Page 118 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 118
jackson cntd.
Zeppelin and quite a bit of Judas Priest recently. SDM: Did you ever take drum lessons? Do you play The first time I heard Black Sabbath Symptom of
You gotta love Judas Priest man! Rob Halford is any other instrument? Can you read music like drum The Universe, I knew I wanted to play drums. His
awesome! And the song Pain Killer Is a song all notation or guitar tab? drumming on that song is something else. He was
drummers should know! If you haven t heard that never afraid of going wild and doing these crazy
Practice, practice, practice. The more time you put song you gotta a lot to learn! I have listened to I did take a few drum lessons at school, but fills and it s all by pure feel and emotion and you
into drumming the better you will get. These days I Avenged Sevenfold s new album Hail To The King I never really learned anything. The way the really become one with music when you play that
like to practice with a metronome starting off with a lot recently and although it is being slated by lessons worked was the drum teacher would way. That s what I have learned. I never consider
a tempo I am comfortable with and then when I feel many people for ripping off Metallica, it is still a play something and I d play it back. And I don t myself a metal drummer at all. I can play it, but I
like I am at the point where I can step it up a notch, really good album. I actually phoned up Avenged remember not being able to play something back. am more about the groove. I don t just want to be
I increase the tempo by 5bpm each time. Singles Sevenfold s management to see if I could get a I am currently learning how to play the harmonica playing metal for the rest of my life. I want to totally
for the feet and essential rudiments for the hands. chance to audition for the band a while back, but and the guitar. I would also really like to learn how mix it up playing different styles and playing with
I don t really use a drum pad much. I like to use I didn t get very far with that. They have a great to play piano too. I have been told that I can sing, as many musicians as I can. I like drummers who
something with a lot less bounce, like a pillow or a drummer playing for them now anyways. He s done don t know if that counts as playing an instrument. play by what they feel and not by what they know.
bed or something. I find the bigger sticks you use a really great job on their new album. I always listen I never learned how to read music or anything until
the more challenging it becomes and that is what to Black Sabbath, I would say that they are the about two years ago and I taught myself how to do
you need to do. Keep pushing yourself otherwise band that always make me feel good. that, so that I was able to do a grade 8 drum exam. SDM: How often does the band practice? How often
there is no progression. A challenge is always good. Which I got a distinction for. That I am very proud do you practice?
of. Always room for improvement though, always.
Learning how to read music has opened a lot of Uhhhh... We hardly ever practice. Tony lives in
SDM: What sort of tension do you have on your SDM: How supportive are your family concerning doors for me and has enabled me to learn different London and me and Mantas live in the Newcastle
snare? Do you use anything like Moongel or your drumming? styles pretty quick. I am glad that I started out by area, so it s quite hard for us to meet up. Actually,
anything else on your snare? What size is your playing to my favorite bands though and finding my the only time we ever really practice together is
snare? My family are so supportive with my drumming. own style. when we are in a hotel. Mantas gets out his guitar,
They really believe that I can go all the way. Their The Demolition Man gets out his bass and I have
I used to have my snare medium tension, but I positive energy really helps me believe in myself. my sticks in my hands and I ll start drumming on
really like to crank the top head right up now. It all I can t thank them enough. When I got my first SDM: Who are some of your main drumming influ- chairs or a bed or something. That s usually how
depends on what the music is asking for really. I real drum kit I used to practice in my Grandma ences today and back when you first started? Do we practice. I used to practice everyday on a drum
do use Moongel, but only one piece of Moongel, so and Grandad s garage playing Black Sabbath and you listen to different styles of music outside of the kit when I played in my Grandma s and Granda s
you don t lose that power or that nice crack you get Metallica! That didn t last too long with the amount metal realm? garage. Now I have rented a room at a studio where
from a snare drum. It keeps the drums sounding of complaints I got from the neighbors though. I can only practice once a week, but that doesn t
alive you know. The size of my snare drum is 6.5 x My main drumming influences today have to be stop me! You don t necessarily need a drum kit to
14 That will change soon though. I am looking for Mike Portnoy and Travis Smith not just for there practice drums! Just practice on a bed and experi-
more snare drums to add to my collection. SDM: What would you say to drummers out there style in playing, but by there huge presence on ment on what you can, use whatever sounds like a
that are just starting off and want to become stage. I like drummers that stand out and have that drum. Use your imagination. That s what I do.
