Mauro Mercurio

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Mauro Mercurio

Mauro Mercurio was born at Roma (Italy) in 1984, and begin to play drums at 13 years old. In 1999 he records his first demo with Hour of Penance. With this demo the band play at Gotheborg deathfest in Sweden, his first show out of Italy at the age of 16. In 2003 he records the first Hour of Penance album “Disturbance”, with the qualify of “top album” in most of zine of extreme music. With this album the band signs a deal with Xtreem Music for 2 cd. Peageantry For Martyrs next Disturbance, and this album definitely open all doors to Hour of Penance. They also do to promote this album an European Tour with the masters Krisiun. In 2006 Mauro enter in the Roman death/thrash metal combo Eyeconoclast and records with them a demo and an album “Unassigned death chapter”. In 2007 Hour of Penance signs with Unique Leader, one of the best label for this kind of music, and record the new cd “The Vile Conception”. The rest is the present.Hour of Penance will do an european tour with Origin and Impaled to promote their new massacre.





Mauro Mercurio Interview: How old were you when you started playing?

Mauro: When I started to play drums i was 13 years old. I began to play in first rock and classic metal like Metallica, and after i have chosen the extreme way. In 2000 Hour of Penance was born when i was 16 years old, and it’s again my current band, i’m the only founder member remains. Now i play also in Eyeconoclast, death thrash metal band, and also in Fleshgod Apocalypse. Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Mauro: No i’m self-taught. I saw alot of video of different drummers, i’m very open minded with my instrument, i like to play different styles of music, it’s very important to become a complete drummer. I can say that my teachers are Derek Roddy, Dave Lombardo, Gene Hoglan, Pete Sandoval, Vinnie Colaiuta, Virgil Donati etc. ehehe. I saw a lot of their video and thanks to him i’m what i am now. I did a very hard practise, every day, for 10 years. 10 years of sickness ehehe Who are your top 5 influences?

Mauro: mmm difficult to say about the extreme drumming… for me the top 5 are:

1-Pete Sandoval
2-Derek Roddy
3-Sean Reinert
4-George Kollias
5-Tim Yeung Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?

Mauro: I think that the masters of this kind of music are now: George Kollias, Inferno, Romain Goulon, the good old Sandoval, Reno Killerich, Derek Roddy.Too many to mention 😉



Mauro Mercurio Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Mauro: I listen music always in my car, and my current rotation these months are: 1 Suffocation – Despise the sun(a masterpiece!), 2 Hate Eternal – Conquering the throne(their best album forme), 3 Dying Fetus -Destroy the opposition, 4-Deeds of Flesh – Reduced toashes, and 5 Hour Of Penance – The Vile Conception.y es i’m the first fan of my band! What do you do to warm up before a show?

Mauro: I do single stroke rolls with pads in first with hands and after with feet about 30 minutes before the massacre. I also do stratching before the warm up. After the warm up i take 5 minutes of relax, it’s very important for the muscles before playing. Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?

Mauro: yes, i remember very well. For me my best performances were at Neurotic Death Fest and also in Death Fest Open Air in Germany last year. When I saw the shows on video i was stupefied! Very fucking great shows not only for our performance but also for the response of the people.



Mauro Mercurio Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?

Mauro: There are excellent brand of drums.but Tama is Tama. I have a Tama Starclassic kit in birch shells and i’m in love with her. I prefer birch instead of maple. About cymbals i really like the sound of Zildijan and Sabian stuff. My set is composed by Zildijan, Sabian and Ufip Cymbals. About drumstick i usually use Pro Mark Millenium II. If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

Mauro: Practice, practice and practice again. This is the secrete. Play about 1 hour a day with various exercices, also with metronome, it’s very important to become a perfect drummer. Another point is listen TO MUCH music, live with her, to learn how to play drums in every kind of music. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Mauro: The best show i see for me is in Roma when i saw Hate Eternal + Dying Fetus + Deeds of Flesh, a fucking massacre and a very stunning performance of the bands. If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

Mauro: If i stop drumming i want to work again in music, maybe a label or something else. Music is my life and a i cannot live without it. I’ll try to play this kind of music also at 60 years old!ahaha

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