Keep up with John here:
John Longstreth first appeared on the scene with Angelcorpse in 1995. Shortly after the release of their 2nd album “Exterminate” Longstreth was discharged from the band. Next move was Origin with two full-length albums and a heavy touring schedule. Longstreth left Origin in January 2003 and relocated to New York to pursue a different metal direction and ultimately, a different life with Albany’s Skinless. Over the next 2 years, Longstreth experimented with numerous bands and tours, discovered a positive working outlet with New Jersey’s legendary Dim Mak, and finally, rejoined Origin in the winter of 2006.With all the soul-searching out of the way (for now at least)
With all the soul-searching out of the way (for now at least) Origin w/Longstreth proved to be the most destructive version of the band yet and stormed the United States with a small scale 9-week headlining tour. Immediately after, Longstreth ran head first into the prep stages of the newly reformed Angelcorpse and their return opus: “Of Lucifer and Lightning”. This album, set to be recorded in mid-November will mark the first time the original three members of Angelcorpse have worked together since early 1998.
John Longstreth Interview:
SDM: How old were you when you started playing?
John: I really can’t remember. I have that same “beating on pots and pans as a baby story” that every drummer has… I think I really started playing at 14 or 15… but I’ve always been around drums and music in general.
SDM: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?
John: No, but every time I watch one of those corps “snare a thons” I feel like kicking myself. They have some of the most amazing snare chops out there.
SDM: Ever take any lessons?
John: I did very early on. The lessons pointed me in the right direction fundamentally and helped me avoid some bad habits that are common in self-teaching. So I just developed bad habits in other areas instead!
SDM: Who are your top 5 influences?
John: For metal, Pete Sandoval, Derek Roddy, Brandon Thomas, Nicko McBrain, Dave Lombardo.
SDM: Assuming that influences don’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?
John: Along with the influences lately I’ve been into Les Binks, Jurgen Rosenthal, Steve Gadd. It goes on forever.
SDM: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation
John: Mainly old Scorpions and Priest. I have more like 15 – 20 CDs in rotation.
SDM: What do you like and dislike most about touring?
John: Normal stuff. You get worn out, you miss your family, your home, your lady. Getting home and adjusting to being a civilian again is probably the hardest part for me. Even though I’m happy to be home, it’s kinda tough to get back into it.
SDM: Do you practice any specific rudiments or combo’s regularly?
John: Sure, but it really depends on what I have lined up at the time. Currently, I’m practicing what’s going to make me strong in the studio and that’s a lot of fundamental work out patterns to a click. You need an abnormal amount of endurance and precision in the studio so it’s long hours on hand and foot linears, dbl bass, and whatever stuff you write as well.
SDM: Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?
John: I’m finding out more and more that I really like drums that aren’t made of wood. I really like carbon fiber drums and I’m going after a Trick kit this spring, which is a metal shell. I could never take a beautiful Sonor kit on the road, I would ruin it and hate myself. I would love a wood kit for home or in the studio but not on tour. Carbon Fiber and metal shells won’t warp under temperature changes and I’m not as afraid to throw them around. Cymbals? Sabian. Love ’em. I want a Sabian deal! I think I’m going to work on that soon.
SDM: Do you have any pre-show rituals?
John: Stretch, warm up, stay active, try to stay in a good mood. Pretty run o’ the mill stuff.
SDM: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…
John: Aim for consistency. That’s the base building block for any form of drumming. Take your time. It takes years to build the speed and chops that a lot of these guys have today. That’s why you’re watching them TODAY. Cause they started YEARS ago. consistency first, control will follow. Speed will come with control. You have to love doing this to really get anywhere with it.
SDM: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?
John: Iron Maiden
SDM: If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?
John: Dunno? I don’t really entertain that thought too much. I think I’d wanna be a kung fu superhero, you know, like Hong Kong Phooey.
These last 3 questions were sent in by some of your fans…
Sarah: Do you have any idea how long you plan on staying with origin? Any other plans?
John: I’m sticking with Origin. Other plans include Angelcorpse and Dim Mak.
Coady: Are you really from Burlington, WI? If so, have you eaten at Fred’s?
John: No sir, but I remember Echo Lake Park and Joan St. I was 5.
BD: Being thought of as one of the best drummers in the scene has to carry a bit of weight. Do you have any words for the mass of fans you have?
John: Thank you very much!
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