SDM Talks With Drummer JP – Clinging To The Trees of A Forest Fire

John Damron

SDM: How long has the band been trying to get picked up by a label, and how many did you approach?

JP:  I’m not sure if we ever had any true intentions of being on any kind of label, I think we sent our first demos to Relapse and Willowtip.   We soon learned  that if we wanted to get things done we were going to have to do it ourselves, so we released our ‘Harmonies from Bleeding Mouths’ on our own record label.  After a couple of years we were approached by Debello Recordings and ended up putting out ‘Omega Drunk on The Blood of Alpha’ with them.
SDM: After signing with Prosthetic, was everyone in the band totally happy with the specific details of the deal?
JP:  Prosthetic is a great company and they treat their artist well, everyone in the band is extremely happy to be apart of the Prosthetic family!
SDM: What advice can you offer other active bands, as far as what you learned to do, and not to do when approaching a label?
JP: It’s been a hard road to get where were are right now and really we are just getting started.  I know that some bands can get away with doing nothing and label will pick them up, especially if they are the flavor of the week. I  would say  for those of us not blessed with the hip/handsome made for TV good looks, the main thing is touring… show that you are willing to work hard and make things happen on your own.  Help out and play with as many touring bands as possible.  If bands come through town and need a show, help them out!   Build strong networks and friendships with people in your music community, and most of all have something different to offer.  Unless you are trying to re-hash an older genre, like the Thrash throwback, I think bands should try to do something different that makes them stand out.  We played a festival in New York and 20 out of 22 bands started their set with the same breakdown! I literally wanted to shoot myself…or at least cauterize my eardrums with a curling iron.

SDM: Are you endorsed by any drum/cymbal companies? Do you plan on pursuing more endorsements now?
JP: Currently, I am not endorsed by any companies, but I plan on putting the feelers out there soon. It would be nice to get a little help for sure.
SDM: How long have you been playing drums? When did you start, what made you start, any school band participation etc…?
JP: I have been playing drums for almost 19 years now, I started when I was eleven.  I played drums 6th grade band class, and continued all the way through High School.  I’m not sure what started my love for the drums, but I have had  the obsession since I was in kindegarden.  I remember always getting in trouble in music class for banging on this one drum the teacher had, it kind of looked like a floor tom.  I guess I was a distraction to her and the class, so I was asked to leave often… she made me so angry!  I always imagined her giant face as a big ugly drum that I wish I could beat!
SDM: If I remember correctly, you were a student of John Merryman of Cephalic Carnage back in 2007 or so. Did you study with him? If so, for how long and please tell us what you can about what types of things you guys worked on and what you took away from that experience.
JP:  I did study with Jon for a little over a year, we started on a lot of the basics because I had never had any real drum lessons before.  Being mostly self taught, I had a lack of knowledge for simple things like the basic rudiments, so the first lessons were basically learning all of that stuff. Later he taught me a ton of exercises to help with speed and muscle memory, and stressed creativity and flavor with even the most basic beats. I think mostly got a ton of inspiration from Jon, he made me want to become a overall better musician.
SDM: Have you ever taken lessons from anyone else? or would you consider it in the future?
JP: I have not taken any lesson from anyone else, but I am constantly looking to learn different styles and perspectives, so i guess if the opportunity presents itself, I will jump on it.  I just want to keep things fresh.
SDM: What can you tell us about the upcoming Prosthetic Debut from Clinging?
JP:  It’s Pissed! It has definitely been a hard couple of years for everyone in the band and the music is a direct reflection of that.
SDM: Aside from the tour dates on your MySpace, what else do you guys have planned for the remainder of 2010?
JP: We have a few things in the works, nothing set is stone yet, but definitely heading to the East coast in December and working on getting over to Europe.  Other than that, we plan on getting out on the weekends as much as possible, we constantly strive to stay as busy as possible.

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