Page 68 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 68
moores cntd. I use two feet to blast. It seems drummers have
found ways to justify using one-foot blasts, when
to me it all spawned from showing off. When being I like my snare drum head tight for two reasons. Number one being the response I get from it being tight,
or the rebound of the stick. Number two I like the snare sound to be a crack or shattering of the apposing
With the members of Deprecated in other touring trained on drums, it was always very important to bass drums under it. I prefer the actual snares to be loose enough to have enough life to know it s a snare,
bands, we had to treat this recording as a project trade off, or to utilize both limbs. I can see a one but not too loose to rattle on and on well after the initial impact. If I m using a Remo Ambassador on my 14
between projects. During the recording of the foot blast being necessary MAYBE in a situation snare, I use a dampening ring in conjunction to deaden the unwanted ringing . The snare is supposed to be
strings, Derek and Terrance would practice, and with odd timing, but even then I try to be able to a short lived sound, unique to its purpose.
record almost daily to get it done before they were follow into the next section leading with either foot,
pulled away for Suffocation. Matt being on the west or turn it around at the end of the tricky section to
coast was sent video tab to rehearse to, and he was have your lead foot available when it s needed. SDM: Do you think the size of your snare affects the velocity of your blast beats?
able to send back his tracks really quickly. These
guys are all professionals in their respective paths, The size of a drum will always affect the velocity of any strike intended. The larger the drum, the more loosely
so them being able to play the material was never a SDM: What kind of double bass technique(s) do the drum head will hang in the center of the drum. The more loose the head, the more sluggish the response
question of rehearsals, but one of simply laying the you use? Such as swivel etc... or rebound of the stick. So yes, larger drums make for slower velocity in my opinion.
riffs in front of them. For myself, with the recording
of Engulfing Delusions now underway, I practice When playing double bass, I try to use the most
2 to 3 times a week in order to keep the project efficient method possible, and for me that s using SDM: What sort(s) of gripping technique do you use?
running as smoothly as possible. the smallest portion of the leg as the main fulcrum,
the ankle. I don t swivel or do any of those things.
Although many drummers have gotten good at bad When training in marching band, I played an instrument that required I focus on the Match Grip . This being
the more common grip on most marching drums other than the snare drum, which may be approached with
SDM: What blast beat method do you use? technique, I try to adhere to my training. the Traditional Grip . I ve seen jazz drummers and studio drummers like Thomas Lang use the traditional
grip to ludicrous speeds, but it was never a focus of mine to learn.
There are a few that I use. The standard Blast
Beat , or what I used to call a Charge , introduced SDM: How do you advise drummers build up their
to me by Mike Smith via Effigy Of The Forgotten. If endurance and speed? What did you do personally
he actually was the first to use it, I have no idea. for yourself to enhance both of these areas?
The Grind , which I used to call the Off-Set
Blast, introduced to me from hearing Orphans Of I m really not an authority on drumming when
Sickness by Gorguts. The Double bass Blast speed is concerned. When playing singles on your
kindly bestowed to us by Paul Mazurkiewicz of bass drums, keeping the swing of the beater small,
Cannibal Corpse. And finally the Double Bass and having a controlled twitch of the muscle seems
Grind which I believe Dave Culross may have to be the way. These days the real speed is when
probably rocked first. A few parts on Deriding His drummers conquer the doubles technique. The
Creation have rudiments on the bass drums under- method I used when learning it was the heal toe
neath the hands, and when writing the material for movement. It takes quite a bit of time and practice,
Engulfing Delusions back in 1999, I utilized multiple but it ensures the fastest double bass. When the
rudiments on my feet under the blasts, or grinds. hands are concerned, I like to use a pillow to warm
up on instead of a practice pad. The pillow has no
bounce or rebound of the stick, so that makes you
SDM: What are you kick pedals set at? learn complete control of the stick in the delivery
and return aspects, plus it builds up your forearms
My Iron Cobra Springs are set pretty much maxed for speed.
out as far as tightness goes, but the swing is set
pretty far back. I like a heavy hit with my pedals.
SDM: What sort of tension do you have on your
snare? Do you use MoonGel or anything else on
SDM: Do you blast with one foot? If so, how did you your snare? What size is your snare?
learn this technique?
