KickPort Reinforcement Rings and Impact Pads


New T-Ring™ Reinforcement Rings and D-Pad™ Impact Pads from KickPort have been specially-designed to improve the sound and performance of virtually all bass drums. Made from durable PVC film with premium-grade, 3M® adhesive, the bass drum accessories are recommended for use with the company’s popular KickPort sound insert but also highly effective when used separately.
The KickPort T-Ring™ has an outer diameter of 7.25˝ and an inner, port diameter of 5.25˝. In addition to acting as a reinforcement that will prevent vented bass drum heads from tearing and splitting around the port, the T-Ring can be used as a template for cutting a 5.25˝ hole in any head.  Many drummers use a 5 to 5.5˝ port to achieve a fuller bass drum sound as well as optimum miking in studio and live situations.  
KickPort’s new D-Pad™ bass drum impact pad features a unique, kiss-cut, figure-eight design that allows it to be used for double pedals or separated into two individual pads for single and double bass drum situations. Besides strengthening and protecting the playing area of the drumhead, the D-Pad also helps focus the attack component of the drum’s sound. 
KickPort T-Rings and D-Pads are available in a choice of black and white. They come in dealer ten-packs but, with an MSRP of just $5.95 each, they are intended to be sold individually. For further information visit

Но "Радиометрическая и радиохимическая экспертиза"не тебе быть моим избранником!

Я "Разведение грибов"не совсем в форме, заволновался "Разведение гусей"Брустер.

И, хотя добыча была еще жива и "Разведение домашней птицы"двигалась, инстинкт подсказывал птицам, что "Разведение и выращивание кур"конец ее близок.

Скажите, что "Разведение кролей"вы во что бы "Разведение карпа"то ни стало должны получить "Разведение крупного рогатого скота"ответ,-сказал поручик, снова зевнув во "Разведение обыкновенной златоглазки"весь рот.

Конечно, Бойл ничего не "Разведение овец. Зернофуражные культуры. Кормление животных"захочет менять.

Она была прелестна, как никогда.

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