So Hideous – Danny Moncada – Exclusive Play-Through of "My Light"
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Danny Moncada is a drummer based in New York City. His band So Hideous combines black metal, post-hardcore, and orchestral elements. The debut full-length album, Last Poem/First Light, will be released October 22, 2013. It was recorded by Dean Baltulonis (Agnostic Front, Lucero) and features an actual orchestra and choir. Prior to forming So Hideous, Moncada toured the world as part of the live musical soundtrack for Tony Award-winning choreographer Bill T. Jones' modern dance company.
Danny Moncada Interview:
SDM: How old were you when you started playing?
Danny: I was 13 when I started playing drums.
SDM: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?
Danny: I actually started off in a marching band for a Boy Scout troop I was in at the time. We would sometimes play in the Memorial Day parade.
SDM: Who are your top 5 metal influences?
Danny: George Kollias, Darren Cesca, Derek Roddy, Blake Richardson, and Nicholas Barker.
SDM: Who are some other of your favorites?
Danny: Well I'm huge fan of Neil Peart. He's got to be the best drummer in the world in my eyes, and I love the band Rush. Also a huge fan of the Mars Volta. Great musicians all around if you ask me.
SDM: Let us know 5 CD's that are in your current rotation
Danny: Katatonia – Viva La Emptiness, Enslaved – Isa, Tool – Lateralus, Morbid Angel – Covenant, and Interpol – Turn Off The Bright Lights
SDM: What do you do to warm up before a show?
Danny: Usually I like to head to my studio early in the day and practice my whole kit for a few hours, pack up my drums and head to the show. If the show is out of state or I'm on tour then, I'll just warm up with some paradiddles on my practice pads – then rock out!
SDM: Do you read music? Regardless of answering yes or no, please tell us how it might have effected your playing?
Danny: No, I don't read music, but I am learning though. I don't practice reading it as much as I should. I do take lessons for it here and there and I was in school for performing arts for a bit as well. My plan is to go back to get my degree at some point. I feel the more I learn to read and play music, the better I will become. It's what I love doing.
SDM: Can you tell us about the gear you use?
Danny: I use a Pearl Vision 5 piece kit, I've had it for almost 10 years and she still sounds pretty good. It's still in great shape and I don't plan on trading her in anytime soon. If I did, I would like to maybe upgrade to nice DW kit.
SDM: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…
Danny: Practice everyday. That's what all the greats do, they just practice as much as possible. I wish I practiced more than I do now.
SDM: Who gave the best live performance you've ever seen?
Danny: The greatest performance I've ever seen would have to be when I saw Between The Buried and Me perform on a Halloween at Gramercy Theater a few years back. Can't remember the year, but it was when they were doing the tour for their album Colors. I love that album so much. It's one of my favorite albums to listen to. They played the entire thing straight through without missing a beat and it was simply amazing.
SDM: Aside from drumming, what else do you like to do?
Danny: I love reading. I find books very fascinating and I love a good story. I even love to read poetry and plan to write my own some day.
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