68 69
found ways to justify using one-foot blasts, when
to me it all spawned from showing off. When being I like my snare drum head tight for two reasons. Number one being the response I get from it being tight,
or the rebound of the stick. Number two I like the snare sound to be a crack or shattering of the apposing
With the members of Deprecated in other touring trained on drums, it was always very important to bass drums under it. I prefer the actual snares to be loose enough to have enough life to know it s a snare,
bands, we had to treat this recording as a project trade off, or to utilize both limbs. I can see a one but not too loose to rattle on and on well after the initial impact. If I m using a Remo Ambassador on my 14
between projects. During the recording of the foot blast being necessary MAYBE in a situation snare, I use a dampening ring in conjunction to deaden the unwanted ringing . The snare is supposed to be
strings, Derek and Terrance would practice, and with odd timing, but even then I try to be able to a short lived sound, unique to its purpose.
record almost daily to get it done before they were follow into the next section leading with either foot,
pulled away for Suffocation. Matt being on the west or turn it around at the end of the tricky section to
coast was sent video tab to rehearse to, and he was have your lead foot available when it s needed. SDM: Do you think the size of your snare affects the velocity of your blast beats?
able to send back his tracks really quickly. These
guys are all professionals in their respective paths, The size of a drum will always affect the velocity of any strike intended. The larger the drum, the more loosely
so them being able to play the material was never a SDM: What kind of double bass technique(s) do the drum head will hang in the center of the drum. The more loose the head, the more sluggish the response
question of rehearsals, but one of simply laying the you use? Such as swivel etc... or rebound of the stick. So yes, larger drums make for slower velocity in my opinion.
riffs in front of them. For myself, with the recording
of Engulfing Delusions now underway, I practice When playing double bass, I try to use the most
2 to 3 times a week in order to keep the project efficient method possible, and for me that s using SDM: What sort(s) of gripping technique do you use?
running as smoothly as possible. the smallest portion of the leg as the main fulcrum,
the ankle. I don t swivel or do any of those things.
Although many drummers have gotten good at bad When training in marching band, I played an instrument that required I focus on the Match Grip . This being
the more common grip on most marching drums other than the snare drum, which may be approached with
SDM: What blast beat method do you use? technique, I try to adhere to my training. the Traditional Grip . I ve seen jazz drummers and studio drummers like Thomas Lang use the traditional
grip to ludicrous speeds, but it was never a focus of mine to learn.
There are a few that I use. The standard Blast
Beat , or what I used to call a Charge , introduced SDM: How do you advise drummers build up their
to me by Mike Smith via Effigy Of The Forgotten. If endurance and speed? What did you do personally
he actually was the first to use it, I have no idea. for yourself to enhance both of these areas?
The Grind , which I used to call the Off-Set
Blast, introduced to me from hearing Orphans Of I m really not an authority on drumming when
Sickness by Gorguts. The Double bass Blast speed is concerned. When playing singles on your
kindly bestowed to us by Paul Mazurkiewicz of bass drums, keeping the swing of the beater small,
Cannibal Corpse. And finally the Double Bass and having a controlled twitch of the muscle seems
Grind which I believe Dave Culross may have to be the way. These days the real speed is when
probably rocked first. A few parts on Deriding His drummers conquer the doubles technique. The
Creation have rudiments on the bass drums under- method I used when learning it was the heal toe
neath the hands, and when writing the material for movement. It takes quite a bit of time and practice,
Engulfing Delusions back in 1999, I utilized multiple but it ensures the fastest double bass. When the
rudiments on my feet under the blasts, or grinds. hands are concerned, I like to use a pillow to warm
up on instead of a practice pad. The pillow has no
bounce or rebound of the stick, so that makes you
SDM: What are you kick pedals set at? learn complete control of the stick in the delivery
and return aspects, plus it builds up your forearms
My Iron Cobra Springs are set pretty much maxed for speed.
out as far as tightness goes, but the swing is set
pretty far back. I like a heavy hit with my pedals.
SDM: What sort of tension do you have on your
snare? Do you use MoonGel or anything else on
SDM: Do you blast with one foot? If so, how did you your snare? What size is your snare?
learn this technique?
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