Ryan Thomas


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Ryan Thomas


when I signed up for band. I couldn’t play the saxophone at all, so I thought drums would be easier. I stuck with band until my junior year of high school when I dropped out to pursue my own band. I started my band in 7th grade with some friends who got guitars for christmas. We started playing covers by some bands we liked and played out at local bars and moose lodges until our sophomore year. After we graduated high school, we went on tour for our first time and that’s when I realized that I wanted to do this forever and hopefully make it my job. Since then, I’ve been on a few more tours and played several shows across America and been in a few bands and hope to further my travels and play in more bands.



Ryan Thomas Interview:


SD.com: When did you start playing drums?

Ryan: I started playing the drums in the fifth grade

SD.com: Do you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Ryan: I currently do not, but I played in band from 5th grade until 11th grade. 

SD.com: Have you ever taken any lessons?

Ryan: The entire time I was in band I was taking lessons

SD.com: Who are your top 5 influences?

Ryan: The 5 I’m about to list didn’t neccesarily influence the way I play now, but they definately helped me develop the skills I need to play.

1.Norman Witschke of AC/DC

2.Roger Taylor of Queen

3.John Bonham of Led Zeppelin

4.Patrick Wilson of Weezer

5.Joey Kramer of Aerosmith



Ryan Thomas

SD.com: Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?


1. Ryan Parish of Darkest Hour

2. Zach Gibson of Black Dahlia Murder

3. Dan Koppy of With Dead Hands Rising

4. Corey Barnes of Paria

5.Flo Mounier of Cryptopsy

SD.com: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Ryan: Oh man, I’m going to get a lot of shit for this. I should probably list some sort of metal band or something. But I don’t really listen to a whole lot of metal. So it goes like this

1. Saves The Day: Through Being Cool

2. Saves The Day: Can’t Slow Down

3. Lifetime: Discography

4. Waster: Self Titled

5. Some metal mix my friends made me

SD.com: Do you practice any specific rudiments or combo’s regularly?

Ryan: The only time I really practice any of that stuff is before I play a show. I usually practice paradiddles just to get my hand coordinated and warmed up. Other than that, not too often



Ryan Thomas

SD.com: What is your favorite part of your drum kit?

Ryan: My throne? I get to sit on it and be behind my drums, so that would be the best part. So yeah, my throne

SD.com: If you could give one piece of advice to younger drummers, it would be…

Ryan: Practice practice practice. Nothing else but that. Practice to a metronome, practice to your favorite cd’s, just practice. Constantly

SD.com: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Ryan: I would have to say, the dude from Into the Moat, Corey from Paria, or JF from Ion dissonance. 

SD.com: Aside from drumming, what else do you do with your life?

Ryan: I am a janitor monday through friday and then I usually just sit at home or hang


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