Page 65 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 65
For the recording of Deriding His Creation we mic d
everything and also used Ddrum triggers on the My main drumming influences are really the same
bass drums. Triggering drums can be tricky in the today as when I first started playing death metal.
sense that if done well, should go unnoticed by the The first death metal drummer I ever heard and
listener by simply keeping velocities to a constant still one of my favorites was Sean Reinert on
level but sounding natural. If done improperly, the Death Human . Not only was I blown away by his
drums will sound lifeless and two-dimensional. technique, but his ability to school the death metal
I like to go to shows to see if the drummers that standard in ways of telling a story through his
sound inhuman on disc can actually pull the parts performance, instead of a Neanderthal approach
live. Triggers live, do not lie, and with this rule and writing with aggression as your only tool.
comes a new standard of drummer.
My favorite Death Metal Drummer to this day is
Stéphane Provencher, the original drummer for
SDM: What band or drummer might have influ- Gorguts. With the defiling of death metal through
enced you on your latest recording? the idea that speed is king, flavor and style has
been completely forgotten and leaves no room for
I think when pointed out, it will be obvious drummers like Stéphane. Back in the day of brutal
that there were a few bands that without their death metal, the point was to write the tastiest,
influence, Deprecated would have never been. heaviest music possible, and that is what the
All the members of Deprecated were friends well original Gorguts line up were gods at achieving.
before making the group, and like all death metal Stéphane had a way of keeping the listener at bay
musicians, started out as die hard fans. with a simple drumbeat that would allow for the
My order of influence based on longevity, and guitar riffs to be the main focus of attention one
impact. moment, and then exploding with the exact amount
of ferocity that was needed to create a beast of a
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 1. Gorguts - I m talking about the original Gorguts section still unmatched today. He had something
that little to no drummers in death metal today
though, Considered Dead and Erosion Of
TORREYMOORES same in any manner. called for. Drumming like his is like a well-timed
have which is patience to stand out only when
Sanity line-up. New material is good, but not the
line from an actor. If today s drummers were actors
2. Pyrexia - Sermon Of Mockery.
everybody would be stepping on each others toes
Death metal doesn t get much heavier than this
album. and the message would be lost.
deprecated To keep this short, I ll just say that there were
especially the guitar tracks being so thin, fuzzy and 3. Suffocation - All Albums. many other death metal drummers that had a huge
impact on me. A few of these drummers are Alex
drowned out in the mix. With the goal of revamping 4. Infernal Torment - Mans True Nature. You can Marquez (best fills in the business), Mike Smith,
the EP in motion, Terrance, Derek and Matt began
SDM: Where did you record Deprecated s latest recording the guitar and bass tracks in our homes hear the influence this album had, especially in our Mike Andrejko, Dave Culross, John Longstrength
album Deriding His Creation? in New York, and California. Once completed, we song Mentally Deprived. (for being a wall of calculated lawless cohesion
looked to Zack Ohren of Castle Ultimate Studios that I think only drummers can truly appreciate) Bill
Engineer Tom Gingell originally recorded Deriding to mix and master not only the freshly recorded 5. Disgorge Demo - and She Lay Gutted. I Tolley etc. etc. I can go on for days.
His Creation in 1998 at Moon Studios in Los Osos guitar and bass tracks, but to bring back to life the couldn t leave these guys out, they have been a big
California, and the drum tracks recorded there 13-year-old drum tracks that needed to hold up next influence of ours since we were in high school, and Outside of the death metal niche I would say my
were used for the EP s re-release. Erik Lindmark to the new string section tracks. We think Zack did have been our friends for many years. There were favorite drumming is literally the most talent I ve
recommended Tom as a viable choice as having just an outstanding job in helping us achieve the sound tons of bands that added their influence, but I just ever seen on a drum set, Shedding by Gospel
finished recording Deeds of Flesh. At the time we we had always wanted for Deriding His Creation. kept it to a select few that came to mind. Drummers. If you haven t heard of this, and you re
were pleased with our production, even though zero taking the time to read this interview, you will
editing was done, and little to no time was utilized appreciate their talent. Check out Eric Moore, Aaron
on the actual mix. Over the years we spoke of our SDM: Do you use triggers in the studio or live? SDM: Who are some of your main drumming influ- Spears, or Thomas Pridgen, too ridiculous for
dissatisfaction of certain aspects of the product, What s your opinion on triggers and drum modules? ences today and back when you first started? Do words.
you listen to different styles of music outside of the
metal realm?
