Derrick Nau Tour Blog 10/22/09

“Skeletons in the Closet Tour 2009” – October 22nd, Iowa City, Iowa
By: Derrick Nau of Skeletonwitch

Colorado Springs to Iowa City is a long drive. We had a day off yesterday and I think we spent around 11 hours in the van. That was kind of rough. I drained the battery on every gadget I have with me to pass the time and still had about an hour and a half to two left in the drive. The last leg of a long drive can be very tedious.

Once we stopped, we did get a huge Papa John’s pizza feast and watched Footloose so the day wasn’t all bad. I think I ate a couple pieces and immediately passed out because I was so tired from doing nothing all day.  Weird.

So here we are back in Iowa City. The Picador would be a cool venue if it wasn’t up a ton of stairs and if it hadn’t been raining and windy as shit. Trying to load up what is essentially a fire escape covered in water isn’t exactly my idea of a good time. You gotta pay the cost to be the boss I guess… I will add that the ceiling was leaking by the men’s bathroom so there was a huge puddle in the middle of the venue. Heavy metal RULES!

The show was a lot of fun and I think we played pretty well. Trap Them had some van trouble so they weren’t able to make this show. Kind of a bummer. I hope they get their van fixed asap. Nothing is more disheartening than van trouble on the road. Bye bye hard earned money!  Yikes!

We stayed with a friend tonight, which we rarely do. Normally we just hit the road toward the next town. The house we stayed at had two awesome kitties and a few bull dogs. One of the bull dogs was a little tiny thing with ears so Nate started calling him “little baby bat dog” which I found hilarious. I liked little baby bat dog a lot. There was some beer drinking going on and I had one of my late night worry moments. Every so often, I wake up in the middle of the night, go out to the trailer and touch each piece of my drum kit to make sure I didn’t forget anything. I have been known to forget things at a venue. Luckily everything was there.  

Until I forget again!


Еще мне "Библия. Книги Священного Писания Ветхого и Нового Завета (073DC) (105)"хотелось кое-что сказать Гленде.

На "Змееносец: Змееносец; Змеиный король; На стыке трех миров"розовом виниловом сиденье была дыра, "О снах и видениях"достаточно большая, чтобы вставить флагшток "Hansel and Gretel"или, допустим, пенис.

У него за спиной Нора "Хрущев убил Сталина дважды"выхватила меч.

Он не обладал "Волшебный дневник любви к себе: лучшие техники любви к себе"ни голосом, ни слухом, и под "Япония – правда и вымыслы"сводами церкви раздавались визг и "Дарвин"рев, словно в "Париж. Самый подробный и популярный путеводитель в мире"свином хлеву.

Ну что же, буду рассуждать здраво.

Были они "Дрессировка для начинающих. Уроки послушания. О собачьем лае. Свои и чужие. Особенности поведения"тогда напуганными, злыми и беспощадными.

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