professional? huge personality which really shows who they are
SDM: Do you think the size of your snare affects in there playing. Oh, and ex Opeth drummer Martin
the velocity of your blast beats? I would say don t just jump straight into reading Lopez! Have you heard his drumming on the album SDM: Do you have any touring planned for your
music and learn all these different styles. Start off Ghost Reveries!? His drumming is incredible on latest release and if so with who and where?
Yes, I do. Blast beats are not something I look by working out how to play things your way. Play to that record! The thing is, is that I could name every
into much to be honest. Again, it s about giving the songs you enjoy, but don t just play what you drummer that I have ever watched or listened to We have plans to go back to America, South
whatever the music needs. hear. Play what you feel. Improvise over the songs and I would say they influence me in some way. America, Mexico, Chile, Columbia, Peru, Venezuela
and become one with music. Once you are locked in Any kind of player or any kind of music has influ- and Argentina.
with the music, then you can do anything you feel. enced me. In a huge way. I don t just learn from
SDM: What are some of the albums you are Contacts are very important. Never get caught up in other drummers, I learn from all musicians, they
listening to now? the whole diva rock star attitude. It does nothing. influence me being a musician myself. I believe that SDM: What would you do if you couldn t play
Just be you and if there is someone you d like to we all learn from each other. As for who influenced drums? Do you have another profession besides
Hmm... I have been listening to a lot of greatest play music with, tell them and never put yourself me when I first started playing drums... Bill Ward. being a musician?
hits albums, such as Seal, The Police Stewart down as a player. Whatever you want to play or do
Copeland is such an incredible drummer to listen you must believe in yourself to do so. That s the Something music related. Always music related.
to and see live of course. The Doors, Santana, Led key. Music makes me who I am. I don t no. I do teach
drums though.
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Zeppelin and quite a bit of Judas Priest recently. SDM: Did you ever take drum lessons? Do you play The first time I heard Black Sabbath Symptom of
You gotta love Judas Priest man! Rob Halford is any other instrument? Can you read music like drum The Universe, I knew I wanted to play drums. His
awesome! And the song Pain Killer Is a song all notation or guitar tab? drumming on that song is something else. He was
drummers should know! If you haven t heard that never afraid of going wild and doing these crazy
Practice, practice, practice. The more time you put song you gotta a lot to learn! I have listened to I did take a few drum lessons at school, but fills and it s all by pure feel and emotion and you
into drumming the better you will get. These days I Avenged Sevenfold s new album Hail To The King I never really learned anything. The way the really become one with music when you play that
like to practice with a metronome starting off with a lot recently and although it is being slated by lessons worked was the drum teacher would way. That s what I have learned. I never consider
a tempo I am comfortable with and then when I feel many people for ripping off Metallica, it is still a play something and I d play it back. And I don t myself a metal drummer at all. I can play it, but I
like I am at the point where I can step it up a notch, really good album. I actually phoned up Avenged remember not being able to play something back. am more about the groove. I don t just want to be
I increase the tempo by 5bpm each time. Singles Sevenfold s management to see if I could get a I am currently learning how to play the harmonica playing metal for the rest of my life. I want to totally
for the feet and essential rudiments for the hands. chance to audition for the band a while back, but and the guitar. I would also really like to learn how mix it up playing different styles and playing with
I don t really use a drum pad much. I like to use I didn t get very far with that. They have a great to play piano too. I have been told that I can sing, as many musicians as I can. I like drummers who
something with a lot less bounce, like a pillow or a drummer playing for them now anyways. He s done don t know if that counts as playing an instrument. play by what they feel and not by what they know.
bed or something. I find the bigger sticks you use a really great job on their new album. I always listen I never learned how to read music or anything until
the more challenging it becomes and that is what to Black Sabbath, I would say that they are the about two years ago and I taught myself how to do
you need to do. Keep pushing yourself otherwise band that always make me feel good. that, so that I was able to do a grade 8 drum exam. SDM: How often does the band practice? How often
there is no progression. A challenge is always good. Which I got a distinction for. That I am very proud do you practice?
of. Always room for improvement though, always.
