Page 80 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 80
I could write pages about that! Toooo coooooool! Great great great! Billy has given me more opportu-
Tyler is top of the top to me! Since 1978 Live Bootleg nity than anyone else. I became is writing partner.
and the rest all follow. I did two takes for his tune That is big time to me! He trusted me and we did
Feels So Good. He was nothing but kind and years of writing together. He s a sweet guy and he SDM: Tell us about touring with Slash s Snakepit, Pride & Glory, Nugent, Skynyrd, and Ace Frehley.
super complimentary. He signed my 1983 Rock in A is one of the best front men going. He just emits
Hard Place ticket stub and my Live Bootleg CD and charisma and rock and roll and bad-assness every Haha... I could tell and tell and tell. All the above has been killer! I love Slash s playing, same with Zakk. I
there ya go! Two years later, he calls my cell phone. second of every performance, every time. have had the good fortune of being in bands with guitarists that I love and learn from. Being able to say I am
Can I write that again? Two years later, Steven on a track on an Ace Frehley record is sick. KISS was my first band ever that I got into! Before all it was KISS!
Tyler calls my cell phone! Come on! And asks me to Decades later, my name is on Ace s record as a drummer! It is all of the above that keeps you moving and
play a set of A-smith tunes with him, Joe Perry and SDM: Is it true that you are offering drum lessons trying hit new levels and climb to new heights despite all the obstacles that life may throw your way.
Robert Deleo on bass, and their keyboardist (my and studio work currently for those who wish to pay
bud) Russ Irwin! We rehearsed the day before the for your services? Do what you love. Do it more than everything else, and tell yourself that you are here to do that mainly. You
Varvatos benefit show and that to me, was even are not here to dream. You are here to go through life and look back knowing that you grabbed it by the balls
more special. To hang in that atmosphere with Joe Yes. I write, record, and rehearse at my house. So and ran with it. I am still concentrating on this concept and have a long way to go.
and Steven! Playing those tunes! Highlight City! while home I figured I d take full advantage of that
Slash also came and jammed too, he rules! time and offer private lessons here, on Skype, BAM!!!! POW!!!!! POP!!!!!!! ~ Brian
on drums or guitar, and also record for people s

Tyler said one of the nicest compliments about my records too! With ProTools and the Internet, this can
drumming that I could ever want to hear. He said it all be accomplished very quickly and efficiently. I
in rehearsal to Robert Deleo. I won t repeat it as it s haven t had one unhappy client. Go to my website
not gonna be verbatim but I heard it and that s all I and write me if you re interested or write me on FB.
care about. I do hope I get to play with him again,
he has the whole damn bag of everything going on
at all times. It s too much for one dude to have. SDM: What was the experience like playing with
The whole picture is there. Those are experiences Ozzy at Ozzfest in 2000?
that I live for.
Ozzy! Highlight City! Done deal. Forget it. I was
there, I did it, but I was always a little nervous. It
SDM: Do you keep track of the metal scene or is the biggest hard rock tour in the US and I am
extreme metal drumming? Are you familiar with playing with an idol. Just type in Ozzy 2000 on
blast beats, gravity blasts, and all these drummers youtube and you can watch some cool pro-shot
that play 300 BPM? Does any of that interest you? clips of the tour. I loved it!

I think it s all amazing and I love it. And like I said
before, I wish I had time to practice and get better SDM: Tell us about playing with Vinnie Moore on
and get into that stuff. I can do a little of all that, the album Out of Nowhere and US Tour, including
but I don t play it in a band, so it s more of a tool for opening for Rush on the East Coast, and Madison
practice or soloing or a clinic or to challenge myself. Square Garden? Did you get any drumming advice
I hope to some day push myself harder and release from Neil Peart?
music that encompasses all these things. I love love
love how far extreme metal drummers have taken That was a fun record to make. Vinnie is very easy
speed and technique, but I am still such a huge fan to work with. We ve always gotten along and he s a
of huge-groove, pocket, and funk. great friend. Opening for Rush was insane! I got to
play Neil s kit! Neil: Have you tried them yet? Me:
No. Neil: Go ahead. Haha! Dude, I am hardcore
SDM: What was the experience like working with Neil. For me, all time, it s Bonham, Peart, Alex VH.
Billy Idol? These guys had the most effect on me as a kid. I
still listen to them with the same excitement. I had
Tama s in high school cuz of Neil! I still had them
on that tour, so they were set up on his stage... Just
soooo cool!
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