Keep up with Drew here:
I was extracted from my mums womb on April 24th, 1986 in St. Charles, Missouri. Around the age of ten i terrorized my parents until i got a snare drum and started taking lessons. Later that year i got the rest of my slingerland drum set and after about a year i quit taking lessons (bad idea) and joined the middle school band. i did band for three years then in highschool joined the marching band where i played snare drum for 3 years. Soon after i graduated in 2004 the original drummer for lye by mistake quit and i sent tony an e-mail seeing if i could try out. So i tried out and made the band and dropped out of college to comit to the band. Im currently studing jazz and we’ve been writing, touring, and practicing relentlessly ever since.
Lye By Mistake. We first discovered these guys in 2004 when we reviewed their self-released EP. Shortly thereafter, Lye By Mistake were picked up by another record label. Unfortunately, that label folded before LBM’s new album could be released. We were thinking of starting a label when we found out about their situation, so it was a natural move. These St. Louis dudes are some of the best musicians out there, and their output is a compelling blend of metal, fusion, jazz, prog, and weirdness. The new album is called “Arrangements For Fulminating Vective” and will finally hit streets on May 9th. This record will hopefully meet your sonic standards, as it was tracked by Jim Callahan (Story Of The Year), mixed by Eric Rachel (Dillinger Escape Plan), and mastered by Alan Douches (Mastodon). Meanwhile, artwork/layout was contributed by Adam Bertels (Love Lost But Not Forgotten). Source:
Drew Button Interview: How old were you when you started playing?
Drew: I started taking lessons on the snare drum when I was 10. Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?
Drew: Yea, I played in band throughout middle school and was in marching band and wind ensemble in high school. I was also in winter drum line. Ever take any lessons?
Drew: I took lessons on the snare drum for a year then quit, which I wish I would have never done. I just recently started taking lessons again which is the best thing I could have ever done. It helps so much! Who are your top 5 influences?
Drew: The 5 people that have influence me the most in my life would have to be Ryan Treasure, my drum line instructor from high school he would push us so hard and was a great teacher I owe a lot to him. josh bauman, the guitarist in my band lye by mistake is so creative and makes me think outside the box, he really pushes me beyond my limits. steve smith is also a big influence from his days in Journey up until now where he’s playing with so many incredible musicians. sean reinert also blows my mind I was only 6 when he came out with the “Human” album from Death and I first heard it a couple years ago. I still cant believe the things he was pulling off back in the day he was one of the first, and best technical metal drummers. last but not least would have to be virgil donati, I love the way he plays he can do just about anything and he does a lot of cool double kick patters. Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?
Drew: Wow this list could really go on forever, my favorites are sean reinert he’s the man his, death “human” and Cynic “Focus” albums never get old for me. dennis chambers has been kickin ass for ages. I also dig dave weckl, kirk covington, steve smith, virgil donati, vinnie colaiuta, billy
cobham, thomas lang, mike portnoy, chad wackerman. I’m a big metal head too and I like the bands that keep it fresh like, necrophagist, Arsis, The red chord, between the buried and me and the dillinger escape plan to name a few. Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation
Frontpage-features bireli lagrene, dennis chambers and ???? dipiazza
Jeff Buckley-Grace
Pat Metheny-The way up Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?
Drew: We played a block party on the 4th of july in long beach Ca at our friend’s house. I was using my friends yamaha drum set that sounded amazing and anything I play that night sounded good, but that might have been do to my state of inebriation Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?
Drew: I’ve been using a tama rockstar custom for 6 years now and the thing is still holding up strong. they’re beat to shit but they still sound great and stay in tune. I mainly use zildjian cymbals from the A custom line, I also like the K customs. I have a 12″ wuhan splash and china and they both sound great and are really cheap which is cool. Do you have any pre-show rituals?
Drew: I try to warm up on a practice pad for a good 15 minutes combining singles, doubles, and all the different types of paradiddles. I warm up my feet too by just doing singles on the floor, something to get me a little warm so I don’t go on cold. it’s also very important to stretch. If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…
Drew: I’m not the the best at giving advice but like anything else in life try to have fun, and patience is key nothing will come over night if you
want to be good you must practice. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?
Drew: I was lucky enough to see kirk covington and scott henderson perform at M.I.T. in hollywood and they really blew me away and it seemed like most of it was just improve which made it that much more exciting. If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?
Drew: Wow what a different life that would be, I’d probably be an alcoholic college student going to college for some bullshit degree and playing a ton of video games which i do too much of as it is.
Thanks for your time Ian!!
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