Adrien “Die” Saint-Martin

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Born November 9th, 1980 near Paris, I only had passion for music at 15. I was listening to severals bands like: Nirvana, Sepultura, Korn and Pantera. I began playing drums at 16, before that I tried to play guitar, but it was an incredible failure! I was in several garage bands for about 4 years, just jamming with friends, but I needed to play on stage… After that, me and my friends started a more serious project called Lokurah, with metal/death/hardcore influences.

We exist for 5 years and after a first EP 3 titles, we took out a first album ” When the End comes ” in April, 2008 on the label Thundering Records. The second should be out at the end of 2009! I also play drums in a recent hardcore band called Legitime Violence.

Adrien “Die” Saint-Martin Interveiw: How old were you when you started playing?

Adrien Saint-Martin: I was about 16 when I began playing drums. Before playing drums i tried to play guitar but damn, it was so miserably! And drums is more cool and heavier! Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Adrien Saint-Martin: No, I only learnt drums in the « self-learned » way. I played drums with music off my favorites bands. Sometimes i used to see some pedagogic videos but that’s all. Who are your top 5 metal influences?

Adrien Saint-Martin: Hum my top 5 is : Dave McClain (Machine Head), Matt Byrne (Hatebreed), Vinnie Paul (Pantera), Dustin Schoenhofer (Walls Of Jericho), Andols Herrick (Chimaira). Who are some other of your favorites?

Adrien Saint-Martin: Kevin Taley (Misery Index, Chimaira, Dying Fetus), Paul Bostaph (Slayer), Igor Cavalera (Sepultura), Mario Duplantier (Gojira).



Adrien Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Adrien Saint Martin: Despised Icon – The Ills of Modern Man, Cannibal Corpse – Kill, Hatebreed – Supremacy, Machine Head – Blackening, A Perfect Circle – Mer de Noms What do you do to warm up before a show?

Adrien Saint-Martin: I playing double pedals on my practice pad and doing some strokes with my sticks before a show. I also practicing with my metronome to keep the good tempo for the stage. Do you read music?

Adrien Saint-Martin: No i don’t because I’ve never gone to a music school. 🙂



Adrien Can you tell us about the gear you use?

Adrien Saint-Martin: I use a BASIX Custom for 1 year, i signed an endorsement with BASIX which is an unknown brand in metal world. I don’t have favorites cymbals brands because i use some Zildjian, Sabian, Stagg, Ufip. If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

Adrien Saint-Martin: Listen a lot of kind of music you can and practice as much as possible. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Adrien Saint-Martin: Joey Jordison during the Iowa’s tour. The solo was just amazing! If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

Adrien Saint-Martin: Maybe some cooking! 🙂


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