TBDM “Majesty” Hits Billboard Hard!

Metal Blade Records is proud to announce that Detroit, MI's The Black Dahlia Murder has just hit the Billboard Top Music Videos Chart at the #2 position in the US and #5 position in Canada with the band's brand new and first ever DVD release, Majesty. BDM MajestySince the band's inception, The Black Dahlia Murder has had a relentless worldwide touring schedule ranging from successful appearances at European Festivals to a blistering set at Loud Park in Japan to tirelessly crisscrossing the US on Ozzfest and Sounds of the Underground, not to mention all the headlining and support slot tours the band has been a part of. This side splitting peek into the hard working band's humor laced brand of daily life will have you smelling the funk of the van from coast to coast and keep you coming back for more.

Here's what vocalist Trevor Strand had to say about reaching the #2 and #5 spots on the Billboard Top Music Videos Charts; “We in The Black Dahlia Murder are completely ecstatic about the reception of our first DVD release for Metal Blade Records, Majesty! I won't lie and say that I had no expectations of the release; throughout its creation I had an inkling that we may be onto something. Having the second highest charting music DVD in the states and the fifth highest in Canada is more than enough proof that I was right! Thank you to the fans…this DVD is dedicated to you and you alone. You are the reason this band stays strong and keeps on going. Our most sincere thanks to our friend and director Robbie Tassaro for his undying devotion to the project. Without him, Majesty never would have happened. Stay tuned to the BDM…big things are on the horizon!”

Majesty, 2DVD Digipak includes over 3 HOURS of footage featuring interviews, performances and complete The Black Dahlia Murder audio/visual history. Available everywhere May 12th 2009.

Disc 1
Feature Documentary consisting of ridiculous tour antics, live footage, and band interviews.

Disc 2
The Black Dahlia Murder Live performing the following tracks from all over the world:
Elder Misanthropy
Funeral Thirst
I'm Charming
A Vulgar Picture
Statutory Ape
Everything Went Black
What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse
Deathmask Divine

Music videos:
Contagion (Directed by Jason Joseph)
Funeral Thirst (Directed by Jason Joseph)
A Vulgar Picture (Directed by Matt Bass)
Statutory Ape (Directed by Doug Spangenberg)
Miasma (Directed by Joe Lynch)
What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse (Directed by Robbie Tassaro)
Everything Went Black (Directed by David Brodsky)


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