Doomsday X – Album Journal Part 8

We are going to continue to give you updates from the studio, even though Dave has finished his drum tracks. We are very excited to hear this new album and many people have emailed us with compliments on the Journal… Vocals have been recording the last couple of days. Brett has 5 songs finnished and he is working on a 6th and Jay has got almost 3 done, so they are looking good. 

The guitar tracks are coming out great, the sound is "CRUSHING". The bass tracks are scheduled to start monday and tuesday next week, hopefully they will be done by Tuesday evening. That should allow for the vox to start recording. Brett is done writing five songs… he and Jay are working on 3 more . This is the tenative schedule. Time to Dominate 07' After a mix down, it would be hard not to have a KILLER album! Dave is heading back down early February, to start rehearsing for the tour. We'll keep you guys posted – Paula

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