Michael Roponus


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Michael Roponus


I started music theory when I was 6 in the local music school. I picked up the drum sticks when I was 8 in order to study the first rudiments on the snare drum. Percussion like timbales, xylophone and vibraphone came along the learning process. When I was 15, I seriously started playing the drum kit.

After several degrees obtained in the famous “Dante Agostini” School, I decide to go for the metal adventure, playing in different bands and multiplying gigs. Om Mani finally allows me to express myself the way I want to in a band context, polyrythmics, groove, dynamics, etc…We keep on playing live, a maxi’s on the way out, “Help is on the way”, we’re working on a full-length reelease planned for 2007. I also play in a band called “Demians”, a project where I had to learn all the drum parts previously composed, the first album, “Building an empire”, will be out somewhere 2007.






Michael Roponus Interview:




SD.com: How old were you when you started playing?

Mike: I started the snare drum when I was 8, in a small music school, doing a lot of contests, marchs and only after that, percussion.Timbales mostly, a little xylophone. When I turned 15, I finally decided to step to a drum kit, starting with rock sliding to jazz. Landing on metal, wich stays one of my major influences but never the only one.



SD.com: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Mike: Yes, I played from 8 to 16 in alocal drum corps doing parades and concerts, it was a very enriching experience , very good.



SD.com: Ever take any lessons?

Mike: I took lessons in the Town music school. Then I decided to go further, so I joined a drum school, “Dante Agostini”, wich is quite famous in France. There’s where I discovered my drumming errors, all that was keeping me from progressing. I had an excellent teacher who fixed me all up but always helping me build my musical personality.



SD.com: Who are your top 5 influences?

Mike: Talking about drummers: Tool’s Dany Carey mostly, he’s the one who always blows me away, in studio and on stage. His way of “thinking” the drum parts, his breaks and the multiple polyrythmics he subtly slides in his rythms and all that is a great source of inspiration. Thomas Haake of Meshuggah, principally for his double bass and snare playing. Porcupine Tree’s Gavin Harisson for his finesse, regularity and groove. Dennis Chambers, one of the only technicians I like, of course, he’s a “talker” but nevertheless a monster, I like his snare playing. Vinnie Colaiuta, enormous with Zappa but even more with Sting. Live, he blew me away, a real alien of drumming, his finesse stays a model for me.



Michael Roponus



SD.com: Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

Mike: Here, I’ll give you some bands : Tool, Meshuggah, Porcupine Tree, Sigur Ros, Dave Matthews Band. And many more…



SD.com: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation


“aenima” – Tool
“Nothing” – meshuggah
” ( ) ” – Sigur Ros
” El cielo” – Dredg
“In absentia” – Porcupine tree



SD.com: Do you practice any specific rudiments or combo’s regularly?

Mike: Yes, I regularly work with the “Stick Control” Method, a real Bible of rudiments. I work on all kind of rudiments, hands or feet, on every nuance, all tempos.



SD.com: What is your favorite part of your drum kit?

Mike: Hard to say, depends on the style we’re playing. I’ll say the snare wich stays an elemental part of my playing.



Michael Roponus



SD.com: Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Mike: Yes, I warm up before shows, a few rudiments on a pad.I always warm up my feet with rudiments. After that I go and check the band playing before us in order to pick up the vibe and be excited to hit the stage.



SD.com: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

Mike: Be patient, don’t want to go too fast, speed is nothing if you don’t know your drum kit. I often see drummers who can play real fast, and of course, it looks real impressive but in the other hand, it’s so chaotic and often you see the same drummers totally lost playing slower tempos. And there’s where you really can see that certain things don’t “fit”. So, be patient, take time to do things “right” and mostly keep having fun playing. Playing with too much “hassles” is the best way to get fed up with



SD.com: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Mike: Tool in Paris, Olympia, May 2002. Amazing show!



SD.com: If you had to stop drumming, what elsw would you want to do with your life?

Mike: Probably illustrator or designer but that’s a question I wouldn’t like to answer…


Michael Roponus


Только неожиданное появление моей сестры помешало мулату.

Для этого сдержанного аристократа это значило только одно что всю оставшуюся жизнь ему не придется беспокоиться о деньгах, а о них-то он и не особенно беспокоился.

Это-то нас и беспокоит, снова вздохнул президент.

Ни военные, ни разведчики из КГБ, никто не смог определить,

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