Page 19 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 19
BY: NOEL SMART and relaxation. I was having some trouble with sticks played backwards to get the same feel now
PIC: DANA ZUK my playing, feeling that at one point when I was ha ha. Gaining muscle mass has also lowered my
younger that I had way better chops and now I felt I center of gravity and given me better balance while
had lost some of my energy. He reassured me that sitting. It s not for everyone but the gym has helped
he too went through a similar phase, when you re my power and relaxation immensely.
young you are unstoppable and when you get older
things don t work quite the same way that they
used to, so he explained that it was really just a SDM: What would you do if you couldn t play
matter of rethinking your approach to drumming, drums? Do you have another profession besides
going back to the drawing board and hitting the being a musician?
books even harder. That advice stuck with me and I
have worked harder since, bringing my playing to a I work full time for a property management firm, but
new level, Thanks Flo! if I didn t play drums I would go pro body builder. I
have a lot of motivation for the gym and I go every
day if I can. It s hard work but it s a lot of fun and it
SDM: Who inspires or influences you? Do you listen makes you feel great! The ladies love it too ;)
to different styles of music outside of the metal
SDM: What are some the albums you are listening
I use his name a lot because he really is every- to now?
thing I want to be in a drummer, but by far it would
be Gene Hoglan. I like to play fast sometimes but I busted out Nevermore s This Godless Endeavor
there is no substitute for a good solid groove that recently again and it hasn t left my truck for weeks
makes the crowd bang their heads and fuck shit haha. Alien by SLY is a staple, the new EXIT
up. Other Influences would have to be Neil Peart, STRATEGY album is mind blowing and the new
Vinnie Paul, Paul Bostaph, and RVP from Devin CARCASS record is immaculate... BUY IT!
Townsend to name a few. More recently I discov-
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW ered Eloy Casagrande from Sepultura, watching SDM: How supportive are your family concerning
him on the Barge to Hell cruise absolutely changed
BRYANNEWBURY boot, he made me want to hit the gym hard and VERY. They have seen music take me around the
by life. He hits so god damn hard and has flash to
your drumming?
hit the practice pad even harder. Back in the day it
was all thrash: Lars, Lombardo, Benante, Menza,
world and the great friends I have made in the
Igor. Today I listen to all kinds of music, I love it all,
granted it has good feel and the lyrics aren t total process. I have maintained my health and I stay
away from excessive drinking and drugs, so I think
garbage ha ha. they are proud of me.
death toll rising
will tell you Deadmonton kicks ass! Often larger
signed bands will start their tours in Edmonton as a SDM: How do you recommend drummers build up SDM: What would you say to drummers out there
killer way to kick off their tours. Come visit us some endurance and speed? What did you do personally that are just starting off and want to become
time! to enhance both of these areas? professional?
SDM: Tell us about the metal scene in Edmonton, Playing simple rudiments to a Nome at a slow I would say to stick with what makes you happy,
SDM: Tell us about some of the bands you shared tempo then increasing over time is the best way, play because it s fun and if it isn t fun anymore
Deadmonton rules! It may not be as big or stages with and if you learned anything from the on pillows for wrist strength and harder surfaces STOP DOING IT. Metal music like many genres is a
for fingers. One way I have learn how to cheat
hard market to break into, my best advice to up and
vibrant as places like Montreal, but we have true, drummers. the system is by going to the gym and building comers is to be patient, work hard and be prepared
dedicated music fans who love metal and come strength in my muscles. Squats and bicycle have for a long road of ups and down... unless of course
night after night to support our local and out of Playing with DIGITAL DOOMSDAY in Regina at an really helped the endurance and power in my you are rich ha ha. Money makes the music world
town acts. Edmonton has a great reputation for INTO ETERNITY gig a few years back was a rad legs. Lifting weights has messed with the muscle go round.
