Evan Shubrooks


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Evan Shubrooks



My name is Evan Shubrooks, I’m 16 and I’ve been drumming for the past 6 years, going on 7 pretty soon. I was brought up around drumming since I could understand it. My dad played in a local jazz band throughtout the late 80’s and early 90’s so I picked up the drumming skills pretty fast. I never took drum lessons, I developed all my styles and techniques on my own.  I originally grew up jamming on  a slingerland drumset, and thats what I was brought up on, til 2004 when I ordered a pearl session custom. It’s a beauty. Since I started taking drumming seriously, I’ve had the intent to put a death metal/metal/thrash band together and thats what I achieved. In october of 2003 myself and 2 of my friends started a basement band which now is known as “Shot To Pieces”.  Since 2003 we’ve added and lost some members, but right now it’s a good lineup for a kickass show. We recently just were signed and are writing new songs for our full length album, which we hope to record this summer! I’im working my butt off to get some crazy drumming together for it, it’s alot of work.


Since 2003 I’ve been listening to Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, All Shall Perish, Shadows Fall, and a lot of other in your face metal. As of then I’ve had a double bass pedal, which in my area is considered my ” signature” drum technique, because I always get compliments on my footwork. Since 2003 I’ve stuck with the same band, but practiced with a few other local bands. My goal is to get as far as I can with my band then hopefully take that on the road or go and find another big band. I am aiming to get into a signed metal band sometime when im 18, start doing national touring and all…

Evan Shubrooks Interview:



SD.com: How old were you when you started playing?

Evan: Since my dad was a drummer, i pretty much played my whole life, but i started taking it seriously and practicing everyday and worked with a band since i was 10.

SD.com: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Evan: No. I’m not one for school bands, I enjoy my own style and not having to be instructed on what to play, I like to sit down and let me hands and feet do what they want to do.

SD.com: Ever take any lessons?

Evan: Nope. I’ve taught myself ever since I started, just by listening to albums and playing that or playing along to records or cds, now I just sit down and improve something little by little each day.



SD.com: What is the one piece of your drumset that is your favorite?

Evan: My pearl power shifter Eliminator Double bass pedal. Or my zildjian 6″ Zil-Bel


Evan Shubrooks Set

SD.com: Who are your top 5 influences?

Evan: It’s hard to narrow them down, because theres so many that have influence on me, but I guess since I have to narrow it to 5…

1- Chris Adler (lamb of God)

2- Matt Kuykendall (All Shall Perish)

3- Tony Royster Jr.

4- Jason Bittner (Shadows Fall)

5- Travis Smith (Trivium)

SD.com: Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

Evan: Chris Adler

SD.com: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation


Lamb of God – Sacrament

All Shall Perish – The Price of Existince

Unearth- III: In The Eyes Of Fire

The Best of Frank Sinatra

As Blood Runs Black- Allegiance

SD.com: Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?

Evan: The show where Shot To Pieces played with Becomign the Archetype, Cattle Decapitation, and Alethian.

SD.com: Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?

Evan: Pearl Drums (none better than pearl) Zildjian or Meinl cymbals.



Evan Shubrooks

SD.com: Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Evan: Get out my throne and sit up against a wall with my pedal and warm up for bout 10-20 mintues, just straight double pedal – and listen to Whatever is playing on my I-pod.



SD.com: If you could give one piece of advice to younger drummers than you, it would be…

Evan: Keep playing, push through everything, when you can’t nail a groove or beat, keep at it until you get it the way you want it.

SD.com: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Evan: The Black Dahlia Murder or Hatebreed.

SD.com: If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

Evan: Play ice hockey ( which I already do, but just play more of it)


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