Kai Bracht


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Kai Bracht



I started playing drums when I was about 15 to 16 years old. I hadn`t the chance to start earlier because my parents were against drumming. So at least I had the luck, that my grandma bought me an old used drumkit. From this day on I jammed with a buddy of mine in an old basement in our town. We played punk rock music. After a few years of jamming we started our first band Springwater, this band was a mix between hardcore music and some kind of metal.

First we released a split-ep with bands from our area. After a year we released our first mcd which was called “another trip inside”. We played a lot of gigs and I made a lot of live experiance. My drumming became better and I started a death metal band called deepcut because I was always interested in hard music like death or trash metal. Unfortunatly I recorded only one demo tape with this band before deepcut broke up. I also played a lot of live gigs here in germany with this band. After that I joined another death metal band called Stripped off Flesh. I played some live gigs with them and got more and more into death metal drumming or in extreme music. The next step was the band i-despise. This band is one of my current bands. I recorded my first full length cd with i-despise its called ” The authentic of pain”.

My second band is called asphixation. We are planning to record a mcd soon. The third band I play in is called seventh seal broken their music is a mix between death/trash metal, we will also record songs in the following months.



Kai covering Suffocation Video

Drum track to a song by Asphixiation



Kai Bracht Interview:



SD.com: How old were you when you started playing?

KB: I was about 15 to 16 years old when I started drumming.



SD.com: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

KB: No, I never played in any school band my first tries were in punk rock music with a buddy. It was horrible but after a while it got better.



SD.com: Ever take any lessons?

KB: No never. I just watched other drummers and visited a lot of live concerts.I learned a lot from watching and asking drummers about their drumming style.



SD.com: Who are your top 5 influences?

KB: John Bonham, Pete Sandoval, Derek Roddy, Dave Lamdardo, Dave Culross.



Kai Bracht



SD.com: Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

KB: Pete Sandoval, George Kollias, Derek Roddy, Gene Hogan, Dave Culross.



SD.com: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

KB: Nile-Annihalation of the wicked, Suffocation the new one and the despise the sun mcd, Immolation -Unholy cult, Led Zepplin-all,The new Slayer record-Christ Illusion.



SD.com: Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?

KB: I had a lot of good gigs but also some very bad where the sound has been so shitty that you can`t hear anything on the stage a total sound mess…but normally if the sound is good and the people are going mad infront of the stage its a good gig…sry back to the question I wouldn`t say that I can remember a gig where my playing was special or something. I just play, I try to give my best and beat the hell out off my kit…!



SD.com: Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?

KB: I like Tama, Pearl, Sonor for drumkits and hardware….Cymbals:Zyldian k-series,Sabian and Meinl have some nice cymbals too.And I use Pro mark sticks.



Kai Bracht



SD.com: Do you have any pre-show rituals?

KB: No special rituals just staying sober before a show and warming up half an hour before the gig starts.



SD.com: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

KB: Practice, practice, practice….try to jam with different people and don`t give up. Be patient and have fun with drumming.



SD.com: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

KB: The best live performance I have ever seen was a Morbid Angel show in 1998 where I first saw Pete Sandoval live. It was unbelievable and a huge inspiration for me.



SD.com: If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

KB: Would try to learn another instrument like piano or guitar because music is my life and I could`t live without playing an instrument.

Thanks for the interview and the interest in my person. I wish you the best success with sickdrummer.com


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