Matt Holland Killing It Again With Meta-Stasis

Check out this video from Matt Holland (ex-man must die) and some of his new work with the London, England based Meta-Stasis

First conceived as a studio side project by Solomon J. Lucifer Christ and Nick 'Barboon' Hassan (Ted Maul) along with Jason Pincho a long time amigo from Gibraltar, later signing up drummer Dan 'Lord' Foord (SikTh). Meta-Stasis self-released their debut album 'When The Mind Departs the Flesh' which escaped upon the world and was given rave reviews from Metal Hammer, Terrorizer and Kerrang! – even the legendary Steve Asheim from Deicide declaring "Meta-Stasis are the next best extreme metal band to come out of UK" and much more! Unfortunately due to various circumstances Dan and Jason could no longer be part of the line up, so they were certified sane and cured and therefore left the asylum.
Yet, something so wicked and sick cannot stay quiet for very long and soon it was another bunch of nutters coming into the loony bin to once again bring the band up to full strength. The new members to the psychopathic asylum then enter the mass of destruction with Matt Holland ('The Beast' – Man Must Die), Benny Green and Paul 'Orbitoclast' Voulgaridis, once again the lunatics are running the sickness & can fulfill their destiny of bringing the pain and pestilence to live venues.
Already being hailed as one of the most brutal and new savage acts to come out of the UK, Meta-Stasis are just getting started. With the release of the album ‘When The Mind Departs the Flesh’ in 2012 the sickos are already preparing their new album with demos of the killer new material under their belt. They are ready to assault your ear drums with some of the most crushing, experimental, haunting and original tunes being primed for release.
The band is planning to record a second album in early 2013 with Scott Atkins.
Matt's Gear
The shells are Pearl Masterworks, 10", 12", 14", 16" and 2"x20" . 10-ply Maple, (12-ply on kicks) and a 14"x6.5" Maple Matsers snare. The cymbals are Paiste, Rude 10" and 12" splashes, Visions, 6" and 8" Cup Chimes and Signature 13", 14" Heavy Hi-hats. 2002 18" and 20" Novo Chinas, Signature 20" power ride. Sabian HH 16" Duo crash and 18" HHXtreme crash. Matt also plays Axis A longboards with ekit trigger mounts.

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