Page 78 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 78
ALLOWS YOU TO GO You practice slow, medium and fast. You gradually There are definite ways to play the kit and sound It was fun as hell! The more I am playing music, the
better! Sass rules and I wish I did it more. It worked
and look relaxed. Most of this stems from a nice
try to increase your speed while paying close
out with me on drums for QR and Sass singing
whipping/Moeller motion mixed with a nice push/
attention to feeling loose. You also take advantage
LONGER HARDER of adrenaline and let that be part of your arsenal. pull technique. This is all based around the fingers, backgrounds and lead on Sister Mary. We cruised
the US and got great reception from the fans and I
wrists, and angle of thumbs and wrists. But it also
But, when practicing slow, you need to pay close
am very thankful that it all worked out as this biz is
ties into your forearms, elbows, shoulders, and
attention to the movement involved and how that
tough nowadays!
the entire motion of all those combined with how
ease should be focused on when increasing speed.
AND MORE OFTEN! SDM: What sort of tension do you have on your maneuver your entire body around a kit. When SDM: Tell us about recording the I m The One
you sit and how your back is angled and how you
you think about all that, (which is not unlike how
video for S.U.N..
a drum sound s final mix is attained, as there are
snare? Do you use Moongel or anything else on
many ingredients), you realize that the grip is
your snare? What size is your snare?
Oh, it was easy. We played our record release party
a fraction of the picture. Yes, it s very important,
I use Pluto-gel. It s better than Moongel and a
I m The One for us and that was that!
plays on a pad or snare may not be able to take that
portion of the proceeds go to the ex-planet Pluto. I but a drummer with a perfect grip as he sits and and a buddy, Brandon Kachel filmed it. He edited
think NASA is playing a silly little trick on us simply and apply it to the whole kit. And if they do, does
because we can t prove them wrong! They probably it sound good? So yeah, I think about the sticks
sit there saying, hey guys, let s just make up a being hammers. And when you pretend your stick SDM: Tell us about the band you recently started
No! I never learned how! Haha... Yes, all of the story that Pluto isn t a planet for such and such is a hammer that is going to pound a nail into a with Bumblefoot and Rex from Pantera called
above. But singles will always be the main reason having to do with gas percentages and stuff. piece of wood, you automatically alter your motion, A.L.I.V.E.! A tribute to 70 s era Kiss? Which features
rudiment. A well executed solid-ass double stroke No one can prove us wrong and this doesn t hurt momentum, and grip. I ve watched all students do Pantera, Guns N Roses, Ex-Whitesnake members.
roll is a very helpful tool. Even if not used that anyone. Haha... Anyhow, I use a 6 1/2 x 14 Natal this. And they instantly feel a difference. I could go
much, it strengthens the bond between your arm, Chrome Thunder Master snare. It is my signature on and on about this. I am learning as I go, but it is We all worked on a tribute record together. I was
wrist, and fingers. And why is this important? Your snare that we designed to be lightweight, simple, something that when focused on, will increase your on drums for Bumble and for Rex. After a bunch of
overall technique improves and you play with more basic and have the same awesome characteristics stamina, which allows you to go longer harder and emails we all agreed that doing some gigs would be
confidence. Don t we all want that? and tones of the classic snares from back in the more often. And the chicks dig that... haha. bad-ass! No makeup, no costumes, just KISS tunes
day. I keep it pretty tight on top and the bottom is from the 70 s! We will keep it going whenever we
always a bit tighter. I try to get the bonk tone out are all available down the road. It s me, Mark Zavon
SDM: What kind of double bass technique s do you of it. SDM: Tell us about touring with Queensryche on guitar and Ace (vox) from Kill Devil Hill, Bumble
use? Such as swivel etc? (Geoff Tate version ) doing the entire Operation on guitar and Paul (vox). Rex is on bass and Gene
Mindcrime album. How come you had to fill in for (vox).
I wish I could swivel, but I never learned. I can do SDM: What sort(s) of gripping technique do you Simon Wright (AC/DC and Dio)?
a push/pull thing with my right a la Steve Gadd. use?
