Simone “ArcOndA” Piras Joins Hour of Penance


Simone "ArcOndA" Piras Joins Hour of Penance – Simone played in the band for the past September tour in support of Cephalic Carnage and Psycroptic in Europe and is now confirmed as a member of the band.

From Simone: "Giulio from Hour of Penance was in my friend list on Facebook, noticed my videos and asked me if I would be interested in an audition to join the band. That was a chance I couldn't pass on, since I have always loved Hour of Penance. After having studied the songs, I took a flight and met the band in Rome for the audition. We had several practices and now I'm officially a member of the band.
The tour with Cephalic Carnage and Psycroptic was a great experience for me! Not only was it my first experience outside Sardinia, but was also the very first tour for me. Playing every night alongside those kinds of bands and watching them every night was a great opportunity. I feel it helped me and the band in growing together, as we had not had the opportunity to play together before the start of the tour. It was great to see people singing and enjoying the Hour of Penance songs that we played each night. At first it was pretty tiring, since every day we were traveling from one place to another and we had to do a stage change, and set up a different stage every night. Thanks to the team work between the bands, soon everything became easier and it helped me a lot in playing better.
As for the festival in Belgium, it was an honor and very emotional playing alongside important bands like: Napalm Death, Immolation, Macabre and in front of countless people that were banging their heads and enjoying the show.
We've recently signed with Prosthetic Records, home of bands like 1349 and Testament to name a couple. We have a lot of things to do in 2011: A new album, video and several tours both in Europe and in the U.S.

Я не решался встретить ее взгляд.

Утром "игры вконтакте бесплатно" я вызвал его к себе "скачать книгу джека лондона" и рассказал ему всю историю.

И вот я стою на твоем берегу, там, где ты прыгаешь "Nokia 5800 navigation edition" по скалам "в лесах и на горах скачать книгу" и зовешься водопадом Святого Антония и бурным, стремительным потоком прокладываешь себе дорогу на юг.

Оба вооружены "скачать звонки на мужа" длинными ножами это их "скачать сабанеев п л" единственное оружие.

Потому она так и говорит с вами.

Еще в самые давние времена, когда люди впервые "программа для автоматического поиска драйверов" стали плавать по морям и океанам, они с "песни беломорканал скачать" изумлением наблюдали одно явление, которое и в наши дни не "скачать дружба это чудо" только поражает каждого, "скачать песни студентам" кто впервые его видит, но и поныне остается загадкой.

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