Tyson Jupin

Monday Metal Mayhem PodCast Interview with Tyson Jupin…  {enclose tyson_jupin_1107.mp3}


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Tyson Jupin


My name is Tyson Jupin and I currently play drums for metal bands WARFACE and VILE. I am sending you a copy of the latest VILE album, “The New Age of Chaos,” which was released on Unique Leader Records in the United States and on Listenable Records in Europe. Also enclosed is the latest WARFACE album “Insanity of the Obsessed,” which is currently available in stores and online. Both are getting great reviews in America and abroad and are featured in many magazines and webzines. Both VILE and WARFACE are currently taking major steps to move into the forefront of the heavy metal arena and I am also doing the same with my playing and equipment.


I have been playing the drums for 14 years and have been involved in three major metal bands: WARFACE (based out of San Diego), VILE (based out of San Francisco), and OBELISK (based out of San Diego). I recorded my first album for OBELISK, titled “Enter Thy Realm,” in 1999 when I was 19 years old. The album was self-released and OBELISK had a huge following in San Diego’s metal scene. In 2000, I became the drummer for VILE and in 2002 recorded VILE’s second album, “Depopulate,” which was released by Unique Leader Records in America and Listenable Records in Europe. In 2004, I placed 4th in the World’s Fastest Drummer contest for the Battle of the Feet with 840 beats in one minute. For PIT Magazine’s 50th Anniversary Issue out Spring 2005, I received a full-page interview and picture in the Drum Corner section.


Tyson Jupin



On October 18, 2005, VILE released its third full-length album entitled “The New Age of Chaos,” released on Unique Leader Records and Listenable Records. It contains a mixture of modern extreme metal influences including prominent Black Metal style melodies as well as VILE’s patented pit invoking grooves. The drumming is unique and influential with blazing double bass, intricate rolls, double ride and hi-hat techniques, and a sense of groove that is uncompromising. “The New Age of Chaos” will surely be place among the “Death Metal Elite.”


In July of 2006, I joined WARFACE in support of their latest album “Insanity of the Obsessed,” released on August 15th 2006. WARFACE delivers extreme metal that combines aggressive technical riffing, heavy and monstrous vocals, and intense and intricate drumming with pounding double bass and powerful drum beats.



Tyson Jupin Interview:


SD.com: How old were you when you started playing?

Tyson: I was 12 years old when I got my first 5-piece drumkit.  It had a single bass, a hi hat and two cymbals.


SD.com: How old were you when you started playing?

Tyson: I was 12 years old when I got my first 5-piece drumkit.  It had a single bass, a hi hat and two cymbals.


SD.com: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Tyson: I played drums in grades 5th- 7th and continued to play heavy metal through middle school and high school.  I also went to clinics and studied music and drumming.


Tyson Jupin


SD.com: Ever take any lessons?

Tyson: I never took any private lessons.  I basically taught myself how to play drums and heavy metal music.  I would listen to tapes and watch videos and just learn what I heard and saw.


SD.com: Who are your top 5 influences?

Tyson: I always listen to Sean Reinert and Gene Hoglan for technique and double hi hat and double ride techniques.  For Death and Black Metal I listen to Derek Roddy from Hate Eternal, Pete Sandoval of Morbid Angel, and Steve Asheim of Deicide.


SD.com: Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your

Tyson: My main influences are my favorites.  But, I also like a lot of Black Metal drummers like Hellhammer, Trym, Frost, Nick Barker, and Fredrick Andersson.  I also got to go with Dave Lombardo of Slayer because of his rolls, intense drum beats, and fast double bass.


SD.com: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Tyson: The new Deicide “The Stench of Redemption” The last Krisiun CD “Assasination” The new Slayer “Christ Illusion”  The old school Annihilator CD “Alice in Hell” and Immortal “Blizzard Beast.” That is one of the CD’s that is always in rotation and has a cold grim feeling to it that is uncompromising.


SD.com: Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?

Tyson: When I played live at the Milwaukee Metal Fest in support of VILE’s tour after the “Depopulate” album came out.  Also playing in San Diego to my home crowd with both WARFACE and VILE.  Both really intense shows.


SD.com: Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?

Tyson: Yes, I play Tama Drums, Paiste Cymbals, Axis Pedals, Promark sticks and the rest of my gear in Coffin Case.


SD.com: Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Tyson: Yeah, I drink a few shots and chant to Odin while I’m getting warmed up behind the drumset.  Then when it’s show time, I change into my battle gear and TapouT shorts, and step on stage with Thorr’s Hammer around my neck.


Tyson Jupin


SD.com: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

Tyson: Just practice everyday if you can and join a good band. You can only improve by playing with other people and in a band, and always try to learn new techniques and stay tight.


SD.com: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Tyson: Sean Reinert of Cynic back in 1994 in Soma in San Diego.  Richard Christy of Death in LA and also Pete Sandoval and Tony Laureano of Angel Corpse – two of the fastest drumming performances I’ve ever seen.


SD.com: If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

Tyson: I would become a wizard and teach myself the secrets of the atmosphere, but instead I spend all of my spare time behind my kit.


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