Abigail Williams / Faceless Tour Info

Abigail Williams will appear as direct support to The Faceless begining October 17.  The tour will precede the October 28 release date of In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns, the band's eagerly anticipated full-length debut album.
Produced by James Murphy and featuring contributions from Trym Torson (Emperor/Zyklon), In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns features nine new songs from the band currently featuring keyboardist Ellyllon, bassist Plaguehammer, guitarists Mike Wilson and Bjornthor, drummer Samus with band founder/vocalist Sorceron.  "We couldn't be happier with the results," says vocalist Sorceron in review of the record.  "The addition of Trym's legendary drumming and the experience on the production/mixing end that James brought to us has been priceless.  This album wholly eclipses everything we've recorded in the past and we can't wait to begin playing the new material live."

Abigail Williams have been a focus of attention for both fans and critics since their formation in Phoenix, Arizona several years back.  Kerrang! says, "Abigail Williams have taken fresh-faced metal down the left hand path… the result is obscenely exciting."  Blabbermouth adds, "Legend lays a firm foundation for greatness to come."   The band have toured the US and Europe several times in the last 18 months and were hand-picked to open for Emperor at their sold-out performance in Los Angeles (House of Blues) in July of 2006.  With over 15,000 units sold of the band's 2007 ep, Legend, all eyes and ears are awaiting the first sounds of the new material.  
Confirmed dates include:

10/17/2008 Chain Reaction – Anaheim, CA
10/18/2008 The Sets – Phoenix, AZ
10/19/2008 Launchpad – Albuquerque, NM
10/20/2008 Marquis Theatre – Denver, CO
10/21/2008 Club Oz – Wichita, KS
10/22/2008 Rockstar – St. Louis, MO
10/23/2008 Mojoes – Chicago, IL
10/24/2008 Elva's – South Bend, IN
10/25/2008 Skateland – Detroit, MI
10/26/2008 Penny Arcade – Rochester, NY
10/27/2008 Gramercy Theatre – New York, NY
10/28/2008 L'Anti, Quebec – City, QC
10/29/2008 Underworld – Montreal, QC
10/30/2008 Reverb – Toronto, ON
10/31/2008 Peabodys – Cleveland, OH
11/01/2008 Broad Street Ministries – Philadelphia, PA
11/02/2008 Jaxx Nite Club – Springfield, VA
11/03/2008 Volume 11 – Raleigh, NC
11/04/2008 Masquerade – Atlanta, GA
11/05/2008 Crowbar – Tampa, FL
11/07/2008 Java Jazz – Houston, TX
11/08/2008 White Rabbit – San Antonio, TX
11/09/2008 Ridglea Theater – Ft. Worth, TX
11/11/2008 The Rock – Tucson, AZ
11/12/2008 Key Club – Los Angeles, CA
11/13/2008 The Exit – Fresno, CA
11/14/2008 Metro – Oakland, CA
11/15/2008 Riverdale Grange – Roseburg, OR
11/16/2008 Studio Seven – Seattle, WA
11/17/2008 Satyricon – Portland, OR
11/20/2008 The Dome – Bakersfield, CA
11/21/2008 Boardwalk – Sacramento, CA
11/22/2008 Soma – San Diego, CA

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