Keep up with Tobias here:

Tobias "Rotten Boy" Persson: I first picked up a pair of drumsticks at the age of 18 and quickly learned the basics. After only 3 months behind the drumkit I was asked to fill the drumseat in a pop/rock band from my hometown. I played together with this band for 6 months or so after which the band split up. After this I pretty much stopped playing drums until I was 21 when a couple of friends wanted to start a black/death metalband and asked me if I was interested in playing drums with them. As this seemed to be a fun experience, I said yes.
We did a couple of live shows and was about to record a demo when I got a call from Marcus Nilsson (lead guitarist in VB at the time) in 2002 asking me if wanted to play drums with Visceral Bleeding (this since I knew him from before and he knew that I played a bit of drums). He told me that their drummer quit the band just after the recording of the Remnants of Deprivation album and that they now needed a new drummer. He asked me if I was up for the challenge and I accepted, not really knowing what I was getting myself into.
Before I joined Visceral Bleeding I didn’t have a clue what a blastbeat or a grind was so I had to learn it all from scratch and I rehearsed my ass off to learn the songs and to learn how to play drums properly. Since then I've recorded two albums (Transcend into Ferocity and Absorbing the Disarray) and done about 140 live shows with Visceral Bleeding, touring and opening for pretty much all the major and iconic bands in the genre.
Still working on perfecting my techniques and the next Visceral Bleeding album will see a lot of new drum influences, and styles of drumming that I haven't done so much of before, so I have my work cut out for me in the near future!
Tobias "Rotten Boy" Persson Interview:
SDM: How old were you when you started playing?
Tobias: Well, I started out learning to play the guitar at the age of 17 and then a year later I sat behind a drumkit for the first time ever. And whenever I got the chance I tried to play and pick up new stuff on the drums after that, just for the fun of it, guitar and vocals where still at that time my main instruments. It wasn't really until I got the offer to join Visceral Bleeding that I picked up the drums for real and by that time I didn't have a clue what a blastbeat or a grind was.
SDM: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?
Tobias: No.
SDM: Who are your top 5 metal influences?
Tobias: Tomas Haake, Dirk Verbeuren, John Longstreth, Dave McClain, Mario Duplantier.
SDM: Who are some other of your favorites?
Tobias: Mike Mangini, Dave Weckl, Tony Royster Jr, Mike Smith, Dave Grohl, Stef Broks, Dennis Röndum, Vinnie Paul, Chris Pennie.

SDM: Let us know 5 CD's that are in your current rotation
Klone – Black Days
Karnivool – Sound Awake
Textures – Silhouettes
Animals as Leaders – Animals as Leaders
The Dillinger Escape Plan – Option Paralysis
SDM: What do you do to warm up before a show?
Tobias: Usually I just do some light stretching and bending to loosen up my body and then just play different stuff on my practice pad to warm up my wrists and fingers. Playing 16th notes at slower speeds at first then working my way up to "matchspeed" so to speak.
SDM: Do you read music? Regardless of answering yes or no, please tell us how it might have effected your playing?
Tobias: No I can't read a single note. Hasn't really affected my playing I don't think, I'm pretty good at taking out things by ear so…
SDM: Can you tell us about the gear you use?
Tobias: I have an endorsement deal with Adams Drums out of Belgium and I'm rocking an Adams 8000 kit with two 22"x18" bassdrums, 10"x8", 12"x9" and 14"x10" toms, along with a 16"x16" floor tom. Most of my cymbal stands are Pearl B-1000 Boom stands, as well as a couple of Adams stands and a special hi-hat boom stand for my right set of hi-hats that Adams Drums hooked me up with. My cymbals are a mix of Sabians and Anatolian cymbals. I use Trick Pro 1-V Big Foot pedals and Pro-Mark sticks size 5B. Looking to find some solid endorsements for cymbals and sticks though.

SDM: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…
Tobias: Learn proper techniques from the get go! Either by watching instructional videos from known and great drummers or by taking drum lessons. It's really hard and time demanding to correct bad technique, trust me! I was basically just thrown into being a drummer all of a sudden and had to learn Visceral Bleeding's songs as quickly as possible without really knowing how to play correctly. There wasn't really any time for me to build up a good technique. Shit that I've had to work on later which has been a real drag! I guess that's my best tip for young drummers out there as well as this: Stop obsessing about speed! Speed isn't everything. A good technique and creating your own unique sound on the drumkit is way more important and will get you a lot more recognition in the long run. Play as many different styles as you can, cause that will give you a lot bigger platform to stand on as a drummer, and will help you build your own sound in the end. Just playing one type of music will hinder you to evolve as a musician.
SDM: Who gave the best live performance you've ever seen?
Tobias: The Dillinger Escape Plan at KB in Malmö where I lived a couple years back. Both guitarists and the singer climbed up to a long metal pipe holding up the PA speakers in the roof and hung upside down playing guitar and singing. Shit was insane and I was ecstatic!
SDM: Aside from drumming, what else do you like to do?
Tobias: Play guitar and write new shit for the band, listen to music, hit the gym, play tennis, play Xbox, party, watch movies and just chill with friends.

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