Page 123 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 123
shalaty cntd.
been playing straight double bass time over it and over left hand. This is good for all sorts of develop- SDM: What makes you use the TD-6V for
assumed the noise was something added in, similar ment and in this case will help enable you to play monitoring your kick drums? Why this machine and
to what they had done elsewhere on that album. I the stupid-fast ride beats or thrash beats and play not others?
It s a fun style to replicate and I try hard to create thought he was nuts when he explained to me that them for extended periods. Thank you Derek!
parts that when played next to old material blend Alex was rocking back and forth from the hi-hat to I used to use an Alesis unit and it seemed to me
well. I love blasting in Immolation. It kicks the the china on the offbeat eighth notes. Needless to that I was having to conform my playing to the
aggression and intensity levels up and Bob seems say, we postponed dinner until I had worked it out SDM: What was the hardest to learn of the old tolerances of the machine more than dialing it in
to be enjoying the new flexibility in tempos when on the kit. That was a lesson that repeated itself material written by Craig Smilowski or Alex to my playing. With the Roland, it is still simple
writing. I use a lot of triplet bass drum ruffs, which over time. You have to listen very carefully and Hernandez? enough for me to wrap my head around, but
both Craig and Alex used, but I mix it with 16th then listen again even closer. There is a ton of stuff versatile enough to adjust on the fly and you can
note triplets on the hands a lot like Alex Marquez going on all the time. This is another reason that I The hardest thing for me to get down is Alexs ridic- really customize the settings to fit your playing.
or even with groups of 4 s or 32nd notes with the long for the time to write nice deep and complete ulous triplet beat . It s a hyper version of the basic
hands. It creates a nice smeary, smooth sound. drum parts for Immolation. I m just trying to do it thrash ride beat with the snare on the downbeat
Kind of slithery. I like to mix the groove of Craig justice. Those first sessions were what caused me and two kick hits between. The proper right hand SDM: What kind of stick grip are you using on both
with the drive of Alex Hernandez, but the thing that to drastically change my cymbal setup. sticking for this beat would double the left hand hands?
really maintains the continuity of the Immolation snare downbeat on the ride or hats. There is a lot
drum style is Bob s initial groove ideas. They I had no idea how Alex had his kit configured when of improper sticking on that beat throughout the My grip is continuously evolving. That being said,
are many times very unconventional or even an I arrived at Ross . I was supposed to use his kit for back catalogue and playing that beat with proper I would describe it as a pretty strict german with
incorrect application of a technique over a certain the tour so I just unpacked it and put it together in strokes and keeping the same feel and tempo a slight twist or wrist rotation. Similar to what I ve
time signature. It s frustrating sometimes, but I ve such a way that I could play it comfortably. When I of the original recordings has been my greatest seen Seth Davis demonstrate.
learned to trust in his vision and create started trying to play his parts I was getting a lot of challenge. I always try to play the song as true to
alongside it. Use the template he gives me and flow cross over sticking and was tying myself up trying the original recording as possible including all the
with it. to reproduce what I was hearing. Then I realized little inflections and subtleties used by the original SDM: What kind of gear do you use these days?
he was using a right side remote hi-hat. Once I drummer. Whenever possible I also try to infuse
added that everything started to make sense. a little of Craig s style into Alexs songs and vice I m endorsed by Sabian cymbals and I currently run
SDM: When you first entered as Immolation s Since joining, I have added three chinas, a hi-hat versa. It s a blend that stays true to the Immo style. Mapex drums and hardware. For heads, I m a Remo
drummer, how did you approach learning the and an extra crash cymbal. It s funny you asked I will always be a student of those two drummers. lover and I have always used Promark sticks. I am
material? Any tips to those out there who want to about tips for playing Immolation. When I first met It s been a huge part of my role as drummer for still faithful to the Iron Cobra pedals as well, and
learn how to play this style? Alex Hernandez I asked him the same thing. I think this band to maintain their heritage. They both they are faithful to me.
it was my third and final practice day in Yonkers know I have the greatest respect for them and their
When I first jumped in I had recently been playing and we went to Alexs place to pick up extra drum achievements and they have been very cool and
material that was pretty much near the top of the heads or something. I was pretty nervous. He was helpful to me over the years. SDM: Do you still use Remo Pinstripes?
