Keep up with Randy Rospopo here:
I started out playing guitar at the age of 14. I played in a few pop punk bands here and there but never really found my niche in the music scene .I learned how to play drums by fooling around on my drummers kit after practice.
After a few months of me secretly playing his kit I found out that drumming came naturally to me and I was soon showing our drummer how to play the drum parts of our songs. 3 years later out of the blue I got a call from my friend Jake and he asked me if I wanted to start a metal band with him with a few of his other friends. I said yes and as fate would have It I got suckered into playing drums for them with the help of our guitarist who gave me my first drum kit. My talents quickly grew and we were playing music and playing shows in no time. This was the birth of my band The Burial.
After two years of hard work and determination we got picked up by and up and coming record label SancroSanct Records in 2007. Since being on the label we have been on countless tours and released a cd titled "Age of Deceit" in March of 09′ since the release of our last cd we have been hard at work trying to write music that tests both our physical and musical abilitys.We believe we have written a perfect blend of shred and melody to quench your metal thirsts. We are about to hit the studio in a month to record our brand new full length cd entitled " The Wine press" which should be out on SancroSanct Records Spring 2010.
Randy Rospopo Interview:
SDM: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?
Randy: When I was in school I wasn’t even a drummer was in choir.If I would have known down the line I would be doing this I totally would have taken them.
SDM: Who are your top 5 metal influences?
Randy: Tough Choices! They would have to be Matt Greiner (August Burns Red), Brad Fickeisen (The Red Chord), Marshall Weiczorek (Wretched), Shannon Lucas (The Black Dahlia Murder), Brent Duckett (Becoming The Archetype)
SDM: Who are some other of your favorites?
Randy: Lyle Cooper of The Faceless, Sam AppleBaum of Veil Of Maya, Navene Koperweis of Animosity and George Kollias of Nile.
SDM: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation
Within The Ruins "Creature"
Wretched "Exodus Of Autonomy"
The Faceless "Planetary Duality"
The Red Chord "Fed Through The Teeth Machine"
Into The Moat "The Design"
SDM: What do you do to warm up before a show?
Randy: I have a routine. First, I start by setting up my kit and doing a few rudiments take a bit of time to zone out and tweak and tune my drums if it is needed. I do my stretches,I stretch everything to stay loose and most importantly drink water to keep me hydrated.
SDM: Do you read music? Regardless of answering yes or no, please tell us how it might have effected your playing?
Randy: No, I never really learned how to read sheet music. I’ve always played by ear.In a way I think it helps me with my learning and improvisational skills. Since I have a natural ear, I can usually figure out a groove just by watching,listening and breaking the groove down.The time it takes just depends on the complexity of the groove.
SDM: Can you tell us about the gear you use?
Randy: Right now I am playing a late 80’s early 90’s Ebony custom satin stained Pearl Export. I am sort of a handy man so I have created and installed my very own custom suspension mounts for my toms. I use both Sabian and Zildian cymbals. I believe I have the best of both worlds.For my pedals I am using a twin chain drive Pearl Eliminator and The Heart of my kit and my baby is a 10 ply 12 x 7 amber Pearl Soprano maple snare drum.
SDM: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…
Randy: If you are passionate about drumming try to attain as much information as possible. Analyze everything and learn from books, videos, shows, friends and teachers.Jam with other drummers.It is amazing how much someone can learn by exchanging beats with other drum bums.
SDM: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?
Randy: I saw August Burns Red in 07, the first year that they had came to Cornerstone festival and Matt Greiner played flawlessly. It was seriously like listening to the Cd! He is probably the most solid drummer I have ever seen.
SDM: Aside from drumming, what else do you like to do?
Randy: I am a huge Video game nerd. If we’re not touring or writing than you can probably catch me doing one of two things. Hanging out with friends or Playing MW2 online.
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