The Revolutionary KickPort

Used by the world’s top drummers, recommended by leading dealers and named “Best In Show” at the 2009 Summer NAMM show, the KickPort is a revolutionary innovation designed to instantly improve the sound of any bass drum. The versatile, affordable KickPort allows optimum tone control, tuning, head selection and mic placement in any playing situation and is quick and easy to install. It is destined to become an essential and standard part of the modern drumset.

According to legendary touring and studio drummer Kenny Aronoff, “The Kickport adds punch, power and low end.” Steve Ferrone (Tom Petty, Eric Clapton) adds, “Warm, powerful and musical; the Kickport gives me the tone I love to hear.”

“The KickPort sells itself,” says Don Frank (Gelb Music, Redwood City, California). “Every time a drummer, engineer or producer sees it they say ‘What is that and where can I get one!?’.” Donn Bennett (Donn Bennett Drum Studio, Bellevue, Washington) explains, “The KickPort knocked me out! I can’t say enough about it. It’s my best selling percussion accessory.” Shane Kinney (Drum Center of Portsmouth, New Hampshire) concludes, “The KickPort is an absolute must have for any drummer serious about their bass drum sound.”

The KickPort’s patented design combines multiple engineering breakthroughs to create a deeper, fatter yet more focused bass drum sound. In addition to traditional venting that allows the movement of the air in and out of the drum, the KickPort actually slows the air exiting the drum by restricting and compressing the flow of air through its tube, and then allows the rapid expansion or relaxation of the air through its flared opening. At the same time, The KickPort enhances the low frequencies and dampens the vibration of the head; reducing the need for inconsistent and often ineffective internal muffling or dampening materials. The cumulative effect of this natural tone control and sonic enhancement is a cleaner, more powerful sound with a lower fundamental frequency that can be felt and heard both by the listening audience and the drummer behind the kit.  The drummer experiences a more comfortable response from the batter head, as well.

See and hear the Kickport at your local drum dealer. For further information visit or contact KickPort International at 707-762-2100

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