death metal drumming scale at that time as far really quiet and I immediately shook his hand and
as speed and stamina were concerned. I felt very thanked him for letting me use his kit, which he Yes. They did great on this tour. Very good at
confident. I had done a few fill-in gigs for other kind of laughed off like it was no big deal. I felt SDM: Why do you use the bomb blast and making big toms behave.
drummers at that point and I knew I could learn kind of awkward as those guys B.S d about this Suffocation blast? Will you in the future incorporate
parts quickly and I had spent countless hours and that and then it was time to leave. I shook his any other styles of blast beats?
playing to all the death metal CD s I could get my hand again and asked if he had any tips for me. He SDM: Most critics are saying that the new album is
hands on so my ear was good. I just needed to walked over and picked up a stick and a pad and I use all blasts and am bound by none. On this great but the bass drums sound to click-ey. How
memorize a lot of songs fast. It was fairly clear started to play single strokes with one hand. He album I use the bomb, the Suffo, the one-foot do you feel about that comment?
what was going on on most parts and Bob was said Do this a lot . That s it. Is that great or what? with the right, the one-foot with the left, and
able to straighten me out on any questions I had. I love that. So, in addition to that, I would suggest the two-foot. I use some gravity and Deicide I felt the same way when I first heard it on the
I remember sitting in Ross garage after a long one of the exercises I learned from The Great One, bombs with my other project, but for my money computer speakers at home. When you play it on
day of practicing by myself to Immolation CD s, I Derek Roddy. Play eighth notes continuously at X the standard bomb, which I grew up calling the good speakers or on some good headphones you
think it was my second day in Yonkers, and Bob bpm for two minutes. Play the downbeat with your Cannibal Blast, is the most brutal, punishing hear the depth and true shape of the kicks. They
had stopped to pick me up for dinner. We were right hand and the offbeat with your left foot. You and intense mode of blasting there is. All limbs are massive.
discussing how it was going and I asked him can add bpm and change sticking and footing. In whipping at the same tempo.
about the weird noise on the offbeat during the other words, right hand over left foot, left foot over
chorus part on Father Your Not a Father . I had right hand, left hand over right foot, right foot over
left hand, right hand over right foot, right foot over
right hand, left hand over left foot and then left foot
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been playing straight double bass time over it and over left hand. This is good for all sorts of develop- SDM: What makes you use the TD-6V for
assumed the noise was something added in, similar ment and in this case will help enable you to play monitoring your kick drums? Why this machine and
to what they had done elsewhere on that album. I the stupid-fast ride beats or thrash beats and play not others?
It s a fun style to replicate and I try hard to create thought he was nuts when he explained to me that them for extended periods. Thank you Derek!
parts that when played next to old material blend Alex was rocking back and forth from the hi-hat to I used to use an Alesis unit and it seemed to me
well. I love blasting in Immolation. It kicks the the china on the offbeat eighth notes. Needless to that I was having to conform my playing to the
aggression and intensity levels up and Bob seems say, we postponed dinner until I had worked it out SDM: What was the hardest to learn of the old tolerances of the machine more than dialing it in
to be enjoying the new flexibility in tempos when on the kit. That was a lesson that repeated itself material written by Craig Smilowski or Alex to my playing. With the Roland, it is still simple
writing. I use a lot of triplet bass drum ruffs, which over time. You have to listen very carefully and Hernandez? enough for me to wrap my head around, but
both Craig and Alex used, but I mix it with 16th then listen again even closer. There is a ton of stuff versatile enough to adjust on the fly and you can
note triplets on the hands a lot like Alex Marquez going on all the time. This is another reason that I The hardest thing for me to get down is Alexs ridic- really customize the settings to fit your playing.
or even with groups of 4 s or 32nd notes with the long for the time to write nice deep and complete ulous triplet beat . It s a hyper version of the basic
hands. It creates a nice smeary, smooth sound. drum parts for Immolation. I m just trying to do it thrash ride beat with the snare on the downbeat
Kind of slithery. I like to mix the groove of Craig justice. Those first sessions were what caused me and two kick hits between. The proper right hand SDM: What kind of stick grip are you using on both
with the drive of Alex Hernandez, but the thing that to drastically change my cymbal setup. sticking for this beat would double the left hand hands?
