Shannon Lucas

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Shannon Lucas


When I was 12 I started playing guitar and by 14 I was tryin to start up a little band covering Slayer songs.  Meanwhile in school I started playing percussion for the easy A. I learned how to play a kit through friends and it seemed like it came easier than guitar. So every drummer I found to play in my band I found myself telling him how to play the parts and I was never satisfied.  Finally, I got suckered into being the drummer and as I progressed I fell in love with it. I kept playing in different little bands that played no shows and eventually I moved to Richmond Va. where I joined a Gwar side project called Mensrea when I was about 19.

I played for them and a death/grind band called Wartorn for a couple years and through opening up for Gwar on a handful of shows, I met the guys in All That Remains and kept in touch.  When they kicked their old drummer and were looking for a new one they called me and within a month I moved to Mass. to play for them. I remained in the band for two years. Within these two years I was lucky enough to do some really cool tours like Sounds of the Underground and Ozzfest. I wrote and recorded all the drum parts for their ’06 release “the Fall of Ideals”. Later in ’06 I left to pursue a different musical avenue. I took time off to establish a home base and get my footing. Once I was ready, I called Brian Eschbach from the Black Dahlia Murder who was still on a drummer search that lasted them 4 months. We immediately wrote and recorded the new BDM release “Nocturnal” which dropped Sept. 18 ’07. The rest is history!!


Shannon Lucas Interview: How old were you when you started playing?

Shannon: I was probably 13 or so when i started playing. Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Shannon: I was in band up till my junior year and I played quads. Easy A! Who are your top 5 influences?

Shannon: This is tough but I definitely love Thomas Haake, John Longstreth, Nick Barker, Derek Roddy, Dave Haley



Shannon Lucas Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

Shannon: Well I pretty much enjoy listening to anything they put out. I also love Marco Minnemann and his dvds.  Very inspirational! Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Shannon: Municipal Waste – Art of Partying,  Sanctification – Misanthropic Salvation,  Aeon – Bleeding the False,  Avail – Over the James,  Lock Up – Hate Breeds Suffering What do you do to warm up before a show?

Shannon: First I have my routine of stretches which includes wrists, arms, shoulders, ankles, legs, and torso,  then we have band warm ups where I have practice pads and they use little micro-cube amps and a metrenome and we practice about 4 songs to the click.  If the band doesn’t warm up together, I just tap around on my pad till I feel loose.



Shannon Lucas Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?

Shannon: Um, everyone has nights where they feel pretty on, but I can’t remember what dates in particular after a 5 week tour. It all runs together. Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?

Shannon: I cant say i have a favorite drum company cause a lot of companies make really nice drums that sound killer, but as far as cymbals go i’d never play anything but Sabian. If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

Shannon:  Dont just sit and practice playing fast.  Learn beats and grooves and about drums in general. It doesnt matter how fast you can play because if you have no groove or feel then it has no heart. But do practice to a metrenome. Also learn about tuning and drum specs because there’s nothing worse than a good drummer with horribly tuned drums.



Shannon Lucas Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Shannon:  Gene Hoglan when he filled in for Opeth on Sounds of the Underground ’05. He learned all the material sooo fast, and played it like he wrote it. He pulled double duty for the rest of the tour with Strapping Young Lad and Opeth. When I asked him how he learned the material up and down so fast he simply answered, “just groove baby”. Amazing! If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

Shannon: Maybe A&R or something, I’d love to help badass locals that have it get noticed and or signed.  Or maybe Id paint cars cause I’ve had the offer to be trained if I ever wanted.  Whatever pays the bills I guess. Wow that would be horrible if I had to stop. Do you teach privately, and or do drum clinics?

Shannon: I dont teach although i have been asked and am thinking about it, but I don’t do clinics and wouldnt just because there are soo many amazing drummers that do what I do but better and they do clinics. I wouldn’t have much to say that they havnt already said. I’ll leave clinics to the drum gods that do them. Do you practice or play any other styles of drumming other than what you are currently playing?

Shannon: Nothing too different.  I love grind, punk and thrash also, which isn’t too far from death metal drumming. Very similar styles. I would love to learn Jazz though.


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