Mathieu Vilandre


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Mathieu Vilandre


I got my first contact with drums as a bass player in my first band back in 2000-2001. I used to go sit on the kit in between breaks just for fun. I soon realised that drums were pretty freakin cool and that I could maybe play them! I then got some money to by my first kit (Precision, 5 piece), I was set! From there I started jamming with some friends and gathering some experience as a drummer in a band, it was pretty new for me. In 2003, some friends of mine were trying to start a band (Insurrection – and they were looking for a drummer; “I’ll do it!”. At the time, I was playing guitar in a local grindcore band (Badtrippe – and was looking for a way to play drums in a band; done! I had the chance to go in studio with the band and get the feel of it, wasn’t easy!

In 2005, still playing in Insurrection and Badtrippe, I was contacted by Fuck The Facts. They needed a guitar player for a tour they were doing that summer. I accepted and starting putting alot of time in FTF as a guitar player. It was starting to be very time consuming to be in 3 bands and a full time university student. So later that year, I decided to concentrate on FTF and FTF only. As we were working on Stigmata High-Five (lastest full length), we stared to have problems with our drummer. The band was becoming more and more busy and he just wasn’t fallowing the rest of the band. At some point, when I was still playing guitar in the band, I jumped on the drums for a few shows cause our drummer was in Cuba! Four weeks before entering the studio for Stigmata High-Five, we decided it would be best for us to part ways with our drummer. I then jumped on the kit in january of 2005 and had 4 weeks to learn all the materiel on drums and recorded it as best as I could. The rest of the story is pretty much this; touring. We haven’t taken much of a break since Stigmata came out last August, we will be taking off next July and August to record our latest CD.






Mathieu Vilandre Interview:
 When did you start playing drums?

Math: I started when I was about 15 years old. I was actually playing bass in a band at that time and just started playing drums for fun when we would take a break or something when jamming. I’m originally a guitar player but now my main instrument is drums. I’v been playing drums in a band since 2003 and more seriously since 2005 with Fuck The Facts and lets just say that the whole FTF experience forced me to become a way better drummer then I was before and is pushing me over my limits over and over again. Do you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Math: No, I don’t think theres alot of that kinda stuff here in Québec and I don’t go to school anymore! Have you ever taken any lessons?

Math: No, I should! Like on guitar and bass, I tryed to teach myself as much as I could. I think theres a limit to what you can learn by yourself, I’v been too busy with touring in the past year to take some time off and get some lessons. Its something that is necessary for me, and any drummer, if they want to take it to the next level! Who are your top 5 influences?

Math: Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy), John Merryman (Cephalic Carnage), Dave Wittie (Burnt By The Sun and 100 other bands), Danny Walker (Intronaut, Uphill Battle), AlexGrind (Despised Icon) Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

Math:: Jason Rullo (Symphony X), Danny Heifetz (Mr. Bungle, Secret Chiefs 3), Yvan Dionne (Dahmer, FistFuck), Col Jones (Exhumed), Brann Dailor (Mastodon) etc!



Mathieu Vilandre Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Math: Secret Chiefs 3 – Book of Horizons, Portishead – Dummy, Swarm Of The Lotus – The Sirens of Silence, The Dream Is Dead – Hail The New Pawn, Jesu – Silver. I really like Innuendo from Queen too, the 90’s rule! Do you practice any specific rudiments or combo’s regularly?

Math: I pretty much try and practice single strokes as much as I can. I wanna make sure I can get the speed and endurance I want. Then I like to work on the double strokes. In the end, I try to keep it simple and efficient. I don’t really have the choice since I don’t have a kit at home and never really did, its all about practice pad fun!



Mathieu Vilandre What is your favorite part of your drum kit?

Math: Haha, my front bassdrum skin! Theres a killer skeleton hanging out in a graveyard on it; “rip’n’roll!”. Its pretty cheesy but its probably the only part of my drum kit thats not falling apart! If you could give one piece of advice to younger drummers, it would be…

Math: Listen to your body, make sure your not hurting yourself when starting playing drums. Go get lessons, get the your rudiments down and practice like you have no life. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Math: Probably John Merryman from Cephalic Carnage or Mike Smith from Suffocation. I would add AlexGrind from Despised Icon too. I either want to practice more or just quit when I see guys like that! I love the styles of those guys, I really don’t give a damn at how fast they can go! I think that “metal drumming” needs alot of caracter and those guys just grind it all the way! Aside from drumming, what else do you do with your life?

Math: I’m trying to play a bit of guitar still but mainly work on FTF stuff. I studied a bit in philosophy and I enjoy reading alot. Theres some pretty good beer around here too! I’m pretty much stuck in the world of touring and just can’t wait to go back on the road, keeps me from killing myself out of boringness when I’m at home! I have some solo guitar stuff too, you can check it out here;


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