My left is just standard leg whatever... nothing That was fun. I put time into charting out all the SDM: What was it like to get the opportunity to
too fancy over here. I know a few guys that have French, but only cuz I like their bread! Haha. I move tunes with total respect to Geoff, Queensryche, track drums on Steven Tyler s single Feels So
serious single foot/leg speed, meaning, they can it all around but it s mostly a French grip. I think a Scott Rockenfield and the fans. I am a pretty busy Good. ? What was it like when Steven watched you
simply get there legs to freak out in time. I ve new grip should be called Kit Grip. You need to guy, but I did my best to prepare. I did rely on my track the songs, which apparently led to him calling
watched Joe Travers, Charlie Benante and Brandon be loose enough to get around a kit, up to china s, notebook so I could keep dialing it in better over you to play a benefit with Steven and Joe Perry?
Kachel do this. I never could. They control the and to the side to some smaller toms and around the course of the month. Simon Wright is a bud
freak out. It s awesome. I either get lucky or take back to some gong bass drum. You need to get and he couldn t do a month. I am also buds with
advantage of adrenaline, but over the years when around a kit with minimal effort, feel comfortable the Sarzo Bros. and Kelly Gray, so it was just a nice
I have spent time trying to analyze foot speed and about it and also while playing grooves maintain a thing that came together for the time. I had a blast
technique, I did get to some points where I gained steady, driven, intense, relaxed vibe. That s a lot of on the road and my band with Sass Jordan, S.U.N.,
control, power and speed all at once. For me it is stuff going on! So with that said, and after having opened up the tour as an acoustic stomp with me
fleeting and I have never stuck with the practice given many lessons, I have noticed that I am not on acoustic and kick drum and hi hat with tambou-
regimen to lock it into my normal playing. really gripping one way. It kind of moves around rine attached.
with what I am playing, how fast I am playing, how
hard I am playing and where on the kit I exactly am.
SDM: How do you advise drummers build up their I do think this can and should be focused on and SDM: Tell us about S.U.N.
endurance and speed? What did you do personally coined Kit Grip.
for yourself to enhance both of these areas?
78 79
better! Sass rules and I wish I did it more. It worked
and look relaxed. Most of this stems from a nice
try to increase your speed while paying close
out with me on drums for QR and Sass singing
whipping/Moeller motion mixed with a nice push/
attention to feeling loose. You also take advantage
LONGER HARDER of adrenaline and let that be part of your arsenal. pull technique. This is all based around the fingers, backgrounds and lead on Sister Mary. We cruised
the US and got great reception from the fans and I
wrists, and angle of thumbs and wrists. But it also
But, when practicing slow, you need to pay close
am very thankful that it all worked out as this biz is
ties into your forearms, elbows, shoulders, and
attention to the movement involved and how that
tough nowadays!
the entire motion of all those combined with how
ease should be focused on when increasing speed.
AND MORE OFTEN! SDM: What sort of tension do you have on your maneuver your entire body around a kit. When SDM: Tell us about recording the I m The One
you sit and how your back is angled and how you
you think about all that, (which is not unlike how
video for S.U.N..
a drum sound s final mix is attained, as there are
snare? Do you use Moongel or anything else on
many ingredients), you realize that the grip is
your snare? What size is your snare?
Oh, it was easy. We played our record release party
a fraction of the picture. Yes, it s very important,
I use Pluto-gel. It s better than Moongel and a
I m The One for us and that was that!
plays on a pad or snare may not be able to take that
portion of the proceeds go to the ex-planet Pluto. I but a drummer with a perfect grip as he sits and and a buddy, Brandon Kachel filmed it. He edited
think NASA is playing a silly little trick on us simply and apply it to the whole kit. And if they do, does
because we can t prove them wrong! They probably it sound good? So yeah, I think about the sticks
sit there saying, hey guys, let s just make up a being hammers. And when you pretend your stick SDM: Tell us about the band you recently started
No! I never learned how! Haha... Yes, all of the story that Pluto isn t a planet for such and such is a hammer that is going to pound a nail into a with Bumblefoot and Rex from Pantera called
above. But singles will always be the main reason having to do with gas percentages and stuff. piece of wood, you automatically alter your motion, A.L.I.V.E.! A tribute to 70 s era Kiss? Which features
rudiment. A well executed solid-ass double stroke No one can prove us wrong and this doesn t hurt momentum, and grip. I ve watched all students do Pantera, Guns N Roses, Ex-Whitesnake members.
