Luke Boutiette


Keep up with Luke here:
I Played in my first band called Blue Puke when I was 17… It was a death/grind/punk project for fun. We played 3 shows, then I spent the next few years playing with a bunch of older burnout tweakers in a rock cover band called the Lobsters.  None of them could go more than a few hours without booze or meth, so it never went anywhere. I was just a kid who wanted to play. I Missed a couple years of drumming while in college, and then finally when I came back home and started firefighting in 2001, my old buddy Austin from the Blue Puke days called and invited me to play with his side project at the time, Ye Old Skabbard. After he quit to focus on his main band, Lauren and I started leaning toward more brutal music and changed the name to Embryonic Devourment. Over the years, the lineup solidified, Austin joined back up, Adam filled out the lineup and now we are here today, 3 recordings in. The newest album is not yet available but you can hear 2 new songs from it on our MySpace page.  
Luke Boutiette Interview:
SDM: How old were you when you started playing?
Luke:  I got my first drumset when I turned 16, and that was the first time I'd gotten to put any real time in on a drum kit…but I'd been playing air drums since I was 12, and had silly rhythms randomly playing in my head for no reason since the age of 3.  As dumb as it might sound, I'd like to think that I sort of had a head start because of that.  Plus, my older brother had been playing drums since I was an infant…so there was always rhythm going in my head, from an early age.
SDM: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?
Luke:  I joined high school band my junior year in high school, right after I got my first kit.  It was in a really small town, so there weren't many people in  the class.  I had a tough time staying disciplined, playing "Stand by Me" and "Nights in White Satin".  I always wanted to play really loud and acrobatic, I didn't care about playing the songs properly.  I just wanted to play as hard and fast as I could.  The teachers hated it, but there was nobody else who could play drums in the class.  Thats why I ended up playing in a death metal band-its the only kind of music in which I can do whatever the hell I want.  Never did drum corps… I wish I had, but there was nothing like that available anywhere near where I lived.
SDM: Who are your top 5 metal influences?
Luke:  In no particular order, because I can't pick favorites:
Nicko from Iron Maiden because they were the first metal band I ever listened to, when I was 7 years old… Pete Sandoval because that was the first time I was exposed to real Death Metal at age 14… and then I'd have to lump all the drummers from Nile and Origin, because those 2 bands, over a period of years, were my main inspiration to play as fast as I could.  After that, the current list goes on forever… there are so many great metal drummers out there today that I just don't know where to begin.
SDM: Who are some other of your favorites?  
Luke:  Neil Peart, of course, was an early influence, just like with almost everyone… also I was really blown away by the drummers from Spastic Ink, Spiral Architect, Blotted Science, and Animals as Leaders, which has to be my  favorite band at the moment.
SDM: Let us know 5 CD's that are in your current rotation
Luke:  Animals As Leaders, the last Spawn of Possession album, Blotted Science, Psycroptic(Sceptre), The Allman Brothers Live at the Fillmore East
SDM: What do you do to warm up before a show?
Luke:  I used to put my pedals on a practice pad to warm my feet up, but it always felt so much different than a real bass drum head, that it would throw me off quite a bit sometimes.  Now I just to air drums with my feet, simple excersises to keep the blood flowing.  And I've always just used a nice heavy practice pad for my hands, and just rest it on top of my snare drum, off in a corner somewhere where I can hear myself, and practice posture, speed, and accuracy as much as I can before I play.
SDM: Do you read music? Regardless of answering yes or no, please tell us how it might have effected your playing?
Luke:  I sort of know what most of the symbols and stuff mean for reading drum music, but I never did put in enough time to learn it properly.  I never took any real drum lessons, so I never learned "proper" technique.  I'm sure it stunted my ability to learn stuff quickly…. plus I'm so abstract with my drumming that it would be very difficult for me to, say, learn someone else's songs, especially from paper.  I would make a horrible session player.  So yes, not knowing how to properly read music has most certainly effected my playing.  I would encourage anyone who has the time and brains to learn it.  As a freelance drummer, knowing how to read music can actually be the difference between making money and not, in some cases.  A good drummer who can read music and fill in on a day's notice, and do a good job, can be a commodity that is worth something.  I, unfortunately am not capable of any
such thing, haha
SDM: Can you tell us about the gear you use?
Luke:  For the last year and a half or so, I've been playing on a wine red Pearl Masters Studio birch kit…20" bass drum, 10", 12", and 14" rack toms, no floor tom.  I also play on a 14"x5.5" Mapex Black Panther snare…I found it on tour last year and fell in love with the sound of it.
My cymbal setup varies depending on how often they break, and how much money I have to spend.  Currently, from left to right I have:  18" wuhan china, 16" Sabian HHX evolution, 20" Zildjian Earth Ride, 4" Stagg Bell on top of ride, 18" wuhan crash, 16" Sabian standard crash, 14" Istanbul Mehmet paper thin crash, and 20" Istanbul Agop "slave" ride, for open handed blast beats.
I use a DW rack, but hope to procure the cash for the new Yamaha rack in the near future.  
A year or so ago I switched from Axis A Longboard pedals to the Pearl Demon Drive.  For some reason I find it easier to play… others might feel different though… Axis are great pedals, but when I tried the Demon Drive, it felt more comfortable for me.  Although I have a feeling that the Axis pedal is more durable… we'll see.
SDM: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…
Luke:  Save your money, buy the best gear you can, and if you really want to play death metal, don't measure your success by how much money you make playing it…because chances are it won't be much.  Measure your success by how good it feels to play.  Practice often, watch your favorite drummers carefully, and do your best to come up with your own stuff, from within your own mind, so that music in the future doesn't sound stagnant and recycled!
SDM: Who gave the best live performance you've ever seen?
Luke:  The last time we played with Origin, I was able to get a pretty good view of John Longstreth.  His drumming was spot on, and I haven't seen anything since then that might surpass what I saw that night.  However, I missed out on quite a few great shows in my area in recent times, so my opinion is somewhat limited.
SDM: Aside from drumming, what else do you like to do?
Luke:  For a few years I fought forest fires with the US forest service, and ran a 5 man squad by the time I left.  Those were fun times.  Then for about 4 years I worked as a machinist and buffer at the legendary Proto Pipe.  Now I do freelance landscaping, property cleanup, and other odd jobs.  I enjoy living and working in the woods.  Thinking of going back to school, maybe become an auto mechanic.  It's tough to have a job that is friendly to the rigors of being in a touring band.  I've always been lucky enough to have jobs that I don't hate.  It's important to avoid misery in the workplace whenever possible.

