Justin Rousselle


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You want to talk about Sick? Justin sounds like a drum machine!, without the plug…  This guy is unbelievable, make sure you go to the Myspace page and listen to him jam.

Justin Rousselle of  Beneath the Massacre is a Death Metal drummer from Montreal, Canada. Their most recent album, Evidence of Inequity, was released in 2005, under Galy Records. In early 2006, the band signed with Prosthetic Records and will release its first album on the label in 2007.

Justin Rousselle

Straight out of Montreal Canada, Beneath the Massacre was formed in the summer of 2004 with the intention of doing a dedicated grinding technical death metal band. Even before their first live appearance in October 2004 measures where taken to assure a soon to come studio session. After playing a few other shows the band entered Victor studio with Yannick St-Amand in January 2005 to produce their first 5 song EP entitled “Evidence of Inequity” which is a response to contemporary human exploitation. After the release of the EP, former member Christian Pepin (guitar) quit the band to concentrate on school and political activism. At the same period of time, Elliot (vocals) was going under the knife for a hernia surgery. Therefore, the summer of 2005 has been a quiet one for the band.

Two months after Chris’s departure and Elliot’s surgery, Beneath the Massacre has put an end to the wait by coming back on stage on August 27th as a four piece still looking for a new member to fill the 2nd guitar spot.



Justin Rousselle Interview:


SD.com: How old were you when you started playing?

Justin: I bought my first kit when I was 14 and started my first serious band at 16, and played my first show at 18

SD.com: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Justin::  Nope, there to many people who wanted to play drums in the high school band, so I decided to play the bass instead.

SD.com: Ever take any lessons?

Justin: I tried a few times but could never get a good teacher and now i’m just to damn busy all the time

SD.com: Who are your top 5 influences?

Justin: To be honest i don’t have to many influences, I mostly just pick up tips by looking at differeny drummers. But as a teenager, my biggest influence was Flo mounier from cryptopsy and at the time I was also checking out a lot of videos of Mike portnoy (Dream Theater).
Right now the main drummer i Find great is Derek roddy(Hate eternal), he’s just so solid on the drums and has a great philosohy about drumming that I take deeply into consideration.

SD.com: Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites? 

Justin: -Derek Rody (hate eternal)
John Merryman (Cephalic carnage)
Hans Grossman (Necrophagist)
Alex Pelletier (Despised Icon)


Justin Rousselle

SD.com: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Justin: I listen to a lot of music, but the bands above are those i listen mostly to as far as death metal goes

SD.com: Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?

Justin: This night was not maybe the best for playing but it’s were I enjoyed myself the most. It was the both times we played in Rouyn-Noranda,Qc, once with decapitated and once with Leng’tche and fuck the facts. It was seriously the best crowd ever and the place was great a long with the parties.

SD.com: Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?

Justin: Well, I’ve benn playing on an old tama swingstar kit for a few years with sabian and zildjian cymbals. I’ve been looking to upgrade but there are so many good brands i’M really not sure at the moment.

SD.com: Do you have any pre-show rituals? 

Justin: Before shows I always start warming up by playing our set on my practice pad about 2 bands before us. And just before the show i grab an energy drink.Then i’m good to rock out!

SD.com: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

Justin: I start by saying, take your time,don’t try to learnto fast, learn the right way by practicing different
techniques and then move on to the next level.Most of all don’t get discouraged: what i mean is that when you see crazy drummers and you’re really impressed don’t give up when you get on your kit and realize that you can hardly do that beat:practice. Most of all:Have fun

SD.com: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Justin: Seriously, the show i liked the most was when i was 15 and saw Strung out and propagandhi .

SD.com: If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

Justin: I would definetly go back to college or university, because I was going to school but decided to put that aside to dedicate myself to the band. After that who know’s, probably travel and meet people.


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