Steve Asheim of Deicide Talks About “To Hell With God”


Steve Asheim talks about "To Hell With God" ~ Interview by Noel Smart – January 27, 2011

SDM: Who wrote the majority of the new album “To Hell With God”?
Steve: I wrote the bulk of the music, 7 songs and Jacko wrote a few for this record too… he did 2 songs of music. We had some parts left over and we went in on one song together. GB writes the lyrics so he's in there too. You can hear the difference in our writing styles for sure. I've got the crazy fast songs, and Jacko brought the old school metal back in. Pretty cool blend, it balances the record. 
SDM: How is Ralph Santolla working out for the band? Isn’t he also in Obituary? How does he handle both bands?
Steve: Ralph did leads for the record, he's very good like that. I'd like to keep using him for as long as possible. He does a lot of work with Obituary, and a lot of gigs, so when he's not available to work for us, we get Kevin Querion from my other band Order Of Ennead to fill in on rythm and some leads. He's no Ralph on leads, but who is! you know what I'm sayin'. Kev does keep the rythms super tight I've thought, which I really dig about his playing.
SDM: Was it your intent to play faster and more extreme on this new album, as far as the drums are concerned? Are you happy with what you set out to create with the drums on this album? What are some of the things you wanted to stand out in the final production?
Steve: I definitely wanted to step it up some. Our last record "Till Death…" was pretty intense, so stepping it up wasn't gonna be easy. I kept the pressure on with the dbl kick rythms and blast beats, but this time around I wanted to lay down some crazy fills and rolls. Really just get in there and go nuts. I was pretty happy with the end result. I listen back sometimes and think 'wow', did I really play that shit! It's pretty far out there!"
SDM: What can you tell us about the cover artwork for the CD, and new designs for the “To Hell with god” merchandise?
Steve: I think GB found the original artwork online somewhere and handed it over to the label. I think they worked together making it more intense and evil looking. It is pretty bad ass I must say. Yeah we're looking forward to having a bunch of shirts with new designs on them, and a bunch of other stuff too, whatever we can get made. Stickers, hats, all that crap.  
SDM: Did you try anything new recording the drums?
Steve: Nah, the recording process for me is pretty old hat, I've been doing it for so long. I get in there, we set up, get sounds, and I pretty much just go for it. I'll tell you what I tried that was a little different.. a vaporizor instead of a bat! I still prefer the bat! 
SDM: What sort of triggering did you use on the drums this time around? What drum module and triggers?
Steve: I pretty much always have triggered only the kicks. Triggering toms and snare at these speeds just sounds so horribly fake and I can't stand it. I mic the toms and snare and it sounds a lot more natural, and that blends well with the sound of triggered kicks, that's where you really need triggers. But I still pick the right sound, so it doesn't sound fake, just powerful and slamming!
I use the Alesis DM5, setting "basic", I think. Definitely one of the dryer, non-effected sounds. I use the Axis E-Kit trigger system as well, and have found them to be very reliable and tough. That and they are easily adjustable, so there's never any cross-talk or mis-fires if you set them properly.
SDM: Are you happy and satisfied with the final product?
Steve: Yeah I am. At first it took some getting used to. I'd heard it for so long with the original arrangements and no vox, bass, or leads. Hearing it all finished after so long, it took some time for it to sink in, but it's pretty bad-ass and everyone seems pretty happy with it. I guess I am too.
SDM: Are you anxiously awaiting for the release of “To Hell with God” and the upcoming tour in February?
Steve: Yeah I want everyone to hear it and I'm definitely stoked to hit the road again. Not so psyched about the drives and the weather though. It's gonna be a tough run, lots of snow and ice, hopefully we can make all the gigs. Yeah it'll be a big 'ol tour though! Lots of opening bands and stuff. We haven't been on a run like this in the U.S. for a while, it'll be fun.
SDM: Where did Glen Benton draw influence from for the lyrics on the new album? How does he keep the Satanic subject matter still fresh?
Steve: He just draws it from his sick psyche. It just flows out of him like spewing hatred. Good thing being heavy and angry never goes out of style!
SDM: How long did it take you to develop the drums for this album? Was there much practicing in the rehearsal room for Deicide?
Steve: No not really. I'd written the songs and demo'd them, gave copies to everyone. We never actually ever practiced any of the songs as a band. I knew the material because I wrote it, so I went in and layed some click tracks and then layed the drums to those. When it was time to do Jack's songs we took the same approach. We demo'd them, listen to them, then go record them at the studio. And really, all I needed to do was keep trained on my chops. You know, my blasts and fast dbl kiks and fills. Then just employ them for the songs.
SDM: Will you be working with Kevin Quiron anymore for live dates?
Steve: Yeah I'm sure we will. Before long ours and Obituary's schedules will clash and we'll both need to be doing gigs, then we'll use Kev. Plus there's always some OOE stuff to do. OOE has a gig this saturday opening for Testament in fact, should be a rager!
SDM: Have you heard from any of the ex-members of Deicide, mainly the Hoffman brothers? Did you hear any material from their band “Amon”?
Steve: No I haven't heard from them or the material. But I wish them luck.
SDM: Will you still be working with Evil Admist or is Gus Rios the official drummer for the band now?
Steve: Gus is drumming for them last I'd heard, He's a good dude and great drummer. They're in good hands.

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