Page 95 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 95
severn cntd. intro structure, then a mid-record séance and then

wanted to end it with the ultimate Incantation (as
we did). Unfortunately my computer crashed, I
I use Remo heads throughout all the kits. I like lost the demo we did for the intro, and the middle
coated ambassador double plys on my toms for live séance didn t make sense without the intro, so
shows, but I use single ply for the studio. Gives me we kept the idea of just having the end evil spells
a warmer sound and feel. On my snare I like the in Dis . Chuck and I actually spent a lot of time
power stroke 3 dot, or reverse dot. I use the same bringing this together. Chuck really stepped up
power stoke 3 bass on my kick drums with the thin to make this happen, he did all the chants. It was
stick on dot, except they re clear. definitely a challenge for John when we gave it to
him to record vokills. I had to coach him along the
way since it was my vision and pattern (hahah).
SDM: What is your foot method? I m really happy with it, I think it s sick as fuck.
Hopefully we ll be able to recover the sick fucking
Kyle: I m a single foot blaster, always have been. intro and use it on the next record.
Mainly a foot first, dive right into it! I feel I deliver
more power that way. I do love to do the classic
downbeat as well. Jim Roe mastered that beat, so SDM: What was one of the most difficult songs to
I had to learn it in the early days learning the early record on the new album?
songs. It all depends on the feeling of the riff which
blast is needed. I do a double bass downbeat blast Kyle: I really don t think one or more songs really
every now and then, but only if it s really needed to stuck out as being more difficult than another.
fit the riff. I just had to be careful with the timing when we
start playing exceptionally slow , it s easy to fuck
up tempo when we are really in the zone for that
SDM: Have you tried incorporating the gravity blast doom feeling. Nothing is to a click, so I had to pay
into Incantation material? What s your opinion of close attention and not lose myself too much to the
bands like Origin, Braindrill and all the other gravity nothingness! Last thing these guys needed was to
blast brutal death bands? try to layer guitars and having to guess where my
next hit was... haha
Kyle: For me that kind of blast losses all feeling.
I m not a fan, doesn t have the power and aggres-
sion that I like. It sounds great for bands that write SDM: Tell us about the Limited Deluxe Box Set
music to fit it, but wouldn t work with Incan nor any Edition and what it includes.
other bands I play with. Besides, I doubt I can even out on the road with us for the past few years; we
play it... hahah. Kyle: This was Listenable Records idea, and a cool SDM: How do you usually tune your drums? What have tons of footage, a few good audio board tapes,
kind of sound are you looking for?
one if I must add. It has the CD of course, a bad but just haven t made the time to put it all together.
ass cloth flag of the cover art, a super cool fucking I have big ideas for a cool DVD release, so hopefully
SDM: What influenced the song Legion of Dis metal logo pin with the ibex goat and a patch. It s at Kyle: I try to get that lower cannon, thunder tone if soon I can put them together.
which is like 11 minutes long! a great price as well. You get all the extra goodies I can. I just tune them by hand and ear and I tighten
for a few dollars more and it comes in that awesome only until the ruffles are gone. I try not to over
kyle: Funny because originally it was just going box set! tighten them. My snare on the other hand I crank SDM: Did you use any triggering on your drums?
to be an interlude for a couple minutes with no down, it s a deep wooden snare and I can crank it to
vokills, and sometimes we just get inspired and get that sound that I ve had for years. Kyle: NO! I don t like triggers live or studio.
lose ourselves in the moment and that s how incan SDM: Why did you go the route of having the LP
doom songs are created a lot of times. Luckily we Edition limited to 500 copies (250 x Grey vinyl and
usually have recorders going to record our insanity 250 x Black vinyl)? SDM: When can we expect to see an Incantation
or we could very well lose a lot of good material. DVD?
As for the chant and Incantation at the end, it just Kyle: Again, a record label decision. Really excited
came to me one evening. I originally had a similar they pressed vinyl, and two different colors as you Kyle: Hopefully soon, we have been filming live
mentioned! I m keeping one of both for myself. shows for a while now. We have brought our friend
and film partner (Kristoff Bates , Black Arts Media)
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