really maintains the continuity of the Immolation snare downbeat on the ride or hats. There is a lot
drum style is Bob s initial groove ideas. They I had no idea how Alex had his kit configured when of improper sticking on that beat throughout the My grip is continuously evolving. That being said,
are many times very unconventional or even an I arrived at Ross . I was supposed to use his kit for back catalogue and playing that beat with proper I would describe it as a pretty strict german with
incorrect application of a technique over a certain the tour so I just unpacked it and put it together in strokes and keeping the same feel and tempo a slight twist or wrist rotation. Similar to what I ve
time signature. It s frustrating sometimes, but I ve such a way that I could play it comfortably. When I of the original recordings has been my greatest seen Seth Davis demonstrate.
learned to trust in his vision and create started trying to play his parts I was getting a lot of challenge. I always try to play the song as true to
alongside it. Use the template he gives me and flow cross over sticking and was tying myself up trying the original recording as possible including all the
with it. to reproduce what I was hearing. Then I realized little inflections and subtleties used by the original SDM: What kind of gear do you use these days?
he was using a right side remote hi-hat. Once I drummer. Whenever possible I also try to infuse
added that everything started to make sense. a little of Craig s style into Alexs songs and vice I m endorsed by Sabian cymbals and I currently run
SDM: When you first entered as Immolation s Since joining, I have added three chinas, a hi-hat versa. It s a blend that stays true to the Immo style. Mapex drums and hardware. For heads, I m a Remo
drummer, how did you approach learning the and an extra crash cymbal. It s funny you asked I will always be a student of those two drummers. lover and I have always used Promark sticks. I am
material? Any tips to those out there who want to about tips for playing Immolation. When I first met It s been a huge part of my role as drummer for still faithful to the Iron Cobra pedals as well, and
learn how to play this style? Alex Hernandez I asked him the same thing. I think this band to maintain their heritage. They both they are faithful to me.
it was my third and final practice day in Yonkers know I have the greatest respect for them and their
When I first jumped in I had recently been playing and we went to Alexs place to pick up extra drum achievements and they have been very cool and
material that was pretty much near the top of the heads or something. I was pretty nervous. He was helpful to me over the years. SDM: Do you still use Remo Pinstripes?
death metal drumming scale at that time as far really quiet and I immediately shook his hand and
as speed and stamina were concerned. I felt very thanked him for letting me use his kit, which he Yes. They did great on this tour. Very good at
confident. I had done a few fill-in gigs for other kind of laughed off like it was no big deal. I felt SDM: Why do you use the bomb blast and making big toms behave.
drummers at that point and I knew I could learn kind of awkward as those guys B.S d about this Suffocation blast? Will you in the future incorporate
parts quickly and I had spent countless hours and that and then it was time to leave. I shook his any other styles of blast beats?
playing to all the death metal CD s I could get my hand again and asked if he had any tips for me. He SDM: Most critics are saying that the new album is
hands on so my ear was good. I just needed to walked over and picked up a stick and a pad and I use all blasts and am bound by none. On this great but the bass drums sound to click-ey. How
memorize a lot of songs fast. It was fairly clear started to play single strokes with one hand. He album I use the bomb, the Suffo, the one-foot do you feel about that comment?
what was going on on most parts and Bob was said Do this a lot . That s it. Is that great or what? with the right, the one-foot with the left, and
able to straighten me out on any questions I had. I love that. So, in addition to that, I would suggest the two-foot. I use some gravity and Deicide I felt the same way when I first heard it on the
I remember sitting in Ross garage after a long one of the exercises I learned from The Great One, bombs with my other project, but for my money computer speakers at home. When you play it on
day of practicing by myself to Immolation CD s, I Derek Roddy. Play eighth notes continuously at X the standard bomb, which I grew up calling the good speakers or on some good headphones you
think it was my second day in Yonkers, and Bob bpm for two minutes. Play the downbeat with your Cannibal Blast, is the most brutal, punishing hear the depth and true shape of the kicks. They
had stopped to pick me up for dinner. We were right hand and the offbeat with your left foot. You and intense mode of blasting there is. All limbs are massive.
discussing how it was going and I asked him can add bpm and change sticking and footing. In whipping at the same tempo.
about the weird noise on the offbeat during the other words, right hand over left foot, left foot over
chorus part on Father Your Not a Father . I had right hand, left hand over right foot, right foot over
left hand, right hand over right foot, right foot over
right hand, left hand over left foot and then left foot
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