Doomsday X – Album Journal Part 6
Today they tracked 6 songs and they all came out great! The plan is to track two or maybe three more, for a total of 11 or 12 songs. There is going to be a week or so between […]
Today they tracked 6 songs and they all came out great! The plan is to track two or maybe three more, for a total of 11 or 12 songs. There is going to be a week or so between […]
The second blog in our "Jeff Willet – Berklee Blogger Series" has been uploaded. We will be posting several more blogs in the coming weeks. This second blog about stick handling and wrist control, comes […]
The band tracked four songs today. They spent roughly 6 hours tracking 4 songs of which half of that time was spent making sure the arrangements were to thier liking, before recording them to a final cut. We are pleased […]
Keep up with Paul here: http://www.cannibalcorpse.net/ One of two remaining original members of Cannibal Corpse, drummer Paul Mazurkiewicz is a veritable force to be reckoned with. A composer and primary songwriter of […]
We received our first request to review an album a few days ago, from Santiago Dobles. He sent us his new Aghora "Formless" album. Not too sure if we should review the drums or the whole production, […]
Keep up with Erik here: www.myspace.com/salemorchidofficialband I am Eric Kovacs, Guitarist, vocals, bass and drummer for (BlackMetal/Death/Experimental) band SALEM ORCHID. I have started playing and doing music since I was about 12 or 13. […]
Rehearsal today went smooth, they finished up all the songs, so they can start tracking tomorrow. Dave got his delivery from Paiste today! and he is psyched with they way the cymbals sound and how the […]
Keep up with Matt here: www.myspace.com/fullygrind www.yearofdesolation.com I started my drumming career the summer before my senior year of high school. I’m not sure why I wanted to play drums or why […]
Dave just called from the studio and said the band worked on three songs today. The day went well and they are still on track to start recording tomorrow night. The band will be jamming tomorrow afternoon […]
Keep up with Brett here: www.myspace.com/anarchsphere My name is Brett Henderson,Im 22 and I live in Melbourne Australia. Im currently playing in a metal band called Anarchsphere,which I devote most of […]