Спрыгнув с прилавка, к нам подрысил Свертальф.

Айк Абрамс просунул свой огромный нос в разрез "игровые автоматы компот" палатки.

Через некоторое время эти запахи были заглушены запахом, след которого вел меня.

Эти книжки "Учет операций по приватизации" были в двух томах-первый том отдельно, второй отдельно.

Тс-с-с, прошептал полковник Армбрустер.

А ей это было нужно для "Анализ технологического процесса внестапельной сборки стабилизатора самолета Ан-148" ее карьеры актрисы она хотела стать такой же знаменитой, как сама Кэти Боуэн.

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Ладно, удачи тебе и "Анекдоты с героями мультиков" еще раз спасибо.

Малыш, нам заплатили, ответил "Сольфеджио. 2 класс: Пятилетний курс обучения для учащихся дет. муз. шк. и шк. искусств" Ансельмо.

Вексрот прикусил мундштук, поднес к "скачать ленинград ввв ленинград спб точка ру" табаку спичку, сделал несколько пробных затяжек, вынул "скачать белая гвардия песня" трубку изо рта и посмотрел на меня сквозь дым.

Смит посмотрел на записи "краткое содержание рассказа хорь и калиныч" и кивнул.

Нейтральные предметы поддержат "Русский язык. 1-4 классы: справочник. ФГОС" усилия той стороны, которая ими владеет, что может создать впечатление, "краткое содержание остров сокровищ стивенсон" будто успех зависит от простого численного перевеса.

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