Josh ODonnell


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Josh O'Donnell



My name is Josh O’Donnell and I have been playing for 4-5 years.  My mom actually got me into drums when I was 13 because she thought I’d be good with timing and everything that comes with the responsibility of drumming, as Robert Sweet puts it “Visual Timekeeper”.  Anyway when I was really young maybe a year old or so I used to slam my head against my crib when music was playing.  Now whether or not that was a sign of my ability to keep time or maybe that was my attempt to make myself mentally retarded, I guess that’s up for you to decide.

I got into the metal scene slowly at first and then I was hooked.  I was listening to stuff like 12 Stones but nothing that satisfied my hunger for “go out and punch somebody in the face metal”.  Some people I know are kind of offended I guess at first when they hear deep throat grinding
screams and growls but I loved it at first and wanted to mimic it.  Then I started listening to stuff like Zao and Norma Jean.  It just got harder from there on out.  Now I just love playing it.  There’s a feeling I get that I can’t describe but I always leave practice feeling accomplished.



Josh O’Donnell Interview: How old were you when you started playing?

Josh: Probably around 13 years old. Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Josh: No, I was never into that cause I go to a private school and they have individual drums but never anything more.  I was just never into playing one drum at a time.  I do respect the guys that do that stuff but it was just never my thing. Ever take any lessons?

Josh: Kind of. I don’t know, the guy (Joe Schultz) was from my church and he showed how to hold the sticks and a basic 4 count beat. But then he went off to the war in Iraq and that about stopped the lessons.  Except for one guy, I forget his name, but he showed the same stuff Joe showed me and that was it after one lesson.  So yeah I guess they count as lessons but nothing real in depth. Who are your top 5 influences?

Josh: There are so many. Jordan Mancino- basic beats, Chris Adler-technicality , Ted Kirkpatrick- Just because, Jonathas Carlos- blast beats, and Steve Robinson- just the way he goes off on his own during breakdowns and stuff



Josh O'Donnell Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

Josh: Yeah uh, definitely Neil Peart, Robert Sweet, Jason Bittner, Rickard Gustaffson and all the guys I listed above. Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Josh: Akeldema- Field of Blood (its not out yet but I get to liten to it cause I made it.  You can get a peak at our myspace.

Killswitch Engage- End of Heartache
All Shall Perish- Hate Malice Revenge
As I Lay Dying- Shadows Are Security
Divine Symphony- Reject Darkness Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?

Josh: No not really. I try to play consistently all the time.  If I change a beat or miss a roll while we’re practicing I’ll get mad at myself. I won’t show it but I’ll make sure I don’t do it again. Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?

Josh: Yeah Sabian cymbals are by far the best brand in my mind. Camber bells are pretty intense too. As of right now I have a hybrid kit so with drums there is really no preference as of yet.



Josh O'Donnell Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Josh: Praying, Warming up my hands. Calming nerves cause when I get excited sometimes I’ll blast too fast for the riff or my feet won’t be in tune with what the guitars are playing. If you could give one piece of advice to younger drummers, it would be…

Josh: Practice everyday. God has blessed me so if I’m away from my set for let’s say a week (I have no idea how that could happen. Vacation?) I really don’t notice a difference but if it has been longer I notice I’m not as quick or precise and at this level those things are crucial. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Josh: Robert Sweet. Cause he just beats himself up while he’s playing and I don’t think I could whack myself in the head with sticks repeatedly and still play to an impressive level of skill. If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

Josh: Probably State police or Swat or anything physical that would involve fighting or beating the crap out of people. Maybe UFC or Marines, if I got bigger.


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