Page 66 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 66
moores cntd.

SDM: How were the drums tracked, what kind of Like anything else, being fortunate enough to use I own a traditional acoustic 9-piece Pearl Export
gear? How did you create the drum parts for the the right tool for a job is a basic requirement that Pro that I used for the recording of Deriding His
SDM: How long did it take you to track the drums, new album and wow long did it take to track? assists in perfecting your craft. The pedal that Creation. 20 kicks, Mounted Toms - 10 , 12 ,
and were you happy with the final product? flows with the natural mobility of my feet, ankles 13 , 14 and the floors are 16 & 18 . I use Remo
I used the Pearl drum set I mentioned before and and legs during my performance is essential. For Pinstripe heads on the toms with weather stripping
Tom Gingell recorded the original drum tracks for tracked to ADAT. I recorded to a scratch track laid example, although in the past I have owned the lining the inside of the head much like a snare ring
Deriding His Creation at Moon Studios in 1998. down by John Remmen, the guitarist on the album. popular Axis pedals, they to me are so light that for proper dampening, and Pinstripes on the Bass
Back then, studios were still in the standard of When creating the drum parts for Deriding, I would maintaining the more moderate tempos can prove drums as well. I ve owned many snare drums over
recording analog, and we figured what you went at times create a drumbeat first that I liked that we difficult. For me, the heavier Tama Iron Cobra the years, but my favorite is my 14 Pearl Floating
in with performance wise, you came out with as would right a riff to accommodate. More often than pedals have a more pronounced swing that feels Lug 6-ply Maple shell piccolo. I use a Remo Falam
your product. We were a bit naïve in regards to not, when we wrote the riffs, I would really take my more natural to my needs. head with the top coating pealed off exposing the
the option of editing our tracks at the time, so the time in thinking of a part that would not so much raw Kevlar weave. I use Tama Iron Cobra Single
original EP basically was a pressed live recording. be straight forward, but would dance around the bass drum pedals with the axis sonic hammer
With all the rehearsing, I laid my tracks literally in riffs original intentions. If you were to hear the riffs SDM: How do you practice? beaters, and Danmar click pads on the bass drum
about 2-3 hours tops. At the time we were just kids alone you would see that they from their concep- heads. I have a mix of Zildjian and Sabian cymbals.
pleased to be able to share our rendition of what we tion did not always have odd time signatures. Well, I like to concentrate on technique for a good 14 A Custom Hats, 16 and two 17 crashes, a
considered heavy to whoever would want to, or be odd for the time. Back when they were written, they half hour before moving into actually rehearsing 20 Z Custom Hand Hammered Zildjian Ride, and
willing to sit through a death metal EP, so we were were odd because they weren t cemented to the my songs. One thing I learned in drum line was a 19 Custom Zildjian China. I ve used all types of
pleased with the product, and it sold fairly well. standard 4/4 time signature. Then as death metal to be mindful of efficiency. One way to obtain drumsticks and to this day, I have not settled on

progressed, no time signature was left unexploited. efficiency is to start very slowly in any execution one that I use for more than a year or two. Right
As stated earlier in the interview, I believe it took and gradually increase the tempo. This allows your now I m using Vater Fusion nylon tip, and Vic Firth
SDM: Did you record the drums to a click track me about 2-3 hours to record my tracks. muscles to learn proper movement at all tempos, SD2 Bolero. For the recording of our LP Engulfing
in the studio? Do you find playing to a click track ensuring that little is left to chance or forced when Delusions, I will be recording with my
challenging? performing the songs. Roland TD-20 Electronic Drum set. I ve managed
SDM: How do you prepare yourself before a show to piece together enough pads and cymbals to
Honestly I had never even heard of a click track and recording? replicate my acoustic drum set.
until a few years after recording the EP, that being SDM: Did you ever take drum lessons? Do you play
said I definitely would have, had I been aware Beyond the obvious long rehearsals spent any other instrument? Can you read music like drum
of it as an option. Playing to a click keeps every- perfecting and scrutinizing my performance, I like notation or guitar tab? SDM: Do you have any touring planned for your
thing lined up, and is easy to understand why it s to be limber and comfortable on my drums. To latest release and if so with who and where?
the standard. But in recent years the click has to actualize this I stretch for a good 5-10 minutes. I starting taking lessons as early as 11 years old I
me, grown into this megalithic abomination that Whether it is a show, recording or a rehearsal, I believe, but at that point it was the basics, learning With the majority of its members in full time touring
rules modern death metal with a cold grip, in turn always approach my instrument having stretched rudiments, how to read notation, and how to count bands, Terrance and Derek in Suffocation, Matt in
rendering it a bit sterile and lifeless. Death metal my entire body. After stretching, I usually move time signatures. It was really boring to me until I Decrepit Birth, regretfully it would prove difficult for
fans at times gather up in arms at the idea of through some warm up exercises that I learned heard Tim Alexander in Primus, and realized I really Deprecated to plan and execute tours or shows at
digital drum sets, or sound replacing because of while in high school marching band. Once my hands needed a full drum set. I took drum set lessons this time. Shows in the near future may prove to be
it being non human , but the idea of drummers are warm, I use the same exercises to warm up my for around 2 years, but what really set my love for an option, we will see.
being human metronomes without editing goes feet, then I incorporate those exercises between my drumming ablaze was my 4 years spent in high
unnoticed, or they turn a blind eye. I suppose it s hands and my feet to gain focus, and finally I play school marching band. Drum line was very militant
the limit in which they are willing to accommodate the exercises with both hands and feet simultane- in its approach and expectations were set very SDM: Does the band get to practice at all?
for a polished product, but also one in which they ously until they are comfortably synchronized. By high for each musician. Drum line taught me to
now demand. It s the small wavering of timing and that time I m pretty limber and warm enough to read percussion notation, which includes anything
the tiny out of sync increments that the human perform. written for piano because it was expected of each
element adds as proof that a human did indeed musician to be capable of playing not only marching
perform this. With clicks and ultra editing, its put instruments, but all concert interments as well.
engineers on the reverse roll of having too polished SDM: How important are your kick pedals to your
a product, and having to make the drummer sound playing?
as if he were human. So yes, I like clicks, to an SDM: What kind of gear do you use?

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