Jordan Belfast


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Jordan Belfast


When I got my first kit I was just jamming a lot of Metallica, Sabbath and Zeppelin with my buds after school. I started getting into Slayer and Pantera after taking drum lessons for a bit and bought a Double pedal. Things have slowly progressed from there, the music got more intense, faster and heavier. I had to keep progressing because I  hear all these new bands (new to me)  with amazing drummers and it just makes me practice more. It became one of my favorite things to do and still is.


Jordan Belfast Interview: When did you start playing drums?

JB: When I was about 12. Do you play in a school band or any drum corps?

JB: No, I wish I did, I’m sure it would have improved my playing. Have you ever taken any lessons?

JB: Yea, I took lessons for a year or two and it helped me get the basics down. Who are your top 5 influences?

JB: That’s tough…

Derek Roddy
Vinnie Paul
John Longstreth
Gene Hoglan Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?


George Kollias is amazing
Tomas Haake
Tim Yeung
Pete Hammoura
Bill Ward



Jordan Belfast Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation


Dim Mak-Knives of Ice
Hate Eternal-King of all Kings
Morbid Angel-Domination
Black Sabbath-Sabotage
and theres always Pantera like once a day aleast. Do you practice any specific rudiments or combo’s regularly?

JB: Yea, I do alot of rudiments when I’m warming up or just messing around on a practice pad. What is your favorite part of your drum kit?

JB: Well since my kit is pretty crappy I would say my Sabians, I think they are the best cymbals out there for what I do. If you could give one piece of advice to younger drummers, it would be…

JB: Practice. alot. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

JB: Suffocation was amazing last time they came through those guys are the real deal. If you had to stop drumming, what else do you want to do with your life?

JB: Play guitar and focus more on sound engineering.




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