Keith Roylance


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I was born January 22, 1986 in Angeles City, Philippines. I moved to the states when I was 6 years old and started my interest in music when I was 7 years old, where I got to sit on my first drum set and play it. However, I didn’t start actually playing the drums until I got my first drum set at the age of 15.

When I got to High School I started jamming with friends and eventually met Craig Peters who was already playing in a band called Lower Existence. They needed a drummer, so I eventually joined and played with them for the next few years. I played with Lower Existence until 2005, which is when I moved to Las Vegas and went on Hiatus from playing drums. I eventually moved back to California and in June, 2008 I was recruited once again by Craig Peters to join another project he was already in, a technical death metal band called Arkaik.

I have been playing with Arkaik since then, and we have an Album coming out January 26, 2010 called "Reflections Within Dissonance" that’ll be released on Unique Leader Records. For more info go to

Keith Roylance Interview:

SDM: How old were you when you started playing?

keith: Well, I’ve always been interested in music and drums since I was a kid, but I started playing when I got my first drum set which was when I was 15.



SDM: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

keith: Yes, I started in concert band in the 5th grade, playing Percussion of course. Then I Played until the 8th grade where I played in the marching band. When I got to High School I played in Jazz band for a few years, then in Guitar band. It was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot of good things.



SDM: Who are your top 5 influences?

keith: There are so many but right off the bat it would be Tony Royster Jr and Derek Roddy for sure. I would also have to add John Longstreth, Tomas Haake, and Mike Portnoy. I really dig Jazz and fusion as much as I like Metal and Rock so I appreciate those drummers with technical skill as well as speed.



SDM: Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

keith: Right now I’m really digging John Longstreth man, and Origin for that matter. He is a beast, what can I say? I have also been listening to Meshuggah, Tomas Haake is almost like a robot, he is really good. Mike Hamilton from Deeds of Flesh has also always been one of my favorites and he is still tearing it up.





SDM: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

keith: Right now, the new Deeds of Flesh – Of What’s to Come, Meshuggah – Chaosphere, Behemoth – Demigod, Origin – Antithesis, Hate Eternal – King of All Kings.



SDM: What do you do to warm up before a show?

keith: I try to make sure I’m as relaxed as possible before I play so I like to start stretching and warming up about 20 minutes before I play. I do arm stretches, leg stretches, and hand stretches for a good ten minutes. Then I grab a practice pad and even pull out a double bass pedal if I can and just start doing random rudiments and blasts before I get on stage. I try to keep my blood flowing and my body active until I play because it is a lot easier to blast at extreme speeds if you have already been doing it the past 20 minutes. I tend to also stretch in between songs during a set as well, I find that helps me a lot.



SDM: Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?

keith: Well, that’s really hard since I’m always trying to play better, but I think lately playing with Arkaik has been really good and a challenge, since the material is the most difficult I’ve had to play to date. So far I am pretty happy.



SDM: Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?

keith: You know I am one of those guys who likes different things for different occasions. Right now I play on a Pearl Export Series and it seems to be doing the trick, especially playing in a metal band.  The majority of the cymbals I play on right now are Zildjian and for what I need them for, they sound great. I like Cymbals that sound thick and heavy but bright enough stand out over the rest of the kit.





SDM: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

keith: I know this sounds cliche, but Practice. It’s the most important thing any musician can do. I’m still practicing to get better because you’re never done when it comes to learning, especially in music. Also, I feel it is very important for drummers to practice with a metronome as well, since it is our job to keep the rest of the band together.



SDM: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

keith: Well I have seen Cannibal Corpse more than once and they always blow me away, every time I see them it is a good show with good bands.



SDM: If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

keith: If I had to stop drumming I would be a guitar player, but if I had to stop playing music all together I would probably be doing what I do now, which is a PC Technician. I’m a big computer nerd so that’s probably what I would be doing.



Нет, "Миро (1893-1983)"но месть хорошо согласуется с моим "Медной горы Хозяйка"классическим образом жизни.

Ему не хотелось разрушать "Все московские повести. Дом на набережной; Обмен; Предварительные итоги; Долгое прощание…"мечту другого человека.

Мы уже некоторое время "Преступление лорда Артура Сэвила: Повести, рассказы, эссе"их ждем.

Еще раз приношу свои извинения за то, что прервал ваш отпуск.

В "Пятнадцатилетний капитан. Вокруг света в восемьдесят дней"воздухе висел сладкий запах гашиша.

Пасмурная погода, господствующая в "Оптимальный банк заданий для подготовки учащихся. ЕГЭ-2013. Обществознание"это время года в здешних широтах, мало меня утешала.

Меня посвятили в Искусство и отпустили.

Я располагаю магией, у меня ее даже больше, чем познаний об ее использовании.

Однако не бойтесь, я "Ford Scorpio" не оставлю вас в беде.

Недостаточно хорошо, отреагировала она.

Светящееся пятно вспыхнуло "генерал 2 скачать" красным, затем сделалось белым по краям.

Не пойдя по этому мудрому пути, он угодил в довольно неприятную переделку.

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