Aaron Chiazza

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Aaron Chiazza

My interest for music sparked when I was intoduced to Elvis Presley. At the time I was roughly age 4 and had no idea I wanted to play the drums. That Christmas I recieved one of those cheese ball toy kits and it started there. I beat the kit until it was completely through and played with Lincoln Logs on the ground for the next couple years. I got my first real drumset when I was 9 and started playing along with funk records. To be honest, at that age, I was terrified of metal.

I started my music education in the fifth grade. The education side of music has always played a huge role in my life and always will. I moved along middle school continuing to play percussion. This was around the time that I was turned on to marching drum line.I also joined my first band at this time. I had basically quit every other activity that I was involved in to invest my time into music. I had always listened to fusion, funk, jazz, and classical so writing along to metal was a challenge. That physical and creative challenge is what I really enjoy about metal/death metal. With so many bands popping up, it is hard to be original. That is why I held on tight to the other genres of music that I listened to.

Entering High School was huge because that was when I got very serious about playing.  Before my freshman year, I tried out and made the snare drum line at my high school.  Being the typical high school student, I shortly quit after that figuring that the experience would be lame. I got a call from the band director who had previously been the teacher at my middle school. At the time, he was very sick and asked that I come back. I respect this man more than I can express so I took his word for it. It was the smartest decission I have yet to make. I would not be nearly as interested in music if it werent for him nudging me in the right direction. Shortly after that, he passed but continues to be a great inspiration. Between the busy schedule that the music program at the school put me through, I still managed to play in and out of bands with my brother/best friend.  Coming out of my junior year, being in bands came to a halt and I joined the Sacramento Mandarins Drum Corps. After a season of marching drum corps, I came home and joined a group called Season To Fall. We all lacked a bit of experience but alot of learning came from that specific band. We did some recording in the northern California area and things slowed down for us and the band stopped. With that at an end, Justin(brother) and I started Beard The Lion.

Beard The Lion came about with the intention of stretching our arms in the genre and pushing our own limits and ability. At first, we had a tough time completing a lineup.  After a couple auditions, we had the perfect fit for each instrument. Justin (Guitar)
Jess (Guitar) Nick (Bass) Krystian (Vocals) and me on drums. This group has satisfied me more than any other group I have been in and plan to do heavy touring with Beard The Lion. We released our debut EP entitled “Macromastia”, which means unhealthy large breasts. I am currently taking a break from college but plan to go back and finish my degree in Jazz Studies.


Aaron Chiazza Interview:


SD.com: How old were you when you started playing?

Aaron: I started playing at the age of 9.  I am now 20



SD.com: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Aaron:  Yeah, both. I played in school band in elementary, middle school, and high school. I left college a bit ago. I was working on getting my jazz degree. I do plan to go back and finish. I marched drum corps with the Sacramento Mandarins, that was a huge experience that taught me alot about music and myself.



SD.com: Who are your top 5 influences?

Aaron: My family, Larry Holloway, Elvin Jones, Andrew Heglund, and anyone who says no to musical conformity.



SD.com: Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

Aaron: Elvin Jones, David Garibaldi and Navene Koperweis



Aaron Chiazza



SD.com: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Brand New – The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Of Me
Animosity – Animal
Coldplay – Parachutes
Dr. Octagon – Dr. Octagonecologyst
Michael Jackson – Thriller



SD.com: What do you do to warm up before a show?

Aaron:  I usually dont do a whole lot. I find a wall and stretch my legs off on that, and then stretch my fingers. I sometimes pull out a pad but my nerves usually take over and help me out.



SD.com: Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?

Aaron:  We had a show at a small pub in my home town. The tiny place was packed. My parents were there so I automatically felt better about playing. Nothing huge about the show but it just felt right.



SD.com: Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?

Aaron:  I love my DW drums but I think all companies have their ups and downs so I choose not to take sides on companies.



Aaron Chiazza



SD.com: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

Aaron:  I would presume that most people who read this are metal drummers. I think a huge mistake that young drummers playing metal make is that they jump into playing metal and have no other influence or playing background. If the only thing you listen to is metal, it’s almost garunteed that you will become a clone. Have a mind for yourself, and dont play music to make friends. Play what you want to, when you want to.



SD.com: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Aaron:  That is way tough so I will just name a few. Hall & Oates, Navene Koperweis with The Faceless, Earth Wind & Fire.



SD.com: If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

Aaron:  My first venture would be to take up art and photography.


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