being a metal city, ask any touring band and they time. Flo Mounier was super fun to hang with and
had a lot of great advice concerning technique memory in my arms though... I have to use big
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PIC: DANA ZUK my playing, feeling that at one point when I was ha ha. Gaining muscle mass has also lowered my
younger that I had way better chops and now I felt I center of gravity and given me better balance while
had lost some of my energy. He reassured me that sitting. It s not for everyone but the gym has helped
he too went through a similar phase, when you re my power and relaxation immensely.
young you are unstoppable and when you get older
things don t work quite the same way that they
used to, so he explained that it was really just a SDM: What would you do if you couldn t play
matter of rethinking your approach to drumming, drums? Do you have another profession besides
going back to the drawing board and hitting the being a musician?
books even harder. That advice stuck with me and I
have worked harder since, bringing my playing to a I work full time for a property management firm, but
new level, Thanks Flo! if I didn t play drums I would go pro body builder. I
have a lot of motivation for the gym and I go every
day if I can. It s hard work but it s a lot of fun and it
SDM: Who inspires or influences you? Do you listen makes you feel great! The ladies love it too ;)
to different styles of music outside of the metal
SDM: What are some the albums you are listening
I use his name a lot because he really is every- to now?
thing I want to be in a drummer, but by far it would
be Gene Hoglan. I like to play fast sometimes but I busted out Nevermore s This Godless Endeavor
there is no substitute for a good solid groove that recently again and it hasn t left my truck for weeks
makes the crowd bang their heads and fuck shit haha. Alien by SLY is a staple, the new EXIT
up. Other Influences would have to be Neil Peart, STRATEGY album is mind blowing and the new
Vinnie Paul, Paul Bostaph, and RVP from Devin CARCASS record is immaculate... BUY IT!
Townsend to name a few. More recently I discov-
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW ered Eloy Casagrande from Sepultura, watching SDM: How supportive are your family concerning
him on the Barge to Hell cruise absolutely changed
BRYANNEWBURY boot, he made me want to hit the gym hard and VERY. They have seen music take me around the
by life. He hits so god damn hard and has flash to
your drumming?
hit the practice pad even harder. Back in the day it
was all thrash: Lars, Lombardo, Benante, Menza,
world and the great friends I have made in the
Igor. Today I listen to all kinds of music, I love it all,
granted it has good feel and the lyrics aren t total process. I have maintained my health and I stay
away from excessive drinking and drugs, so I think
garbage ha ha. they are proud of me.
death toll rising
will tell you Deadmonton kicks ass! Often larger
signed bands will start their tours in Edmonton as a SDM: How do you recommend drummers build up SDM: What would you say to drummers out there
killer way to kick off their tours. Come visit us some endurance and speed? What did you do personally that are just starting off and want to become
time! to enhance both of these areas? professional?
SDM: Tell us about the metal scene in Edmonton, Playing simple rudiments to a Nome at a slow I would say to stick with what makes you happy,
SDM: Tell us about some of the bands you shared tempo then increasing over time is the best way, play because it s fun and if it isn t fun anymore
Deadmonton rules! It may not be as big or stages with and if you learned anything from the on pillows for wrist strength and harder surfaces STOP DOING IT. Metal music like many genres is a
for fingers. One way I have learn how to cheat
hard market to break into, my best advice to up and
vibrant as places like Montreal, but we have true, drummers. the system is by going to the gym and building comers is to be patient, work hard and be prepared
dedicated music fans who love metal and come strength in my muscles. Squats and bicycle have for a long road of ups and down... unless of course
night after night to support our local and out of Playing with DIGITAL DOOMSDAY in Regina at an really helped the endurance and power in my you are rich ha ha. Money makes the music world
town acts. Edmonton has a great reputation for INTO ETERNITY gig a few years back was a rad legs. Lifting weights has messed with the muscle go round.
being a metal city, ask any touring band and they time. Flo Mounier was super fun to hang with and
had a lot of great advice concerning technique memory in my arms though... I have to use big
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