Keep up with Juan here:
I was born in September 11 of 1974, I have listened to death metal music during last 16 years, but as a drummer I started 8 years ago. Drumming is the best in my life in spite of I began too late it has not been a problem to show how far a human been can go. I created my own band “Mental Apraxia” in 2001, after some years I joined to Mindly Rotten, in these two bands I play different death metal styles. Drumming in Colombia is very difficult due to economical problems but my passion for drumming is huge, it is my life, I work every single day to improve my skills and to avoid the time.
Juan Carlos Interview: How old were you when you started playing?
Juan: Actually I started too late, I stared when I was 26 years old. IT IS NO A JOKE. I self-taught, that has been the clue for me. Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?
Juan: no, when I was studying, school bands were no common in my region, however I took some lessons at the university in order to learn Colombian music (percussion). In addition, I met a person who taught me some tips to play drum. All what I have learned is based on videos and books. Who are your top 5 influences?
Juan: I think that my influences came to me trough bands, but talking about drummer influences; Derek Rody, Chad walls, Flo monier, Dave Lombardo, George kolliaz and some others. Assuming that influences do not mean favorites, who are your favorites?
Juan: they are my influences and my favorites. Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation
Juan: My favorites are pure Blast and harmony: Awaking the Rebel: internal suffering Instruments of torture: Brodequin Ithyphallic: Nile Mental Apraxia and Mindly Rotten next full length cds. What do you do to warm up before a show?
Juan: I stretch as much as possible, that’s the clue for playing solid and focused, I practice in my pads, I work out with my twin pedal about 30 or 40 minutes and them I go to total brutal death grind escene. Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?
Juan: I think that every show is different, every show had have a different feeling for me. Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?
Juan: of course, my zildjizn z custom crash, my 20 inches zildjian avedis ride, my Chinese sabian ax extreme, I love Chinas they sound like a thunder. If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…
Juan: Practice every single day, make drumming part of your life, NOTHING is enough. Try to put your body in a good physical and psychological level. Metal demands of you an extreme effort, it is not for weaker people. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?
Juan: unfortunately good, brutal and foreign bands have not came to Colombia , but I still waiting for them, specially bands from my favorite drummers. If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?
Juan: due to I began so late, I think that it will not happen soon, I will continue working as a teacher in a public school trying to show to the students the real world , a world manipulated by demi gods.
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