Luke Sires

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Luke Sires


I have always been highly interested in percussive instruments. Back when I played guitar in bands, I would always have the drummer teach me basic rudiments & such. One night I told my mom my interest in playing drums and the next day she brought me home a drum set from Sam¢s Club! It was a sweet Mark II with hi-hat cymbals and one crash. Nothing special, but when I took it up to my bed room, set it up and started trying to play along with Rage Against The Machine¢s self titled cd and Nirvana¢s In Utero, I was hooked. After I began playing more, I realized I wanted to take the drumming position in my current band INFANDOUS. I have been all over the country with my band, and I must say that I love it. We are still touring as hard as ever today!

Now I have gone through a couple of production sessions with producer Don Debiase (Forever in Terror, Epicurean, Beneath the Sky). He has helped me grow and flourish even more as a drummer and a musician. He has a very advanced knowledge of music and theory and has made me a better drummer
from just working with him in a studio environment. Mikey Steiner, singer of my band, INFANDOUS, is also an amazing drummer and we’re always working together, teaching each other new things, working on song arrangements, and talking about everything drums. INFANDOUS is my pride and joy. I make
this band my priority and we work very hard and are extremely determined. I currently book for INFANDOUS and handle booking, business; etc. Please take a minute and check us out when you are done viewing my sick drummer profile.



Luke Sires Interview: When did you start playing drums?

Luke: I started playing sometime in 2000. Do you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Luke: No, I never played drums in high school band or a drum corps. I did play guitar for one day in a high school band. Have you ever taken any lessons?

Luke: No. I have always just watched drummers and learned from them. I don’t like lessons because I feel you end up playing your teacher’s style and not your own. I have always just watched videos and watched my friends and other drummers. Then adapted my style to theirs. What album do you think best represents your playing?

Luke: Any current recordings would be the best representation of my playing. Every song we write I try to make the drumming bigger, better, and tighter. I just try to keep getting better with every record I do.



Luke Sires Who are your top 5 influences?

1) Vitek (Decapitated)
2) Derek Roddy (Hate Eternal)
3) Mikey Steiner (INFANDOUS)
4) Joey B (From Citizen to Soldier)
5) Teddy Ross (The Teddy Boys) Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

Luke: My all time favorite drummer would be Dave Grohl back in the Nirvana days. He is the one that got me interested in playing drums before I even started playing. I always had fun watching videos of him. He was really solid and hit his drums extremely hard. Let us know 3 CD’s that are in your current personal rotation

1) Any Rilo Kiley
2) Decapitated – Nihility
3) Black Dahlia Murder – Nocturnal Do you practice any specific rudiments or combo’s regularly?

Luke: No, not really, I just try to cover all the fundamentals using all of my limbs. At different speeds on my metronome.



Luke Sires What is your favorite part of your drum kit?

Luke: My favorite part is: my group of cymbals over my hi hat cymbals. I have a 9 inch Ice Bell, 18 inch china, and a 18 inch crash ride. It is so easy to add some accents to my blast beats or any other beats. If you could give one piece of advice to younger drummers, it would be…

Luke: Practice, practice, practice with a metronome. And always be willing to learn and take advise. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen & why?

Luke: Derek Roddy with Hate Eternal because he is just so solid!!! I saw them on the Hatebreed tour back in 2002. It was incredible. Do play any other styles of music other than Metal?

Luke: I play in a rock and roll band that does a bunch of covers and some originals. I would love to drums in an indie rock band some day or maybe even a country band. If you had to stop drumming, what else do you want to do with your life?

Luke: I would some how work for a hockey team. I played hockey for 9 years and would love to start doing something with that again someday. Or I would start training really hard and try to become a player again!!


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Он был "Розробка мобільної установки для виготовлення деревинної щепи"готов ответить на рукопожатие, "Розробка пристосування для відновлення деталей типу хрестовина карданного шарніра"но вовремя заметил, что "Розробка проекту виробничої програми по рослинництву для державного підприємства дослідного господарства ‘Зелені Кошари’ Первомайського району Миколаївської області"ладонь обращена книзу.

Римо почувствовал, что его "Розробка стратегії розвитку підприємства в пореформений період"тащат назад, и упал.

Теперь, увы, единственное дитя.

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