Page 71 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 71
SDM: How did you come up with the opening fill together in many ways for years. I can hang with
for the T & N song Empire ? What exactly are you those guys as bros cuz it s a familiar hang. But
playing? that s normal, the more you work with people, the
more you are comfy. I also was sort of writing the
When Jeff Pilson and I were recording the drums drum parts with the guys on the spot. Jeff and I
at my house, we both agreed that this particular work fast and I think we start on the same page.
song needed a blazing drum intro. So I just started It s just a matter of who wants something partic-
making it up and it became what it is. I m glad that ular more than the other. If someone really wants
the first single has this in it cuz I don t do enough something a certain way, then I ll do it. Same goes
blazing drummer stuff. I am starting a band for George, but I think George sort of doesn t mind
for that sole purpose; to try to do a whole record sitting back and letting Jeff and I go for it. But it s
pushing myself.. I have some ideas for it and I hope fun with them, and we went into T&N with the idea
it s out next year. Anyhow, this intro is just basic of us all of contributing to the big picture with no
two hand/ two feet stuff. It s either RL or RLRL real leader, even though those two are the main
with the hands and only ever RL with the feet. But guys..
there is a bit of a rhythmic melody line, if you
will, created between the snare and toms. With Don, he called me and asked me to play
drums on the record. Dokken and Lynch Mob had
done a show or two together, but we hadn t met.
SDM: What was like playing with Jeff Pilson and When I get called to play on a record, all I care
George for T & N? about is making the artist/ band / writer happy. No
small talk matters unless they are happy. I did the
Terrible! They are slave drivers! That s where the majority of the Dokken record in two days and then
title of the record came from! I was the slave in finished a couple tracks the next month. Don was
their empire!! HAHA!! No no! Don t take that quote totally cool. He knew what he wanted and all I can
out of context! I am joking. they are my bros! We ask for is that he is happy with the final product. He
all live near each other and sadly, I haven t seen had demos with drum machine ideas and then we d
enough of them this year. I miss them! (a tear just talk about how close he wanted me to stick to them.
fell from eye ) Jeff is awesome, he s non-stop and Sometimes I did, and other times he d explain
super musical, patient, and hyper all at once. We another idea to go for. I just try to get that idea
OFF-BEAT INTERVIEW got to know each other a lot better when we did going. He did ask me to join the band that same
year so I guess he wouldn t have if I had sucked in
Foreigner together. I can say enough great stuff
BRIANTICHY BY: NOEL SMART that s why he is involved in records from T&N, and
the studio! haha..
about him! He s a true well rounded musician and
Foreigner, to Adler and Starship and Kill Devil Hill.
SDM: What was it like filming T & N Slave to the
George is George. He s my bud, but he will always
also be the guitar hero dude I sat in high school
trying to cop his licks from off of Dokken records. Empire video? What kind of sticks are you using?
ex whitesnake/billy idol Him being him usually has me laughing all the Once again, it was the worst! I had to deal with
being the slave in Jeff and George s Empire!! Haha!
time.. He s also a workaholic and I admire both of
them for being top cats at all they do!!! NO! It was totally cool. They explained what they
were gonna do, and it seemed like a logical thing to
create a camouflage kit! We all put on the Road
SDM: What s the difference in playing on Dokken s Warrior type outfits and before we filmed, we
Broken bones album and T & N Slave to the took to the streets in a Geo Metro with the outfits
Empire ? What s the chemistry like between you on, screaming and shooting fake guns in the air
and Don? How about your chemistry with Lynch and and running people off the road and being the town
Jeff Pilson? bullies.. we avoided the SWAT team, helicopters,
and the local news teams! We escaped, hid in the
The difference is that I have tighter ties with Jeff studio and filmed the video the rest of the day!
and George that run deeper as we ve played haha.. kidding!...
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for the T & N song Empire ? What exactly are you those guys as bros cuz it s a familiar hang. But
playing? that s normal, the more you work with people, the
more you are comfy. I also was sort of writing the
When Jeff Pilson and I were recording the drums drum parts with the guys on the spot. Jeff and I
at my house, we both agreed that this particular work fast and I think we start on the same page.
song needed a blazing drum intro. So I just started It s just a matter of who wants something partic-
making it up and it became what it is. I m glad that ular more than the other. If someone really wants
the first single has this in it cuz I don t do enough something a certain way, then I ll do it. Same goes
blazing drummer stuff. I am starting a band for George, but I think George sort of doesn t mind
for that sole purpose; to try to do a whole record sitting back and letting Jeff and I go for it. But it s
pushing myself.. I have some ideas for it and I hope fun with them, and we went into T&N with the idea
it s out next year. Anyhow, this intro is just basic of us all of contributing to the big picture with no
two hand/ two feet stuff. It s either RL or RLRL real leader, even though those two are the main
with the hands and only ever RL with the feet. But guys..
there is a bit of a rhythmic melody line, if you
will, created between the snare and toms. With Don, he called me and asked me to play
drums on the record. Dokken and Lynch Mob had
done a show or two together, but we hadn t met.
SDM: What was like playing with Jeff Pilson and When I get called to play on a record, all I care
George for T & N? about is making the artist/ band / writer happy. No
small talk matters unless they are happy. I did the
Terrible! They are slave drivers! That s where the majority of the Dokken record in two days and then
title of the record came from! I was the slave in finished a couple tracks the next month. Don was
their empire!! HAHA!! No no! Don t take that quote totally cool. He knew what he wanted and all I can
out of context! I am joking. they are my bros! We ask for is that he is happy with the final product. He
all live near each other and sadly, I haven t seen had demos with drum machine ideas and then we d
enough of them this year. I miss them! (a tear just talk about how close he wanted me to stick to them.
fell from eye ) Jeff is awesome, he s non-stop and Sometimes I did, and other times he d explain
super musical, patient, and hyper all at once. We another idea to go for. I just try to get that idea
OFF-BEAT INTERVIEW got to know each other a lot better when we did going. He did ask me to join the band that same
year so I guess he wouldn t have if I had sucked in
Foreigner together. I can say enough great stuff
BRIANTICHY BY: NOEL SMART that s why he is involved in records from T&N, and
the studio! haha..
about him! He s a true well rounded musician and
Foreigner, to Adler and Starship and Kill Devil Hill.
SDM: What was it like filming T & N Slave to the
George is George. He s my bud, but he will always
also be the guitar hero dude I sat in high school
trying to cop his licks from off of Dokken records. Empire video? What kind of sticks are you using?
ex whitesnake/billy idol Him being him usually has me laughing all the Once again, it was the worst! I had to deal with
being the slave in Jeff and George s Empire!! Haha!
time.. He s also a workaholic and I admire both of
them for being top cats at all they do!!! NO! It was totally cool. They explained what they
were gonna do, and it seemed like a logical thing to
create a camouflage kit! We all put on the Road
SDM: What s the difference in playing on Dokken s Warrior type outfits and before we filmed, we
Broken bones album and T & N Slave to the took to the streets in a Geo Metro with the outfits
Empire ? What s the chemistry like between you on, screaming and shooting fake guns in the air
and Don? How about your chemistry with Lynch and and running people off the road and being the town
Jeff Pilson? bullies.. we avoided the SWAT team, helicopters,
and the local news teams! We escaped, hid in the
The difference is that I have tighter ties with Jeff studio and filmed the video the rest of the day!
and George that run deeper as we ve played haha.. kidding!...
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