Page 92 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 92
filmed with my partner Kristoff Bates, titled After Kyle: Bill is fucking great! I love working with him.
Party Massacre . After that we realized we had 4 He is a no bullshit kind of guy, he tells you the
very sick and twisted minds working on the same way it is! Quote: It s fucked, It s all fucked!. We
metal level and we just didn t stop writing. And we hear that a lot haha. He really loved the idea of us
still haven t, as we wrote more than we could use playing it live, until we actually started recording
on that record and continue to write now. We should it. It was more work on his end than he expected
be hitting the studio again soon for a very unholy I think... haha. This was the first time we only
and demonic following up. tracked at Mars, and took the mix elsewhere. He
was really cool with it, and understood completely.
Bill has a great room for recording drums, and he
SDM: What do you hope to achieve with this new has an amazing ear for tones and tune.
Kyle: For starters, we just wanted to put out a great SDM: What kind of drum setup did you have in the
record and it turns out we have been told it s the studio?
best record this band has to date. I believe we did
that as well. We have a lot of great past material, Kyle: I used my Yamaha custom recording series kit
but over all this record has everything a death that I have used on every recording I ve recorded
metal record should! Now to kick some major ass on since I bought it in 1996. It s a huge kit with
playing these songs live, which so far we have! sizes 8 - 18 . On this recording I used 12 ,13 ,14
mounted, 15 on the floor and I brought the 8 and
10 and mounted it above my hats for a couple cool
SDM: How challenging was it to play these songs rolls during slow parts.
and record them in the studio?
Kyle: It was great! One of the best times I ve ever SDM: What kind of cymbals did you use? What
had recording. We actually played this record live kind of snare and heads?
as a band. We all set up in the main room and just
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW played like we would a rehearsal. We were able to Kyle: I use a variety of Zildjian, and Sabian 16 -18
crashes. I use 4 crashes if I m mounting 4 or more
capture all that live feeling that goes into writing
KYLESEVERN guitar bleeds from drum mics out of the mix. I tend to buy a new and/or different style every
toms, and I only use 3 if using 2 or 3 mounted toms.
these songs. Main challenges were keeping the
time I break one. I like thins to rocks. I usually use
a Paiste China and my ride has been a 21 rock ride
ever since I started jamming in Incantation. My
SDM: Any plans on touring for this album?
hats have been the same for many years as well
incantation/acheron BY: NOEL SMART Kyle: Well, we have been playing all we can since and they are Sabian stage I believe. I do occasion-
ally use a couple splashes, one 8 and one 10 . The
the release. We have done long weekend shows
and fests. Unfortunately as soon as the record was styles vary as well.
released I had to have carpal tunnel surgery done
musicians that share the same feeling we do for on both hands, so that put me unable to play for I ve been playing on the same Yamaha maple wood
playing and creating incantation-style death a few months. We are working on a second trip to snare since 1996. I purchased it from a friend, I love
SDM: What influenced the entire band for writing metal. Don t get me wrong, there has been some Europe later this year. We plan to play as much it, and it has kinda became a signature style for
the latest album Vanquish in Vengeance ? great members in this band at times, but never in as we can, because we really enjoy playing these me (from what I ve been told). I do have additional
my 20 years playing with John have we ever had songs and it seems our fans really enjoy them as Yamaha snares, but I only use them as spares at
Kyle: It was the chemistry that these 4 guys 4 very talented guys that share the same vision well. home. Never live. They are the snares that came
share. As you know it has been a long 6 years or and bring metal to the table as we did for this with the additional Yamaha kits I purchased years
so since John and I have put out a record, and a lot record. The writing process started when we wrote after my recording custom.
of the reason was because we were faced with the the song Absolved In Blood together for the SDM: Tell us about Bill Korecky recording the
same challenge as we always have had... finding soundtrack for my horror movie I co-created and album.
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Party Massacre . After that we realized we had 4 He is a no bullshit kind of guy, he tells you the
very sick and twisted minds working on the same way it is! Quote: It s fucked, It s all fucked!. We
metal level and we just didn t stop writing. And we hear that a lot haha. He really loved the idea of us
still haven t, as we wrote more than we could use playing it live, until we actually started recording
on that record and continue to write now. We should it. It was more work on his end than he expected
be hitting the studio again soon for a very unholy I think... haha. This was the first time we only
and demonic following up. tracked at Mars, and took the mix elsewhere. He
was really cool with it, and understood completely.
Bill has a great room for recording drums, and he
SDM: What do you hope to achieve with this new has an amazing ear for tones and tune.
Kyle: For starters, we just wanted to put out a great SDM: What kind of drum setup did you have in the
record and it turns out we have been told it s the studio?
best record this band has to date. I believe we did
that as well. We have a lot of great past material, Kyle: I used my Yamaha custom recording series kit
but over all this record has everything a death that I have used on every recording I ve recorded
metal record should! Now to kick some major ass on since I bought it in 1996. It s a huge kit with
playing these songs live, which so far we have! sizes 8 - 18 . On this recording I used 12 ,13 ,14
mounted, 15 on the floor and I brought the 8 and
10 and mounted it above my hats for a couple cool
SDM: How challenging was it to play these songs rolls during slow parts.
and record them in the studio?
Kyle: It was great! One of the best times I ve ever SDM: What kind of cymbals did you use? What
had recording. We actually played this record live kind of snare and heads?
as a band. We all set up in the main room and just
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW played like we would a rehearsal. We were able to Kyle: I use a variety of Zildjian, and Sabian 16 -18
crashes. I use 4 crashes if I m mounting 4 or more
capture all that live feeling that goes into writing
KYLESEVERN guitar bleeds from drum mics out of the mix. I tend to buy a new and/or different style every
toms, and I only use 3 if using 2 or 3 mounted toms.
these songs. Main challenges were keeping the
time I break one. I like thins to rocks. I usually use
a Paiste China and my ride has been a 21 rock ride
ever since I started jamming in Incantation. My
SDM: Any plans on touring for this album?
hats have been the same for many years as well
incantation/acheron BY: NOEL SMART Kyle: Well, we have been playing all we can since and they are Sabian stage I believe. I do occasion-
ally use a couple splashes, one 8 and one 10 . The
the release. We have done long weekend shows
and fests. Unfortunately as soon as the record was styles vary as well.
released I had to have carpal tunnel surgery done
musicians that share the same feeling we do for on both hands, so that put me unable to play for I ve been playing on the same Yamaha maple wood
playing and creating incantation-style death a few months. We are working on a second trip to snare since 1996. I purchased it from a friend, I love
SDM: What influenced the entire band for writing metal. Don t get me wrong, there has been some Europe later this year. We plan to play as much it, and it has kinda became a signature style for
the latest album Vanquish in Vengeance ? great members in this band at times, but never in as we can, because we really enjoy playing these me (from what I ve been told). I do have additional
my 20 years playing with John have we ever had songs and it seems our fans really enjoy them as Yamaha snares, but I only use them as spares at
Kyle: It was the chemistry that these 4 guys 4 very talented guys that share the same vision well. home. Never live. They are the snares that came
share. As you know it has been a long 6 years or and bring metal to the table as we did for this with the additional Yamaha kits I purchased years
so since John and I have put out a record, and a lot record. The writing process started when we wrote after my recording custom.
of the reason was because we were faced with the the song Absolved In Blood together for the SDM: Tell us about Bill Korecky recording the
same challenge as we always have had... finding soundtrack for my horror movie I co-created and album.
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