likely, my next additions 

Remo drum heads

ProMark sticks 

I’ve been using Trick pedals for the past year and triggering those with a Roland RT-30K trigger and TM-2 Module.

I’m not endorsed by any of these companies. However, they have just been a preference to me recently, mainly for the quality and what my budget has allowed me. 

SDM: If you could give one piece of advice to younger drummers, it would be…

Andrew: It’s tough to pick out one single piece of advice, but personally, I would say, play as much as you can! 

It, of course, is important to focus on the techniques and everything to be able to get the instrument down, and depending on what you want to do, you may want to focus on that way more. But at the end of the day, you’ll need to spend time on it. Whether you’re trying to become the greatest drummer ever or just playing to play, it will take time to accomplish any of it. Even people who seem “naturally gifted,” I promise they’ve been behind closed doors putting in the work. 

So make sure you enjoy it too! Because if you do, you’ll spend more time playing, which will only help you get better! And then you’ll have more fun playing and, in turn, keep spending more time playing, and it’ll just cycle, and you’ll find yourself doing things you didn’t think you could do! 

When you do enjoy it, you’re always going to look back and wish you had played more. No matter what, I promise. Don’t take music for granted. It’s an unbelievable thing we’re able to be a part of, it can be so much more than just sound. There are not many other things in life I can say would be worth spending time over playing music, so go find some music you like, and just go play! 

SDM: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Andrew: I don’t know that’s a super hard one to answer, haha. So many bands in the extreme metal genre give unbelievable performances. Rivers of Nihil had one of the tightest performances I’ve seen; the musicianship with them is insane.  I remember specifically the first time I saw Crown Magnetar live, It was by far the most I’ve been scared for my life during a set, haha; the music translated so well live, so that one holds a place in my head.

SDM: Aside from drumming, what else do you like to do?

Andrew: I also play guitar for a good amount of my time. I write a lot for my own band and have always loved playing just as much as drums ever since I got into it. I love learning songs that I think have sick riffs or great melodies, and I have an easier time being creative with the guitar than I do drums, so I spend more time playing that instead when I’m looking to write. 

Aside from playing music, I’m probably working, watching YouTube videos, anime, gear videos, live concerts, or something. I game a good amount too! Hit me up if any of you guys want to carry me in some Apex Legends matches or play some Sea of Thieves; I need more friends on there, haha.

Andrew’s Links:

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