Sergio Da Silva


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Sergio Da Silva


I started in 1998 at 17 years old with Gerbophilia (Grind Core) At that time it wise kind of noisy and horrible. later I wanted then explore other style of metal with: L’outre (post HxC), Borborygm (death old shcool), Cakewet (deathgrind), Krigar (high speed black metal), Canal of mash addle (noise) “guitar” and Coverkill (metalz cover) “Bass”.

In 1999 I left the drumms in Gerbophilia for guitar and I put my time on my solo bands: Enoid (brutal black metal), Borgne (black metal) and Porifice (powergrindviolence). After a few changes in my bands, I play actually in : Gerbophilia (grind death crust) “drums again”, Dragonwizard (power speed metal), Enoid (brutal black metal), Borgne (black metal), Choking on bile (brutal death) and Krigar (high speed black metal).

In 2007 I’ll be making a lot of albums: Gerbophilia “militeratogene” cd, Cakewet “split with yattai” 7′, Krigar “2nd album” cd, Enoid “dodssyklus” cd, Borgne “II” cd, Borgne “III” cd, Snorre “king of darkness” cd, Dragonwizard “same” cd and coverkill “demo” cd



Sergio Da Silva Interview:
 Do you do a lot of recording with different bands? how many bands are you currently working with?

Sergio: Yes I do.  They are 6 different bands. I play with:

– Gerbophilia
– Enoid
– Borgne
– Krigar
– Dragonwizard
– Choking on bile What would you say is the best and worst part of touring?

Sergio: The worst is was the touring of Gerbophilia, they where all drunk and I left the show. The guitarist was all alone to finish the show. The best was the last Krigar “show”, It was mad, it was so fucking cool… Very blast beat of HELL! When did you start playing drums?

Sergio: When I was young and goodlooking guy. It was just a bad joke !!! I started at 17 years old. Do you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Sergio:  No, I started to learnon my own. Have you ever taken any lessons?

Sergio: Yes I did with a teacher.



Sergio Da Silva Who are your top 5 influences?


Billy Cobham
Kai Hahto (wintersun, ex-rotten sound)
Flo Mounier (cryptopsy)
Derek Roddy (ex hate eternal)
Pete Sandoval (morbid angel, terrorizer) Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?


Tim Yeung (ex-decrepit birth)
Hades (tenebrosus)
Timo Häkkinen (Atakhama, ex-Funeris Nocturnum)
Dan Zimmermann (gamma ray)
Eternal (empaligon)
Torturer (mor dagor, ex-Belphegor) Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

-The 2 Enmity album
-Brodequin (festival of death)
-Devourment (molested the decapitated)
-Pustulated (inherited cryptochidism) Do you practice any specific rudiments or combo’s regularly?

Sergio:  Not really, I play as it come.



Sergio Da Silva What is your favorite part of your drum kit?

Sergio: My dw pedal and my big, big bacallao ride. If you could give one piece of advice to younger drummers, it would be…

Sergio: I’ll be honest, don’t play as I did! the reason is I over did it and I got some really bad engures… My advise is take it easy on yourself, don’t be impatient. It’s good to play every day, You will learn fast, but it’s bad for your body. He will suffer just as mine! By playing all the time I’ve gained knowledge and ARTROSE and also TENDINITE to my knies and feet… So that is my advise, give your body enought rest and enough time.. If you don’t want to be engured.. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Sergio: The drummer of Rotten Sound ( Kai hahto) If you had to stop drumming, what else do you want to do with your life?

Sergio: That has to come one day, but if it does I will do some recording, organisation of touring and I could even be a singer!


  • Discography 1998-2006

    -rotten ache vile-
    -grinding demo-
    -how to get mononucleosis-
    -6way split-
    -ouille ouille-

    -too avek un pied-
    -poserdivision cakewet-
    -split with pulmonary fibrosis-
    -6way split-
    -pro de mo-
    -demo 2006.1-

    -split with black god-



    -split with gorflakes-

    -why glott?-

    -6way split cd-


На удалении от купола сияли "Дары волхвов" фонари, линия уличного освещения вела среди "Тайная история Изабеллы Баварской" камней, по мосткам над каньонами, переходя "Илиада Одиссея" через горы.

Замеченный в употреблении мяса исключается "Культурная антропология" немедленно.

Запах в комнате был невыносимо сладким, " " таким, что воздух казался густым "Учимся думать" и липким, как сироп.

Из складок одежды "Сент-Ив" он достал пузырек и выпил "Эротическое Таро Исследование тайн любви" его содержимое.

Кэтрин, не раздумывая, свернула на стоянку " " бензозаправки, вовлекая Воана в резкий "Безумный бог" V-образный разворот.

Пришел заплатить тебе долг,-заявил фельдкурат с победоносным видом.

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