roll is a very helpful tool. Even if not used that anyone. Haha... Anyhow, I use a 6 1/2 x 14 Natal this. And they instantly feel a difference. I could go
much, it strengthens the bond between your arm, Chrome Thunder Master snare. It is my signature on and on about this. I am learning as I go, but it is We all worked on a tribute record together. I was
wrist, and fingers. And why is this important? Your snare that we designed to be lightweight, simple, something that when focused on, will increase your on drums for Bumble and for Rex. After a bunch of
overall technique improves and you play with more basic and have the same awesome characteristics stamina, which allows you to go longer harder and emails we all agreed that doing some gigs would be
confidence. Don t we all want that? and tones of the classic snares from back in the more often. And the chicks dig that... haha. bad-ass! No makeup, no costumes, just KISS tunes
day. I keep it pretty tight on top and the bottom is from the 70 s! We will keep it going whenever we
always a bit tighter. I try to get the bonk tone out are all available down the road. It s me, Mark Zavon
SDM: What kind of double bass technique s do you of it. SDM: Tell us about touring with Queensryche on guitar and Ace (vox) from Kill Devil Hill, Bumble
use? Such as swivel etc? (Geoff Tate version ) doing the entire Operation on guitar and Paul (vox). Rex is on bass and Gene
Mindcrime album. How come you had to fill in for (vox).
I wish I could swivel, but I never learned. I can do SDM: What sort(s) of gripping technique do you Simon Wright (AC/DC and Dio)?
a push/pull thing with my right a la Steve Gadd. use?
My left is just standard leg whatever... nothing That was fun. I put time into charting out all the SDM: What was it like to get the opportunity to
too fancy over here. I know a few guys that have French, but only cuz I like their bread! Haha. I move tunes with total respect to Geoff, Queensryche, track drums on Steven Tyler s single Feels So
serious single foot/leg speed, meaning, they can it all around but it s mostly a French grip. I think a Scott Rockenfield and the fans. I am a pretty busy Good. ? What was it like when Steven watched you
simply get there legs to freak out in time. I ve new grip should be called Kit Grip. You need to guy, but I did my best to prepare. I did rely on my track the songs, which apparently led to him calling
watched Joe Travers, Charlie Benante and Brandon be loose enough to get around a kit, up to china s, notebook so I could keep dialing it in better over you to play a benefit with Steven and Joe Perry?
Kachel do this. I never could. They control the and to the side to some smaller toms and around the course of the month. Simon Wright is a bud
freak out. It s awesome. I either get lucky or take back to some gong bass drum. You need to get and he couldn t do a month. I am also buds with
advantage of adrenaline, but over the years when around a kit with minimal effort, feel comfortable the Sarzo Bros. and Kelly Gray, so it was just a nice
I have spent time trying to analyze foot speed and about it and also while playing grooves maintain a thing that came together for the time. I had a blast
technique, I did get to some points where I gained steady, driven, intense, relaxed vibe. That s a lot of on the road and my band with Sass Jordan, S.U.N.,
control, power and speed all at once. For me it is stuff going on! So with that said, and after having opened up the tour as an acoustic stomp with me
fleeting and I have never stuck with the practice given many lessons, I have noticed that I am not on acoustic and kick drum and hi hat with tambou-
regimen to lock it into my normal playing. really gripping one way. It kind of moves around rine attached.
with what I am playing, how fast I am playing, how
hard I am playing and where on the kit I exactly am.
SDM: How do you advise drummers build up their I do think this can and should be focused on and SDM: Tell us about S.U.N.
endurance and speed? What did you do personally coined Kit Grip.
for yourself to enhance both of these areas?
78 79