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For the recording of Deriding His Creation we mic d
everything and also used Ddrum triggers on the My main drumming influences are really the same
bass drums. Triggering drums can be tricky in the today as when I first started playing death metal.
sense that if done well, should go unnoticed by the The first death metal drummer I ever heard and
listener by simply keeping velocities to a constant still one of my favorites was Sean Reinert on
level but sounding natural. If done improperly, the Death Human . Not only was I blown away by his
drums will sound lifeless and two-dimensional. technique, but his ability to school the death metal
I like to go to shows to see if the drummers that standard in ways of telling a story through his
sound inhuman on disc can actually pull the parts performance, instead of a Neanderthal approach
live. Triggers live, do not lie, and with this rule and writing with aggression as your only tool.
comes a new standard of drummer.
My favorite Death Metal Drummer to this day is
Stéphane Provencher, the original drummer for
SDM: What band or drummer might have influ- Gorguts. With the defiling of death metal through
enced you on your latest recording? the idea that speed is king, flavor and style has
been completely forgotten and leaves no room for
I think when pointed out, it will be obvious drummers like Stéphane. Back in the day of brutal
that there were a few bands that without their death metal, the point was to write the tastiest,
influence, Deprecated would have never been. heaviest music possible, and that is what the
All the members of Deprecated were friends well original Gorguts line up were gods at achieving.
before making the group, and like all death metal Stéphane had a way of keeping the listener at bay
musicians, started out as die hard fans. with a simple drumbeat that would allow for the
My order of influence based on longevity, and guitar riffs to be the main focus of attention one
impact. moment, and then exploding with the exact amount
of ferocity that was needed to create a beast of a
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 1. Gorguts - I m talking about the original Gorguts section still unmatched today. He had something
that little to no drummers in death metal today
though, Considered Dead and Erosion Of
TORREYMOORES same in any manner. called for. Drumming like his is like a well-timed
have which is patience to stand out only when
Sanity line-up. New material is good, but not the
line from an actor. If today s drummers were actors
2. Pyrexia - Sermon Of Mockery.
everybody would be stepping on each others toes
Death metal doesn t get much heavier than this
album. and the message would be lost.
deprecated To keep this short, I ll just say that there were
especially the guitar tracks being so thin, fuzzy and 3. Suffocation - All Albums. many other death metal drummers that had a huge
impact on me. A few of these drummers are Alex
drowned out in the mix. With the goal of revamping 4. Infernal Torment - Mans True Nature. You can Marquez (best fills in the business), Mike Smith,
the EP in motion, Terrance, Derek and Matt began
SDM: Where did you record Deprecated s latest recording the guitar and bass tracks in our homes hear the influence this album had, especially in our Mike Andrejko, Dave Culross, John Longstrength
album Deriding His Creation? in New York, and California. Once completed, we song Mentally Deprived. (for being a wall of calculated lawless cohesion
looked to Zack Ohren of Castle Ultimate Studios that I think only drummers can truly appreciate) Bill
Engineer Tom Gingell originally recorded Deriding to mix and master not only the freshly recorded 5. Disgorge Demo - and She Lay Gutted. I Tolley etc. etc. I can go on for days.
His Creation in 1998 at Moon Studios in Los Osos guitar and bass tracks, but to bring back to life the couldn t leave these guys out, they have been a big
California, and the drum tracks recorded there 13-year-old drum tracks that needed to hold up next influence of ours since we were in high school, and Outside of the death metal niche I would say my
were used for the EP s re-release. Erik Lindmark to the new string section tracks. We think Zack did have been our friends for many years. There were favorite drumming is literally the most talent I ve
recommended Tom as a viable choice as having just an outstanding job in helping us achieve the sound tons of bands that added their influence, but I just ever seen on a drum set, Shedding by Gospel
finished recording Deeds of Flesh. At the time we we had always wanted for Deriding His Creation. kept it to a select few that came to mind. Drummers. If you haven t heard of this, and you re
were pleased with our production, even though zero taking the time to read this interview, you will
editing was done, and little to no time was utilized appreciate their talent. Check out Eric Moore, Aaron
on the actual mix. Over the years we spoke of our SDM: Do you use triggers in the studio or live? SDM: Who are some of your main drumming influ- Spears, or Thomas Pridgen, too ridiculous for
dissatisfaction of certain aspects of the product, What s your opinion on triggers and drum modules? ences today and back when you first started? Do words.
you listen to different styles of music outside of the
metal realm?
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