Page 22 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 22
newbury cntd. Death is a HUGE influence for me and the rest of the Well there s nothing like having your ass handed to full of dynamic and very VERY loud, sound guys
guys in DTR and IE, so we were very stoked to play you night after night ha ha, but seriously playing love it!
our best renditions of classic DEATH covers in front with these cats was nothing short of a dream. Very
SDM: What keeps the band motivated and full of of the original DEATH banner from the Individual humble and professional musicians, these guys
high octane energy that you fill your live perfor- Thought Patterns tour. I hope to do it again some really made us feel welcome and part of their metal SDM: Do you think the size of your snare affects
mances with? time! family. the velocity of your blast beats?

Well I think we are all just fans of bands that Bring Well most of my blasts are kind of wimpy in
it live. Personally I have always believed that if SDM: What was it like touring with Napalm Death? SDM: What are you kick pedals set at? comparison to my idols; my finger technique needs
people are going to pay hard earned money to come Did you learn anything from their drummer? work, so when I bought my Pearl Reference snare
see you perform, you better give them their moneys I like my pedals fairly loose, but tight enough to get it really beefed up my lighter notes. The heavy
worth. That s what we try to do night after night; It was an absolute blast! Danny is a killer drummer some decent bounce back. I use swivel technique shell and die cast hoops added much volume to my
we want people to be entertained to the highest and a great guy. We really hit it off with the band and heel up, so I try to make every note generally blasts! it s my cheater snare.
degree possible so that they feel their money was and the crew especially. A couple of the nights the same volume.
well spent. The hope is that they will enjoy it so were somewhat of a gong show due to young bands
much that they will come back next time. We contin- and inexperienced promoters but we made sure SDM: What sort(s) of gripping technique do you
ually try to innovate and change our live show to that the gigs went on schedule and that ND were SDM: Do you use doubles, triplets, or a combina- use?
outdo our past performances to keep our fans inter- getting the respect that a headlining act deserves. tion of both?
ested; it s all about the show! I met a couple good friends of mine on that trip. American (matched), German and French. I use a
Cj Scoscia their badass Gear Tech at the time, and Mostly all single strokes on the feet, some different hand technique depending on the beat or
Sound Extraordinaire Steve Lagudi, we have kept in parididdle like patterns like the one in Bleed by style of playing.
SDM: Who did the artwork for the band? What does contact ever since! Best sound tech on the planet! Meshuggah, not even sure how I learned that one.
it symbolize? One day I just started doing it and I was like .. Hey
that s pretty cool! Ha ha. SDM: What blast beat method do you use?
I believe the majority of the art direction was done SDM: Tell us about playing drums on the tracks
by Drew Copland. Drew would be the best to explain Malice incarnate, Scorched Earth, Infection legacy, I like the bomb blast (Gene Blast), scissor blast,
exactly the concept that he envisioned. and the Judas Cradle? SDM: Do you blast with one foot? If so, how did you accented blast and trying to work on gravity blasts.
learn this technique? Tough without a trigger... ha ha.
Some of my most proud drumming to date, these
SDM: Tell us about just getting recruited by Prog/ songs were challenging and fun at the same time. I I do one foot as much as I can, usually top out
Death band Into Eternity. tried to bust out as much Hoglan as I could to make at 200bpm. I learned this technique from an old SDM: Do you use triggers in the studio or live?
the songs groovy, powerful and filled with more school black metal guy from Edmonton named Lee What s your opinion about using triggers and drum

Well it s been almost 3 years now since I joined, bells and splashes than you can shake a stick at! Norland, from Begrime Exemious. I mentioned him modules?
and it has been an amazing experience thus far. before. Master of the one foot blast (goat blast) ha
Working with Tim, Justin, Troy, Stu and Amanda has ha. With IE (INTO ETERNITY) I use ROLAND triggers live
been a fun, crazy and intense adventure! Learning SDM: Tell us about the drums being recorded by and at jam, we play everything to a programmed
the old shit was difficult but rewarding, and the Sacha and Clayton at Perfect fifth audio Architect click so it just gives the songs a tighter feel, and
new music we are creating is in my opinion some of with additional engineering by Jeff Dunne. SDM: What sort of tension do you have on your when we play bigger venues it really helps get
the best IE music every created. The new direction snare? Do you use anything like Moongel on your the kicks all the way to the back of the room. The
is much more aggressive and groovy, powerful and It was a fun and relaxed process, working with all snare? What size is your snare? majority of the other bands I play with are locals
in classic IE fashion, very diverse. A big thanks the boys at Perfect Fifth was a pleasure and I look and we do mostly bar gigs, so not only do I not
goes to Tyson Boyd, Jesse Tomiak and Derek forward to doing more recordings with them in the I like my snare fairly tight with a little room really care so much if one of two people can t hear
Petrovitch for getting me the tryout! Being in this future! Big thanks to Alex Cot for letting me use his for resonance and dynamic. I don t like to use my kicks due to lack of sound system in these
band has opened many doors for myself and my drums for the tracking! moongels or tape if I don t have to, but sometimes places ha ha, but I just don t feel its really all that
colleagues and I love being part of an ever growing drums just won t tune the way you want! I have necessary. I like to rock and roll most the time
metal family. HAILS! several snares but I mostly gravitate towards the which means: Get on in 5 minutes, play, get off
SDM: Tell us about sharing the stage with larger depths. I have a 13 by 9 Pearl Masters Maple in 5 minutes and keep the show rolling. I laugh
Cryptopsy, The haunted, Kataklysm and the shell that is the bomb. I m currently rocking a Pearl at younger kids who are super anal about their
SDM: Tell us about playing the 2011 and 2012 Aborted. Reference 14 by 6.5, 20-ply maple that just roars, sound and take an hour to set up and tear down.
Chuck Schuldiner tribute shows? There just isn t time for that especially when
opening tours with world renowned acts.

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