Steve Shalaty Immolation/Vader Tour Blog – Day 18


Steve Shalaty Immolation/Vader Tour Blog – Day 18
Day 18 – Mesa, Arizona
I love Arizona. The sun feels so good as I get off the bus. I get a light sweat going right away. I recognize the venue by the orange snow fence that has been used as a partition between the drinking side of the venue and the non drinking side. We load in right away and set up. I put my playing shoes out in the sun to dry them out and scare off evil spirits. The drum heads are a little sloppy from being in the hot trailer so we tighten them up and check tune with Mikey Soundcheck. Sound check goes well and I'm ready to eat so I snatch up a coupon for Whadaburger and I'm out. Not bad for fast food. There are a couple opening bands who have already arrived with their entourages and the place is starting to fill up with black shirts. 
I do some work on the blog for a while and pass out. Oops. When I wake up its after dark and slightly breezy but still beautiful. The parking lot is littered with the opening bands' equipment. Paul has commandeered 2 Sonor kick drums with Iron Cobras and a snare drum and is wailing away right outside the back door of the club. No one seems to mind so I grab my pad and play along as he climbs the bpm ladder. Abigail Williams is just taking the stage so after a couple songs I head off to the local gas station to find some blue Mountain Dew. When I get back I return to the pad work.
I find that its difficult to push yourself as hard without a metronome as you can when using one. I try to concentrate on top speeds. Bursting and then extending the bursts. Paul is very good at this so I just try to follow him for awhile. When A.W. is done we hop up to help take Ken's kit off stage and out into the desert air. Paul is prepping the kit and I jump in and help him finish the cymbal switch. I tell him to have fun, shake his hand, and then walk outside to stretch and finish getting ready. The owner of the Sonor kicks introduces himself and offers to let me warm up on them. Sweet. I spend the next 40 minutes or so diddling away on Pauls pad and the Sonors trying to get warmed up but not too warmed up. Its a hot one and Paul and the drumset are soaked after Vader's punishing set. I can't wait to get started and I rush through the cymbal change and swap out the snare extra quick so I can work those pedals. Feels good and light tonight. The heat is definiely feeding the intensity. I take a frosty swig of my Mountain Dew as the intro starts and the lights dim and turn blue. The crowd is amped and still seem to have plenty of fight left in them. "The Purge" begins and I lean in and let the kicks roll. I've got pretty good control tonight and the rest of the songs come pretty easy. I get a little tense on a few of the single foot blasts with a triplet feel. I can't do those blasts with alternating feet and make it sound smooth, so I single foot them and switch. Sometimes left, sometimes right. Whichever feels strongest. My right shin muscles are damaged from a dirt bike wreck and the surgery afterward so I can't always lead with the same authority as I used to on that side. Learning to use my left to lead on that blast has helped compensate when needed. Let this be a lesson fellow percussionists. Be careful. I always tell George Kollias when I see him or when he sends me pictures of his new motorcycle. One little mistake and it could be over. 
Its a beautiful Arizona night and everyone stays up late. Bill Taylor and I hang with the boys from Lecherous until bus call and then say goodnight. Time for some shuteye and with luck I'll get to shower in the morning. Thanks to Mesa Arizona for showing up to mosh and thanks to Steve the drummer for helping with the warm up session.

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