Page 85 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 85

SDM: Will you be doing any more touring for the SDM: What may have influenced you on your latest
latest Genocaust release, The End of All things? recording?

Last July we did the Insurrection tour with our When it came to writing our newer material,
friends in Severed Savior and Arkaik. In 2014 we are Brandon throws that down on guitar and I write
touring solo, with maybe a support act for the next around him. I try not to impersonate other bands
Foothills Gutfest. or let too much influence me when in writing mode.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW SDM: Where did you record your latest album? I will try multiple beats and rhythms and just let
Genocaust be brutal with slams and some tricky
MIKEWYATT BY: NOEL SMART Omniversal Studious with our homie Mitch Burbidge SDM: Who are some of your main drumming
unexpected off-time parts.

SDM: Who did the cover art for it?
Pete Sandoval, Ken Owen, Dave Lombardo, Sean
of genocaust My very good friend Andy Dicochea, he actually did Reinert, Mick Harris, Mike Smith, Scott Lewis, Dave
that one for some exposure... I have a couple of his Culross, Douglas Bohn, Tony Laureano, Nick Barker
paintings I have personally bought and this dudes and Pete Hammoura.
paintings are like H.R. Giger... SICK!

SDM: Tell us about playing in your other band
SDM: Who recorded, produced and mixed? Fragmented Aura.

sub Headline interest text Brandon, Chris, A.J. and I wrote the album, I Dorian Rainwater (Noisear, Phobia) and I had been
co-produced it financially and approving final talking for years over the internet about doing an
mixes and what not. Mitch Burbidge recorded and album together, so I flew him out and we wrote and
produced it and it was mixed and mastered by recorded a sick ass Relapse records worthy mega-
Tucson Independent Style. grindcore experimental death metal cross over
album. We wrote 17 songs in like two weeks and
pretty much no two songs sound the same, then
SDM: How long did it take you to record the drums? we went and tracked it. So... Formulating Caustic
Subterfuge was written and recorded within under
I did most the tracks in one take :) I ve been called 3 weeks! Talk about serious musicianship on that
one-take Wyatt before, so I d say I did the drums in album... This album also features Chris Maldonado
like 40 minutes, maybe 42 because I tracked one from Genocaust.
song (Gone) twice, in two different ways.

SDM: Tell us about playing in Bound by
SDM: Do you use triggers? Blasphemy on the 2007 album Apocalypse is
I only use a ddrum bass drum trigger with a basic
ddrum module (I used to go the DM5 route) and I use Ahh... Bound by Blasphemy first did a demo
them both in the studio and live. The Rebirth of Sickness in 2004 and Dean and
I manned the project. At first he did all guitars
and bass and I did drums/vocals. We later found
other musicians and wrote a full-length, which was
signed on Grotesque Productions and did well until
Dean and I had a falling out, then Genocaust got
back together and more serious than ever.

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