Produced and directed by legendary metal drummer Derek Roddy and R. Scott Johnson, and released by Hudson Limited, Blast Beats Evolved explores the development and mechanics of modern extreme drumming. The DVD features examples and exercises for Blast Beats, Skank Beats, Bomb Blasts, Hammer Blasts and Freehand Blasts, plus a comprehensive conditioning program for hands and feet, balance and endurance, and also includes five solo jams and performances of seven Serpents Rise songs—complete with minus-drums play-along tracks.
Blast Beats Evolved is recommended for drummers who want to gain the mental discipline and technical facility required to master this demanding yet relevant drumming style. In addition, the instructional material on the DVD can be used in conjunction with Roddy’s award-winning book/audio pack, The Evolution Of Blast Beats (Hudson Limited), and can be applied in a variety of progressive drumming situations.
“I made this DVD because the development of extreme drumming has never been fully documented or, given its popularity and influence, received the attention and respect it deserves. I wanted to validate this style of drumming—and the drummers who play it—by creating an educational reference that would lead to a better understanding of blast beats and their musical value while standardizing their notation and technical attributes. Simply, my goal was to make the blast beat a ‘household’ beat.” ~ Derek Roddy
Кэтлин взглянула в его "Дикие карты" тревожные глаза.
Лежавший в углу советник с удивлением следил, с каким проворством выполняется безмолвный приказ бородатого.
Полковник происходил из небольшого горного племени, обитавшего на краю великой пустыни.
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Римо пробрался "получение кредита в москве" через сидящих на корточках крес-тьян.
И сейчас же над Кремлем развернулся американский флаг гордо и дерзко.
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