Learning how to read music has opened a lot of Uhhhh... We hardly ever practice. Tony lives in
SDM: What sort of tension do you have on your SDM: How supportive are your family concerning doors for me and has enabled me to learn different London and me and Mantas live in the Newcastle
snare? Do you use anything like Moongel or your drumming? styles pretty quick. I am glad that I started out by area, so it s quite hard for us to meet up. Actually,
anything else on your snare? What size is your playing to my favorite bands though and finding my the only time we ever really practice together is
snare? My family are so supportive with my drumming. own style. when we are in a hotel. Mantas gets out his guitar,
They really believe that I can go all the way. Their The Demolition Man gets out his bass and I have
I used to have my snare medium tension, but I positive energy really helps me believe in myself. my sticks in my hands and I ll start drumming on
really like to crank the top head right up now. It all I can t thank them enough. When I got my first SDM: Who are some of your main drumming influ- chairs or a bed or something. That s usually how
depends on what the music is asking for really. I real drum kit I used to practice in my Grandma ences today and back when you first started? Do we practice. I used to practice everyday on a drum
do use Moongel, but only one piece of Moongel, so and Grandad s garage playing Black Sabbath and you listen to different styles of music outside of the kit when I played in my Grandma s and Granda s
you don t lose that power or that nice crack you get Metallica! That didn t last too long with the amount metal realm? garage. Now I have rented a room at a studio where
from a snare drum. It keeps the drums sounding of complaints I got from the neighbors though. I can only practice once a week, but that doesn t
alive you know. The size of my snare drum is 6.5 x My main drumming influences today have to be stop me! You don t necessarily need a drum kit to
14 That will change soon though. I am looking for Mike Portnoy and Travis Smith not just for there practice drums! Just practice on a bed and experi-
more snare drums to add to my collection. SDM: What would you say to drummers out there style in playing, but by there huge presence on ment on what you can, use whatever sounds like a
that are just starting off and want to become stage. I like drummers that stand out and have that drum. Use your imagination. That s what I do.
professional? huge personality which really shows who they are
SDM: Do you think the size of your snare affects in there playing. Oh, and ex Opeth drummer Martin
the velocity of your blast beats? I would say don t just jump straight into reading Lopez! Have you heard his drumming on the album SDM: Do you have any touring planned for your
music and learn all these different styles. Start off Ghost Reveries!? His drumming is incredible on latest release and if so with who and where?
Yes, I do. Blast beats are not something I look by working out how to play things your way. Play to that record! The thing is, is that I could name every
into much to be honest. Again, it s about giving the songs you enjoy, but don t just play what you drummer that I have ever watched or listened to We have plans to go back to America, South
whatever the music needs. hear. Play what you feel. Improvise over the songs and I would say they influence me in some way. America, Mexico, Chile, Columbia, Peru, Venezuela
and become one with music. Once you are locked in Any kind of player or any kind of music has influ- and Argentina.
with the music, then you can do anything you feel. enced me. In a huge way. I don t just learn from
SDM: What are some of the albums you are Contacts are very important. Never get caught up in other drummers, I learn from all musicians, they
listening to now? the whole diva rock star attitude. It does nothing. influence me being a musician myself. I believe that SDM: What would you do if you couldn t play
Just be you and if there is someone you d like to we all learn from each other. As for who influenced drums? Do you have another profession besides
Hmm... I have been listening to a lot of greatest play music with, tell them and never put yourself me when I first started playing drums... Bill Ward. being a musician?
hits albums, such as Seal, The Police Stewart down as a player. Whatever you want to play or do
Copeland is such an incredible drummer to listen you must believe in yourself to do so. That s the Something music related. Always music related.
to and see live of course. The Doors, Santana, Led key. Music makes me who I am. I don t no. I do teach
drums though.
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